This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)
Scott Minerd氏は、「FRBが金利を引き上げることで、暗号業界全体が下方圧力に直面するだろう」と付け加えた。 彼は、業界には多くの価値のないプロジェクトがあり、イーサリアムと ビットコイン は生存者になると信じていますが、20年以上前に始まったインターネットビジネスブームの最後の勝者を誰も予測できないのと同じように、最終的に勝つかどうかはわかりません。
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of Spain, Cuba, Bolivia, Venezuela and other Spanish-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Español
This page is not intended for residents and citizens of France, Canada and other French-speaking jurisdictions listed in the Restricted Locations related terms of's User Agreement.Français (Afrique)