10x Research: Setelah penurunan suku bunga, tren pasar telah berubah, para trader sedang mengakumulasi AltCoin seperti TAO, ENA, SEI, APT, SUI, NEAR, dan GRT

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Odaily planet daily news 10x Research in its market analysis stated that after the Fed's rate cut, there has been a clear shift in market trends, with investors' preference for decentralized finance and high beta assets starting to rise. Several key themes emerged at the Token2049 conference, indicating the impact of the rate cut on the revival of decentralized finance, such as the tokenization of physical assets showing a drop in demand for on-chain tokens related to government bonds, as their attractiveness has diminished due to lower interest rates. Dengan BTC menembus 60000 dolar AS dan menyasar 65000 dolar AS, para pedagang yang cerdik telah mulai mengumpulkan AltCoin yang undervalued, termasuk TAO, ENA, SEI, APT, SUI, NEAR, dan GRT, untuk bertaruh pada Rebound yang kuat pada kuartal keempat.

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