Guide to Create a DEX on TON

BeginnerOct 11, 2024
Today, decentralized exchanges (DEX) are taking over, and the TON blockchain is at the forefront of this revolution. But what exactly makes DEX the future of trading? And why should you care about TON?
Guide to Create a DEX on TON

Forward the Original Title ‘How to Create a DEX on the TON Blockchain? The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide’

The world of trading is changing — fast. Gone are the days when you had to rely on a centralized exchange, waiting for transactions to process, and hoping nothing goes wrong with your funds. Today, decentralized exchanges (DEX) are taking over, and the TON blockchain is at the forefront of this revolution. But what exactly makes DEX the future of trading? And why should you care about TON?

Why DEX is the Future of Trading?

Let’s start with the basics. In traditional finance, or even centralized crypto exchanges, there’s always a middleman. Whether it’s a bank, a broker, or a centralized platform, someone is managing the process — and taking a cut. It’s not just about the fees either; it’s about control. They hold your assets, they approve transactions, and they decide who gets in or out.

In contrast, decentralized exchanges remove that middleman. Users control their assets directly, and trades happen peer-to-peer. This means no one else touches your funds, there are no unnecessary delays, and the power is in your hands. It’s a bit like being your own bank — pretty cool, right?

And the best part? You get financial sovereignty. You aren’t bound by any institution’s rules, and your assets remain under your control. The rise of DEX shows that traders are beginning to value this autonomy, and it’s becoming clear that the future belongs to decentralized trading.

What Makes the TON Blockchain Stand Out?

Now, you might wonder — why TON? What makes this blockchain so special for building a DEX?

The TON (The Open Network) blockchain has its roots in innovation, originally developed by the same minds behind Telegram. TON isn’t just another blockchain in the crowd. It was designed with speed, scalability, and security at its core — all the ingredients a successful DEX needs. Its architecture allows for lightning-fast transactions (no one likes waiting!), and its sharding technology ensures that the system can scale with ease as it grows.

And then there’s the DeFi aspect. TON is quickly becoming a go-to choice for decentralized finance applications, including DEXs. Its ability to facilitate high-frequency trades, low transaction fees, and seamless integration with other blockchains makes it a key player in the decentralized finance ecosystem. \

Creating a DEX on the TON blockchain is a smart move, thanks to its lightning-fast transactions, low fees, and secure, decentralized architecture. With its scalable infrastructure and cross-chain interoperability, TON provides an ideal foundation for a thriving decentralized exchange.

What Exactly is a DEX?

At its core, a DEX is a platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without relying on a central authority. Think of it as a marketplace where buyers and sellers can interact directly, without a broker or middleman taking a commission or controlling the assets. In a DEX, trades are executed through smart contracts — essentially automated scripts that carry out transactions once certain conditions are met.

The main difference here is that, unlike centralized exchanges, you maintain full control over your assets. You don’t need to trust the platform to hold your funds, and there’s no third-party risk. It’s kind of like going from buying from a store (centralized) to trading directly with a peer in a marketplace (decentralized).

How a DEX Operates on TON Blockchain?

So how does this magic happen on the TON blockchain? Here’s where things get interesting.

TON’s DEX uses smart contracts to automate trades. These contracts are pre-programmed with the rules of the trade — if both parties agree, the smart contract does its job, and the trade happens automatically. No waiting for approvals. No middlemen.

There are two main ways to execute trades on a DEX: liquidity pools and order books. Liquidity pools are kind of like giant pots of money where users can add their funds to help facilitate trades. They allow users to trade assets instantly without needing to match buyers with sellers directly. On the other hand, order books let users place buy and sell orders, which are then matched with others looking for the same trade.

TON’s decentralized economy also goes beyond simple trading. Staking, liquidity farming, and providing liquidity pools are just a few ways you can supplement your income by participating in this decentralized financial ecosystem.

Why Choose TON Blockchain for Your DEX?

So, why should you choose TON over other blockchains? Let’s dive into the details.

Lightning-Fast Transactions and Unmatched Scalability

Speed is everything in the crypto world, and TON does not disappoint. Thanks to sharding technology, the TON blockchain can handle thousands of transactions per second. Imagine a road that keeps adding more lanes as traffic increases. That’s essentially how sharding works — it splits the network into smaller “shards” that process transactions in parallel. No congestion, no delays, just smooth and fast trading.

But it’s not just about speed; scalability matters too. As your DEX grows and more users jump on board, TON effortlessly scales with it, ensuring that the system remains efficient no matter how large it gets.

Low Transaction Fees: A Game-Changer for Traders

We’ve all been there — staring at hefty transaction fees that eat away at our profits. With TON, that’s less of a problem. Transaction fees on TON are incredibly low, making it an attractive option for high-frequency traders or those dealing with smaller transactions. In fact, these low fees are what make TON especially popular among traders who want to make frequent trades without watching their profits get drained by fees.

Compare this to other blockchains where fees can spike during periods of high demand, and you’ll see why TON is a great choice for traders. It’s like shopping in a store that doesn’t charge you a fortune just to check out.

Security and Decentralization: The Backbone of Trust

One of the biggest selling points of any blockchain is its security, and TON excels in this area. The decentralized nature of TON ensures that no single entity can control or manipulate the network. It’s a bit like having your house in a neighborhood where every home is responsible for its own security — there’s no central authority to worry about.

Since users maintain control over their own assets, there’s no need to trust a central authority to handle funds. This decentralization significantly reduces the risk of hacks, fraud, or mismanagement. In other words, your funds stay safe and under your control — exactly where they should be.

Cross-Chain Interoperability: Trade Beyond Boundaries

TON doesn’t just stop at its own ecosystem — it’s designed to be cross-chain compatible. This means that traders can seamlessly interact with other blockchains, facilitating trades beyond just TON. It’s like being able to shop in any market, anywhere in the world, without having to change your currency or go through extra steps.

Cross-chain DEX solutions are growing in importance as traders look for ways to diversify their portfolios without getting stuck in one ecosystem. TON’s architecture makes this a reality, giving you the ability to expand your trading horizons far beyond the confines of a single blockchain.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a DEX on the TON Blockchain

Building a decentralized exchange (DEX) can seem like a mammoth task, but when you break it down, it’s a series of logical steps. In this section, we’ll walk you through a straightforward, step-by-step guide to launching your own DEX on the TON blockchain. Whether you’re a blockchain developer or someone looking to understand the process, this guide will give you everything you need.

Step 1: Sketching Out Your DEX Vision

Before you even write a single line of code, it’s important to have a clear vision. You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint, right? The same goes for a DEX. You need to know what you’re building before you start.

Defining Your DEX Model: Automated Market Maker (AMM) or Order Book?

The first thing to decide is how your DEX will operate. Do you want to build an Automated Market Maker (AMM) or use the order book model? Both have their pros and cons.

  • AMM: Think of this as a giant pot of liquidity. Instead of matching individual buyers and sellers, users trade against a pool of assets. The AMM uses algorithms to set the price based on supply and demand. It’s fast, easy, and perfect for traders who want quick transactions without waiting for an exact match.
  • Order Book: This is the traditional model used by centralized exchanges. Buyers and sellers place orders, and the system matches them based on price. While this gives traders more control over their prices, it can be slower and more complicated to implement.

Understanding your model is key because it will shape how your platform operates. Are you catering to high-frequency traders looking for speed (AMM), or do you want to offer more control with an order book model?

Understanding Your Target Users and Market Segment

Next, ask yourself: Who are you building this for? Knowing your target users will help you design the right features and user experience.

  • Are they high-frequency traders who care about low fees and speed?
  • DeFi enthusiasts who want to stake, farm, and earn rewards?
  • Or maybe casual crypto users who just want an easy way to swap tokens?

Understanding your audience is like knowing your destination before a road trip. It will guide every decision you make moving forward.

Step 2: Writing Smart Contracts for Secure Transactions

Now that your vision is clear, it’s time to get into the nuts and bolts — starting with smart contracts. These are the backbone of any DEX, automating the entire process without needing a middleman.

Key Smart Contract Features for TON-Based DEX

Your smart contracts will handle everything from facilitating trades to managing liquidity. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Trade Automation: The core function of your smart contract is to execute trades automatically, based on predefined conditions. This ensures that users can trade without delay and without needing approval from a third party.
  • Liquidity Management: If you’re building an AMM, smart contracts will manage liquidity pools, ensuring that users can swap tokens efficiently.
  • Fee Structure: Want to monetize your DEX? Your smart contract should include how fees are calculated and distributed.

Ensuring Security: How to Avoid Vulnerabilities in Your Smart Contracts

Security isn’t optional — it’s mandatory. In the decentralized world, any flaw in your smart contract could be exploited, leading to loss of funds or trust. So, how do you protect your users?

  • Audits: Always get your smart contracts audited by reputable firms.
  • Open-source code: Encourage transparency by making your code public, allowing the community to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Modular contracts: Create smart contracts that can be upgraded or replaced in the event of bugs.

Remember, it’s better to spend time securing your contracts upfront than dealing with a crisis later.

Step 3: Developing a User-Friendly Interface

What good is a powerful DEX if users can’t figure out how to use it? The interface is where everything comes together. It’s the first thing users see and interact with, so it has to be intuitive and efficient.

Building an Intuitive UI for Seamless User Experience

When designing the user interface (UI), put yourself in the shoes of a beginner. They may not be familiar with complex crypto terms or processes, so the simpler, the better.

  • Easy navigation: Users should be able to trade, view their balances, and manage their portfolios with just a few clicks.
  • Clear calls to action: Make it obvious what users need to do, whether it’s connecting their wallet, staking tokens, or swapping assets.
  • Educational tooltips: Adding short explanations or pop-ups can help users understand unfamiliar terms or actions.

Real-Time Updates and Data Visualization for Market Monitoring

Users want to see what’s happening in real-time, especially in fast-moving markets. This means integrating real-time data feeds, charts, and visualizations that allow traders to monitor price changes, volume, and market trends.

Connecting Wallets and Enabling Smooth Trade Execution

Most importantly, ensure that users can connect their wallets seamlessly. Whether they’re using MetaMask, TON-based wallets, or others, the process should be as smooth as possible. Once connected, make sure trades execute quickly and efficiently without bugs or slowdowns.

Step 4: Testing, Launching, and Monitoring Your DEX

After you’ve built the core functionalities, it’s time to test, launch, and maintain your platform.

Running Tests on TON’s Testnet: Identifying Bugs and Performance Issues

Before going live, you need to put your DEX through rigorous testing. The TON testnet is your sandbox environment where you can simulate trades, liquidity pooling, and stress-test your smart contracts. The goal here is to find and fix bugs before your users do.

How to Launch Your DEX on TON Mainnet

Once you’re confident everything works, it’s time to deploy your DEX on the TON mainnet. This is the real deal, where live trades happen. Make sure to announce your launch, build hype, and engage with the community to attract users.

Post-Launch Monitoring and Optimization Strategies

Launching isn’t the end of the road. It’s just the beginning. After going live, continuously monitor the platform for bugs, performance issues, or user complaints. Use analytics to see how users are interacting with your DEX and identify areas for improvement.

Essential Features of a TON-Based DEX

Now that you know how to build a DEX on TON, let’s talk about the must-have features that will set your platform apart from the rest.

High Liquidity and Asset Support

Liquidity is the lifeblood of any DEX. Without it, users won’t be able to trade efficiently, and your platform won’t gain traction.

Why Liquidity is Crucial for DEX Success

Liquidity ensures that trades happen smoothly and quickly. It minimizes slippage (the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price), making your DEX more attractive to traders. You can boost liquidity by incentivizing users to contribute their assets to liquidity pools, offering rewards through yield farming or staking.

Supporting a Diverse Range of Digital Assets

The more assets your DEX supports, the more attractive it will be to users. Make sure your platform can handle a wide range of digital assets, from major cryptocurrencies to emerging tokens.

Low Latency, High Throughput: Delivering Real-Time Trading

No one likes to wait — especially traders. Low latency and high throughput are essential to provide users with a smooth trading experience.

Optimizing the User Experience with Fast Transaction Speeds

TON’s architecture enables high-speed transactions by splitting the blockchain into smaller shards, each processing transactions independently. This ensures that users can make trades in real-time, even during peak times.

Robust Security and Encryption

If traders don’t feel safe using your DEX, they won’t use it at all. Security should be a top priority from day one.

Advanced Cryptographic Protocols for Protecting User Funds

Use the latest cryptographic protocols to secure trades and safeguard user funds. This includes ensuring that smart contracts are tamper-proof and data is encrypted end-to-end.

Ensuring Transparency and Integrity with Decentralized Governance

One of the biggest draws of a DEX is the decentralization aspect. Allow your community to have a say in governance, whether it’s voting on platform changes, fee structures, or liquidity pool rewards. This will build trust and create a more engaged user base.

Monetizing Your DEX: Revenue Streams and Business Opportunities

Once your decentralized exchange (DEX) is up and running, the next step is figuring out how to make it financially sustainable. Luckily, DEXs offer a variety of revenue streams that allow you to not only keep the platform afloat but also create a profitable business. Let’s dive into some of the most effective ways to monetize your DEX.

Generating Revenue with Platform Fees

The most straightforward way to generate revenue from a DEX is by charging platform fees. But here’s the trick: you need to strike the perfect balance between competitive fees and profit generation.

  • Competitive fees: Charge too much, and users will flock to cheaper alternatives. Charge too little, and you might not make enough to keep the platform going. The key is to find a sweet spot that doesn’t scare users away but still covers your operational costs.
  • Leveraging high-frequency traders: TON blockchain’s low transaction fees make it ideal for high-frequency traders — users who make lots of trades every day. By keeping your platform fees minimal, you can attract these traders, whose volume will make up for the smaller fees per transaction.

Staking, Farming, and Beyond

Beyond transaction fees, staking and liquidity farming are powerful tools to generate ongoing revenue while encouraging user engagement. These mechanisms provide users with incentives to lock up their funds on your platform in exchange for rewards, often in the form of governance tokens or other cryptocurrencies.

  • Staking: Users can lock up their tokens to support the network and, in return, earn rewards. This not only gives users an incentive to stay but also generates activity and volume on your DEX, which contributes to liquidity and long-term platform growth.
  • Liquidity farming: Allow users to provide liquidity in exchange for rewards. By offering users attractive returns on their contributions to liquidity pools, you can boost your platform’s ecosystem and attract a broader user base.

By combining competitive platform fees with staking and farming incentives, you create a multi-faceted approach to monetization that benefits both your platform and your users.

Top TON-Based DEX Platforms: Learn From the Leaders

If you’re serious about building a successful DEX on the TON blockchain, it’s always smart to look at the market leaders and see what works. Here are some of the top DEX platforms built on TON that have managed to attract large user bases and maintain a solid reputation. stands out for its unique focus on user experience and seamless trading. It has managed to strike a fine balance between liquidity and ease of use, making it accessible to both seasoned traders and beginners. What can you learn from them? Their smooth onboarding process and simple, intuitive interface are prime examples of how usability can make or break a DEX.

Megaton Finance

In high-traffic environments, Megaton Finance shines by maximizing liquidity and security. By leveraging TON’s high-speed sharding technology, it can handle thousands of transactions per second without a hitch. Security is also a major feature here, as Megaton employs advanced cryptographic protocols to ensure user funds are protected. Their focus on high-performance infrastructure is something every aspiring DEX developer should take to heart.


MyTONswap is a standout example of cross-chain interoperability. Its platform allows users to trade assets not just within TON but across different blockchains, providing a seamless experience for cross-chain traders. The ability to offer smooth, cross-platform transactions is a huge competitive edge in today’s decentralized finance (DeFi) world. If you’re thinking long-term, MyTONswap’s success is a strong case for building bridges between multiple blockchain ecosystems.


Building a DEX on the TON blockchain presents a unique opportunity to tap into the decentralized finance revolution, offering lightning-fast transactions, low fees, and cross-chain interoperability. By understanding the fundamentals of TON’s architecture, implementing smart contracts, focusing on a user-friendly interface, and exploring various revenue streams like platform fees and staking, you can create a platform that not only stands out but thrives. With inspiration from top DEX platforms like, Megaton Finance, and MyTONswap, you’re well on your way to building a competitive, user-friendly, and profitable DEX on the TON blockchain.


  1. This article is reprinted from [Coinmonks].Forward the Original Title ‘How to Create a DEX on the TON Blockchain? The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide’. All copyrights belong to the original author [Markdomain]. If there are objections to this reprint, please contact the Gate Learn team, and they will handle it promptly.
  2. Liability Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not constitute any investment advice.
  3. Translations of the article into other languages are done by the Gate Learn team. Unless mentioned, copying, distributing, or plagiarizing the translated articles is prohibited.

Guide to Create a DEX on TON

BeginnerOct 11, 2024
Today, decentralized exchanges (DEX) are taking over, and the TON blockchain is at the forefront of this revolution. But what exactly makes DEX the future of trading? And why should you care about TON?
Guide to Create a DEX on TON

Forward the Original Title ‘How to Create a DEX on the TON Blockchain? The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide’

The world of trading is changing — fast. Gone are the days when you had to rely on a centralized exchange, waiting for transactions to process, and hoping nothing goes wrong with your funds. Today, decentralized exchanges (DEX) are taking over, and the TON blockchain is at the forefront of this revolution. But what exactly makes DEX the future of trading? And why should you care about TON?

Why DEX is the Future of Trading?

Let’s start with the basics. In traditional finance, or even centralized crypto exchanges, there’s always a middleman. Whether it’s a bank, a broker, or a centralized platform, someone is managing the process — and taking a cut. It’s not just about the fees either; it’s about control. They hold your assets, they approve transactions, and they decide who gets in or out.

In contrast, decentralized exchanges remove that middleman. Users control their assets directly, and trades happen peer-to-peer. This means no one else touches your funds, there are no unnecessary delays, and the power is in your hands. It’s a bit like being your own bank — pretty cool, right?

And the best part? You get financial sovereignty. You aren’t bound by any institution’s rules, and your assets remain under your control. The rise of DEX shows that traders are beginning to value this autonomy, and it’s becoming clear that the future belongs to decentralized trading.

What Makes the TON Blockchain Stand Out?

Now, you might wonder — why TON? What makes this blockchain so special for building a DEX?

The TON (The Open Network) blockchain has its roots in innovation, originally developed by the same minds behind Telegram. TON isn’t just another blockchain in the crowd. It was designed with speed, scalability, and security at its core — all the ingredients a successful DEX needs. Its architecture allows for lightning-fast transactions (no one likes waiting!), and its sharding technology ensures that the system can scale with ease as it grows.

And then there’s the DeFi aspect. TON is quickly becoming a go-to choice for decentralized finance applications, including DEXs. Its ability to facilitate high-frequency trades, low transaction fees, and seamless integration with other blockchains makes it a key player in the decentralized finance ecosystem. \

Creating a DEX on the TON blockchain is a smart move, thanks to its lightning-fast transactions, low fees, and secure, decentralized architecture. With its scalable infrastructure and cross-chain interoperability, TON provides an ideal foundation for a thriving decentralized exchange.

What Exactly is a DEX?

At its core, a DEX is a platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without relying on a central authority. Think of it as a marketplace where buyers and sellers can interact directly, without a broker or middleman taking a commission or controlling the assets. In a DEX, trades are executed through smart contracts — essentially automated scripts that carry out transactions once certain conditions are met.

The main difference here is that, unlike centralized exchanges, you maintain full control over your assets. You don’t need to trust the platform to hold your funds, and there’s no third-party risk. It’s kind of like going from buying from a store (centralized) to trading directly with a peer in a marketplace (decentralized).

How a DEX Operates on TON Blockchain?

So how does this magic happen on the TON blockchain? Here’s where things get interesting.

TON’s DEX uses smart contracts to automate trades. These contracts are pre-programmed with the rules of the trade — if both parties agree, the smart contract does its job, and the trade happens automatically. No waiting for approvals. No middlemen.

There are two main ways to execute trades on a DEX: liquidity pools and order books. Liquidity pools are kind of like giant pots of money where users can add their funds to help facilitate trades. They allow users to trade assets instantly without needing to match buyers with sellers directly. On the other hand, order books let users place buy and sell orders, which are then matched with others looking for the same trade.

TON’s decentralized economy also goes beyond simple trading. Staking, liquidity farming, and providing liquidity pools are just a few ways you can supplement your income by participating in this decentralized financial ecosystem.

Why Choose TON Blockchain for Your DEX?

So, why should you choose TON over other blockchains? Let’s dive into the details.

Lightning-Fast Transactions and Unmatched Scalability

Speed is everything in the crypto world, and TON does not disappoint. Thanks to sharding technology, the TON blockchain can handle thousands of transactions per second. Imagine a road that keeps adding more lanes as traffic increases. That’s essentially how sharding works — it splits the network into smaller “shards” that process transactions in parallel. No congestion, no delays, just smooth and fast trading.

But it’s not just about speed; scalability matters too. As your DEX grows and more users jump on board, TON effortlessly scales with it, ensuring that the system remains efficient no matter how large it gets.

Low Transaction Fees: A Game-Changer for Traders

We’ve all been there — staring at hefty transaction fees that eat away at our profits. With TON, that’s less of a problem. Transaction fees on TON are incredibly low, making it an attractive option for high-frequency traders or those dealing with smaller transactions. In fact, these low fees are what make TON especially popular among traders who want to make frequent trades without watching their profits get drained by fees.

Compare this to other blockchains where fees can spike during periods of high demand, and you’ll see why TON is a great choice for traders. It’s like shopping in a store that doesn’t charge you a fortune just to check out.

Security and Decentralization: The Backbone of Trust

One of the biggest selling points of any blockchain is its security, and TON excels in this area. The decentralized nature of TON ensures that no single entity can control or manipulate the network. It’s a bit like having your house in a neighborhood where every home is responsible for its own security — there’s no central authority to worry about.

Since users maintain control over their own assets, there’s no need to trust a central authority to handle funds. This decentralization significantly reduces the risk of hacks, fraud, or mismanagement. In other words, your funds stay safe and under your control — exactly where they should be.

Cross-Chain Interoperability: Trade Beyond Boundaries

TON doesn’t just stop at its own ecosystem — it’s designed to be cross-chain compatible. This means that traders can seamlessly interact with other blockchains, facilitating trades beyond just TON. It’s like being able to shop in any market, anywhere in the world, without having to change your currency or go through extra steps.

Cross-chain DEX solutions are growing in importance as traders look for ways to diversify their portfolios without getting stuck in one ecosystem. TON’s architecture makes this a reality, giving you the ability to expand your trading horizons far beyond the confines of a single blockchain.

Step-by-Step Guide to Building a DEX on the TON Blockchain

Building a decentralized exchange (DEX) can seem like a mammoth task, but when you break it down, it’s a series of logical steps. In this section, we’ll walk you through a straightforward, step-by-step guide to launching your own DEX on the TON blockchain. Whether you’re a blockchain developer or someone looking to understand the process, this guide will give you everything you need.

Step 1: Sketching Out Your DEX Vision

Before you even write a single line of code, it’s important to have a clear vision. You wouldn’t build a house without a blueprint, right? The same goes for a DEX. You need to know what you’re building before you start.

Defining Your DEX Model: Automated Market Maker (AMM) or Order Book?

The first thing to decide is how your DEX will operate. Do you want to build an Automated Market Maker (AMM) or use the order book model? Both have their pros and cons.

  • AMM: Think of this as a giant pot of liquidity. Instead of matching individual buyers and sellers, users trade against a pool of assets. The AMM uses algorithms to set the price based on supply and demand. It’s fast, easy, and perfect for traders who want quick transactions without waiting for an exact match.
  • Order Book: This is the traditional model used by centralized exchanges. Buyers and sellers place orders, and the system matches them based on price. While this gives traders more control over their prices, it can be slower and more complicated to implement.

Understanding your model is key because it will shape how your platform operates. Are you catering to high-frequency traders looking for speed (AMM), or do you want to offer more control with an order book model?

Understanding Your Target Users and Market Segment

Next, ask yourself: Who are you building this for? Knowing your target users will help you design the right features and user experience.

  • Are they high-frequency traders who care about low fees and speed?
  • DeFi enthusiasts who want to stake, farm, and earn rewards?
  • Or maybe casual crypto users who just want an easy way to swap tokens?

Understanding your audience is like knowing your destination before a road trip. It will guide every decision you make moving forward.

Step 2: Writing Smart Contracts for Secure Transactions

Now that your vision is clear, it’s time to get into the nuts and bolts — starting with smart contracts. These are the backbone of any DEX, automating the entire process without needing a middleman.

Key Smart Contract Features for TON-Based DEX

Your smart contracts will handle everything from facilitating trades to managing liquidity. Here’s what you need to focus on:

  • Trade Automation: The core function of your smart contract is to execute trades automatically, based on predefined conditions. This ensures that users can trade without delay and without needing approval from a third party.
  • Liquidity Management: If you’re building an AMM, smart contracts will manage liquidity pools, ensuring that users can swap tokens efficiently.
  • Fee Structure: Want to monetize your DEX? Your smart contract should include how fees are calculated and distributed.

Ensuring Security: How to Avoid Vulnerabilities in Your Smart Contracts

Security isn’t optional — it’s mandatory. In the decentralized world, any flaw in your smart contract could be exploited, leading to loss of funds or trust. So, how do you protect your users?

  • Audits: Always get your smart contracts audited by reputable firms.
  • Open-source code: Encourage transparency by making your code public, allowing the community to identify potential vulnerabilities.
  • Modular contracts: Create smart contracts that can be upgraded or replaced in the event of bugs.

Remember, it’s better to spend time securing your contracts upfront than dealing with a crisis later.

Step 3: Developing a User-Friendly Interface

What good is a powerful DEX if users can’t figure out how to use it? The interface is where everything comes together. It’s the first thing users see and interact with, so it has to be intuitive and efficient.

Building an Intuitive UI for Seamless User Experience

When designing the user interface (UI), put yourself in the shoes of a beginner. They may not be familiar with complex crypto terms or processes, so the simpler, the better.

  • Easy navigation: Users should be able to trade, view their balances, and manage their portfolios with just a few clicks.
  • Clear calls to action: Make it obvious what users need to do, whether it’s connecting their wallet, staking tokens, or swapping assets.
  • Educational tooltips: Adding short explanations or pop-ups can help users understand unfamiliar terms or actions.

Real-Time Updates and Data Visualization for Market Monitoring

Users want to see what’s happening in real-time, especially in fast-moving markets. This means integrating real-time data feeds, charts, and visualizations that allow traders to monitor price changes, volume, and market trends.

Connecting Wallets and Enabling Smooth Trade Execution

Most importantly, ensure that users can connect their wallets seamlessly. Whether they’re using MetaMask, TON-based wallets, or others, the process should be as smooth as possible. Once connected, make sure trades execute quickly and efficiently without bugs or slowdowns.

Step 4: Testing, Launching, and Monitoring Your DEX

After you’ve built the core functionalities, it’s time to test, launch, and maintain your platform.

Running Tests on TON’s Testnet: Identifying Bugs and Performance Issues

Before going live, you need to put your DEX through rigorous testing. The TON testnet is your sandbox environment where you can simulate trades, liquidity pooling, and stress-test your smart contracts. The goal here is to find and fix bugs before your users do.

How to Launch Your DEX on TON Mainnet

Once you’re confident everything works, it’s time to deploy your DEX on the TON mainnet. This is the real deal, where live trades happen. Make sure to announce your launch, build hype, and engage with the community to attract users.

Post-Launch Monitoring and Optimization Strategies

Launching isn’t the end of the road. It’s just the beginning. After going live, continuously monitor the platform for bugs, performance issues, or user complaints. Use analytics to see how users are interacting with your DEX and identify areas for improvement.

Essential Features of a TON-Based DEX

Now that you know how to build a DEX on TON, let’s talk about the must-have features that will set your platform apart from the rest.

High Liquidity and Asset Support

Liquidity is the lifeblood of any DEX. Without it, users won’t be able to trade efficiently, and your platform won’t gain traction.

Why Liquidity is Crucial for DEX Success

Liquidity ensures that trades happen smoothly and quickly. It minimizes slippage (the difference between the expected price of a trade and the actual price), making your DEX more attractive to traders. You can boost liquidity by incentivizing users to contribute their assets to liquidity pools, offering rewards through yield farming or staking.

Supporting a Diverse Range of Digital Assets

The more assets your DEX supports, the more attractive it will be to users. Make sure your platform can handle a wide range of digital assets, from major cryptocurrencies to emerging tokens.

Low Latency, High Throughput: Delivering Real-Time Trading

No one likes to wait — especially traders. Low latency and high throughput are essential to provide users with a smooth trading experience.

Optimizing the User Experience with Fast Transaction Speeds

TON’s architecture enables high-speed transactions by splitting the blockchain into smaller shards, each processing transactions independently. This ensures that users can make trades in real-time, even during peak times.

Robust Security and Encryption

If traders don’t feel safe using your DEX, they won’t use it at all. Security should be a top priority from day one.

Advanced Cryptographic Protocols for Protecting User Funds

Use the latest cryptographic protocols to secure trades and safeguard user funds. This includes ensuring that smart contracts are tamper-proof and data is encrypted end-to-end.

Ensuring Transparency and Integrity with Decentralized Governance

One of the biggest draws of a DEX is the decentralization aspect. Allow your community to have a say in governance, whether it’s voting on platform changes, fee structures, or liquidity pool rewards. This will build trust and create a more engaged user base.

Monetizing Your DEX: Revenue Streams and Business Opportunities

Once your decentralized exchange (DEX) is up and running, the next step is figuring out how to make it financially sustainable. Luckily, DEXs offer a variety of revenue streams that allow you to not only keep the platform afloat but also create a profitable business. Let’s dive into some of the most effective ways to monetize your DEX.

Generating Revenue with Platform Fees

The most straightforward way to generate revenue from a DEX is by charging platform fees. But here’s the trick: you need to strike the perfect balance between competitive fees and profit generation.

  • Competitive fees: Charge too much, and users will flock to cheaper alternatives. Charge too little, and you might not make enough to keep the platform going. The key is to find a sweet spot that doesn’t scare users away but still covers your operational costs.
  • Leveraging high-frequency traders: TON blockchain’s low transaction fees make it ideal for high-frequency traders — users who make lots of trades every day. By keeping your platform fees minimal, you can attract these traders, whose volume will make up for the smaller fees per transaction.

Staking, Farming, and Beyond

Beyond transaction fees, staking and liquidity farming are powerful tools to generate ongoing revenue while encouraging user engagement. These mechanisms provide users with incentives to lock up their funds on your platform in exchange for rewards, often in the form of governance tokens or other cryptocurrencies.

  • Staking: Users can lock up their tokens to support the network and, in return, earn rewards. This not only gives users an incentive to stay but also generates activity and volume on your DEX, which contributes to liquidity and long-term platform growth.
  • Liquidity farming: Allow users to provide liquidity in exchange for rewards. By offering users attractive returns on their contributions to liquidity pools, you can boost your platform’s ecosystem and attract a broader user base.

By combining competitive platform fees with staking and farming incentives, you create a multi-faceted approach to monetization that benefits both your platform and your users.

Top TON-Based DEX Platforms: Learn From the Leaders

If you’re serious about building a successful DEX on the TON blockchain, it’s always smart to look at the market leaders and see what works. Here are some of the top DEX platforms built on TON that have managed to attract large user bases and maintain a solid reputation. stands out for its unique focus on user experience and seamless trading. It has managed to strike a fine balance between liquidity and ease of use, making it accessible to both seasoned traders and beginners. What can you learn from them? Their smooth onboarding process and simple, intuitive interface are prime examples of how usability can make or break a DEX.

Megaton Finance

In high-traffic environments, Megaton Finance shines by maximizing liquidity and security. By leveraging TON’s high-speed sharding technology, it can handle thousands of transactions per second without a hitch. Security is also a major feature here, as Megaton employs advanced cryptographic protocols to ensure user funds are protected. Their focus on high-performance infrastructure is something every aspiring DEX developer should take to heart.


MyTONswap is a standout example of cross-chain interoperability. Its platform allows users to trade assets not just within TON but across different blockchains, providing a seamless experience for cross-chain traders. The ability to offer smooth, cross-platform transactions is a huge competitive edge in today’s decentralized finance (DeFi) world. If you’re thinking long-term, MyTONswap’s success is a strong case for building bridges between multiple blockchain ecosystems.


Building a DEX on the TON blockchain presents a unique opportunity to tap into the decentralized finance revolution, offering lightning-fast transactions, low fees, and cross-chain interoperability. By understanding the fundamentals of TON’s architecture, implementing smart contracts, focusing on a user-friendly interface, and exploring various revenue streams like platform fees and staking, you can create a platform that not only stands out but thrives. With inspiration from top DEX platforms like, Megaton Finance, and MyTONswap, you’re well on your way to building a competitive, user-friendly, and profitable DEX on the TON blockchain.


  1. This article is reprinted from [Coinmonks].Forward the Original Title ‘How to Create a DEX on the TON Blockchain? The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide’. All copyrights belong to the original author [Markdomain]. If there are objections to this reprint, please contact the Gate Learn team, and they will handle it promptly.
  2. Liability Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not constitute any investment advice.
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