La pièce stable USDS est maintenant disponible sur Solana, et Sky Eco_ offrira aux utilisateurs des récompenses hebdomadaires de plus de 500 000 USDS

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Wu learned that the USDS stablecoin has been launched on Solana, as the first major native stablecoin on Solana, USDS will unlock new opportunities for borrowing and trading on decentralized finance platforms. The Sky Ecosystem will provide early users with rewards of over 500,000 USDS per week, distributed as follows: Kamino Finance: 200,000 USDS per week for USDC/USDS liquidity providers, 100,000 USDS per week for USDS suppliers; Drift Protocol: 100,000 USDS per week for USDS suppliers; Save Finance: 400,000 USDS per month for USDS suppliers; Jito: 5,000 USDS per week for SOL/USDS liquidity pool. Through the native token transfer (NTT) via Wormhole, Sky Protocol has achieved seamless operations for USDS on Solana and will also provide additional rewards of 100,000 USDS per week for users bridging USDS to Solana.

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