Le volume de marché NFT de l'ensemble du réseau a atteint 117 millions de dollars, le plus haut depuis le 23 février 2023.

Wu learned that, according to the @sealaunch_ data panel, on December 17th, the total volume of Jeton non-fungible Marketplace on the whole network reached 117 million US dollars, the highest point since February 23, 2023, with Blur volume accounting for 73.6% and reaching 86 million US dollars. However, there is still a significant gap in the number of transactions and trading users compared to the previous peak. This may be mainly related to the quick turnover of speculative users through the Blur bid Pool after Pudgy Penguins completed the Jeton Airdrop.

(Partagé par: Wu Shuo)

Source: Sina

Auteur: Sina.com

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