Odaily Planet Daily News According to Onchain Lens monitoring, in the past 3 days, a certain Baleine spent 77 ETH (equivalent to $199,785) at an average price of $0.765 to stock up 261,125 SPX. The Baleine acquired these ETH by selling PEPE and TURBO to purchase SPX.
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Un certain Baleine a vendu PEPE et TURBO au cours des trois derniers jours et a dépensé 77 ETH pour acheter 261125 SPX
Odaily Planet Daily News According to Onchain Lens monitoring, in the past 3 days, a certain Baleine spent 77 ETH (equivalent to $199,785) at an average price of $0.765 to stock up 261,125 SPX. The Baleine acquired these ETH by selling PEPE and TURBO to purchase SPX.