Wu learned that according to Pendle data, in the past 24 hours, the nominal volume of the SolvBTC.BBN(CORN) Pool, the second largest TVL in Pendle, has increased by 1,247% to reach $55.19 million. There has been a capital inflow to purchase the YT and push the PT Implied APY up to 15.68%. This may be influenced by the recent excess returns of the Usual Airdrop YT, betting on the upcoming Airdrop of the Solv Protocol. H/T: @ViNc2453
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Pendle, le deuxième plus grand TVL, SolvBTC, a connu une hausse de volume de 1247%
Wu learned that according to Pendle data, in the past 24 hours, the nominal volume of the SolvBTC.BBN(CORN) Pool, the second largest TVL in Pendle, has increased by 1,247% to reach $55.19 million. There has been a capital inflow to purchase the YT and push the PT Implied APY up to 15.68%. This may be influenced by the recent excess returns of the Usual Airdrop YT, betting on the upcoming Airdrop of the Solv Protocol. H/T: @ViNc2453