# General

    # Introduction

    gate.io provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate gate.io trade status into your business or application.

    We have language bindings in JavaScript and Python, more in future! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

    # Current Version

    Websocket API version is 3.1.

    # Server URL

    We provide two alternative server urls, you can choose one of them according to your condition.





    In code examples, we use ws.gate.io/v3 to present.

    # APIv4 Keys support

    Spot websocket now supports APIv4 Keys. To use spot websocket with APIv4 keys, do the following change based on v3:

    • Change server url version from /v3 to /v4
    • Use APIv4 keys to generate signature
    • Change the signature generation method to APIv4's, i.e., HexEncode(HMAC_SHA512(secret, signature_string)) and make sure nonce is current unix time in milliseconds.

    For example, if current unix time in milliseconds is 1583131539528, your APIv4 key is key, secret is secret, the signature should be generated as (in Python code) hmac.new('secret', '1583131539528', hashlib.sha512).hexdigest(), and the result is 54613ee7f4236bf61bfaed71f10bc0cb8b24805c45822652f850812c9a43b2422cf84609197ccf5db7adaf5c6af5d143cf04646c2640ad89a7c89670b403b671 . Send request body to server.sign like:

      "id": 12312,
      "method": "server.sign",
      "params": [

    # API Overview

    # Method

    Each general api (such as ticker, depth, kline, etc.) supports 4 different method messages, they are:

    1. query

      Active inquiry information of gate.io trade status. e.g. ticker.query

    2. subscribe (RECOMMENDED TO USE)

      Subscribe to receive notification from server when new data is available. e.g. ticker.subscribe

    3. unsubscribe

      Server will not send new data notification if unsubscribed. e.g. ticker.unsubscribe


      If new subscribed data is available, server will send a notification to client. e.g. ticker.update


    User should NEVER send an update method message to server, because an update message is ALWAYS sent by server.

    # Request

    Each request follows a common format, which contains id, method and params.

    Server doesn't have strict restriction for request ID, but we strongly recommend you use different id for different api in one websocket connection.

    parameter type required description
    id Integer Yes the request ID
    method String Yes the method of request
    params Array Yes detail parameters

    # Response

    Similar with request, response follows a common format compose of id, error and result.

    field type description
    id Integer corresponding to request ID
    error JSON object null for success
    object with code and message for failure
    result JSON object result object, null for failure

    # Notification

    A notification message is sent for subscribed channels.

    parameter type required description
    id null Yes the request id, null for notification
    method String Yes method
    params Array Yes detail parameters

    # Error

    In case of error, you receive a message containing the proper error code and message within an error object.

    Code Message
    1 invalid argument
    2 internal error
    3 service unavailable
    4 method not found
    5 service timeout

    # Authentication

    User can connect public channels without any particular authentication.

    For private channels, gate.io provides a signature based authentication method. See Auth API for detail.

    # Limitation


    User can only execute maximum to 50 requests per second for each connected channel.

    # System API

    Provides system status check, such as ping-pong and server time query.

    # Ping

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'server.ping');
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"server.ping", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": "pong",
      "id": 1000

    Check server connectivity.

    # Request

    • method


    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      pong String pong, ack of ping

    # Time

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'server.time');
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"server.time", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": 1523348055,
      "id": 12312

    Acquire server time.

    # Request

    • method


    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      timestamp Integer timestamp

    # Ticker API

    The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the market. It shows you the highest, lowest, last trade price. It also includes information such as daily volume and how much the price has moved over the last day.

    # Ticker query

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'ticker.query', ["EOS_USDT", 86400]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"ticker.query", "params":["EOS_USDT", 86400]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "period": 86400,
        "open": "5.9606",
        "close": "5.9606",
        "high": "5.9606",
        "low": "5.9606",
        "last": "5.9606",
        "change": "0",
        "quoteVolume": "4",
        "baseVolume": "23.8424"
      "id": 12312

    Query ticker of specified market, including price, deal volume etc. in certain period.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      field type required description
      market String Yes market name
      period Integer Yes ticker period, unit is second
      e.g. 86400 equals to 24h

    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      period Integer period
      open String open
      close String close
      high String high
      low String low
      last String last
      change String change
      quoteVolume String quoteVolume
      baseVolume String baseVolume

    # Ticker subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'ticker.subscribe', ["BOT_USDT"]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"ticker.subscribe", "params":["BOT_USDT"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Subscribe market ticker.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market list String Yes market list

    # Ticker notification

      "method": "ticker.update",
      "params": [
          "period": 86400,
          "open": "0",
          "close": "0",
          "high": "0",
          "low": "0",
          "last": "0.2844",
          "change": "0",
          "quoteVolume": "0",
          "baseVolume": "0"
      "id": null

    Notify subscribed market ticker.

    # Notify

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market String Yes market name
      ticker info JSON object Yes ticker info, refer to query response

    # Cancel subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'ticker.unsubscribe', []);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"ticker.unsubscribe", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Unsubscribe market ticker.

    # Request

    • method


    # Trade API

    This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at gate.io. It includes details of the trade, such as price, amount, time and type.

    # Trades query

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'trade.query', ["EOS_USDT", 2, 7177813]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12309, "method":"trades.query", "params":["EOS_USDT", 2, 7177813]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": [
          "id": 7177814,
          "time": 1523887673.562782,
          "price": "6.05",
          "amount": "20",
          "type": "buy"
          "id": 7177813,
          "time": 1523887354.256974,
          "price": "6.05",
          "amount": "15",
          "type": "buy"
      "id": 12309

    Query latest trades information, including time, price, amount, type and so on.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market String Yes market name
      limit Integer Yes amount limit
      last_id Integer Yes last id

    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      id Integer id
      time Float time
      price String price
      amount String amount
      type String buy

    # Trades subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'trades.subscribe', ["ETH_USDT", "BTC_USDT"]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"trades.subscribe", "params":["ETH_USDT", "BTC_USDT"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Subscribe trades update notification.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market list List Yes market list

    # Trades notification

      "method": "trades.update",
      "params": [
            "id": 7172173,
            "time": 1523339279.761838,
            "price": "398.59",
            "amount": "0.027",
            "type": "buy"
      "id": null

    Notify latest trades update.

    # Notify

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market String Yes market name
      trades list List Yes list of trade info object, refer to query response

    # Cancel subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'trades.unsubscribe', []);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"trades.unsubscribe", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Unsubscribe trades update notification.

    # Request

    • method


    # Depth API

    The depth channel allow you to keep track of the state of the gate.io order book depth. It is provided on a price aggregated basis, with customizable precision.

    # Query depth

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'depth.query', ["EOS_USDT", 5, "0.0001"]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"depth.query", "params":["EOS_USDT", 5, "0.0001"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "asks": [
        "bids": [
      "id": 12312

    Query specified market depth.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market String Yes market name
      limit Integer Yes limit
      interval String Yes unit interval, e.g. "0.0001", "0.1"

    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      asks List asks
      bids List bids
      • asks

        field type description
        price String price
        amount String amount
      • bids

        field type description
        price String price
        amount String amount

    # Depth subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    // single-market mode subscription
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'depth.subscribe', ["ETH_USDT", 5, "0.0001"]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // If you want to subscribe multi market depth, just replace socket.onopen as below.
    // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // multi-market mode subscription
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'depth.subscribe', [["BTC_USDT", 5, "0.01"], ["ETH_USDT", 5, "0"]]);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    # single-market mode subscription
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"depth.subscribe", "params":["ETH_USDT", 5, "0.0001"]}')
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # If you want to subscribe multi market depth, just replace ws.send as below.
    # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # multi-market mode subscription
        '{"id":12312, "method":"depth.subscribe", "params":[["BTC_USDT", 5, "0.01"], ["ETH_USDT", 5, "0"]]}')

    The above command(Both single-market and multi-market mode) returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Subscribe depth.


    Both single-market and multi-market depth subscription are supported. See Request for detail. But for multiple subscriptions in one websocket connection, only the last one takes effect.

    # Request

    • method


    • params(Single-market mode)

      parameter type required description
      market String Yes market name
      limit Integer Yes limit, legal limits: 1, 5, 10, 20, 30
      interval String Yes legal intervals: "0", "0.00000001", "0.0000001", "0.000001", "0.00001", "0.0001", "0.001", "0.01", "0.1"
    • params(Multi-market mode)

      A list of single-market mode params, e.g. [["EOS_USDT", 2, "0"], ["BTC_USDT", 10, "0.01"]]. See also examples at right.

    # Depth notification

      "method": "depth.update",
      "params": [
          "asks": [
          "bids": [
      "id": null

    Notify market depth update information

    # Notify

    • method


    • params

      field type description
      clean Boolean true: is complete result
      false: is last updated result
      depth JSON object depth json object, refer to query response
      market String market name

    # Cancel subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'depth.unsubscribe', []);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"depth.unsubscribe", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Unsubscribe specified market depth.

    # Request

    • method


    # Kline API

    Provides a way to access charting candlestick info.

    # Kline query

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'kline.query', ["BTC_USDT", 1, 1516951219, 1800]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"kline.query", "params":["BTC_USDT", 1, 1516951219, 1800]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    value from left to right: time, open, close, highest, lowest, volume, amount, market

      "error": null,
      "result": [
      "id": 12312

    Query specified market kline information

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market String Yes market name
      start Integer Yes start time, must be > 0
      end Integer Yes end time
      interval Integer Yes interval

    # Response

    • result

      A list of kline information. Each kline data is a list:

      field type description
      time Integer time
      open String open
      close String close
      highest String highest
      lowest String lowest
      volume String volume
      amount String amount
      market_name String market name

    # Kline subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'kline.subscribe', ["BTC_USDT", 1800]);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"kline.subscribe", "params":["BTC_USDT", 1800]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Subscribe specified market kline information.


    Can only subscribe to one market at the same time, market list is not supported currently. For multiple subscriptions, only the last one takes effect.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      field type description
      market String market name
      interval Integer interval

    # Kline notification

    value from left to right: time, open, close, highest, lowest, volume, amount, market

      "method": "kline.update",
      "params": [
      "id": null

    Notify kline information of subscribed market.

    # Notify

    • method


    • params

      field type description
      time Integer time
      open String open
      close String close
      highest String highest
      lowest String lowest
      volume String volume
      amount String amount
      market name String market name

    # Cancel subscription

    function socket_send_cmd(socket, cmd, params) {
        if (!params)
            params = [];
        var msg = {
            id: client_id,
            method: cmd,
            params: params
    var socket = new WebSocket('wss://ws.gate.io/v3');
    socket.onopen = function () {
        socket_send_cmd(socket, 'kline.unsubscribe', []);
    socket.onmessage = function (e) {
        console.log('Server: ' + e.data);
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"kline.unsubscribe", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Unsubscribe specified market kline information.

    # Request

    • method


    # Auth API

    import hmac
    import base64
    import hashlib
    def get_sign(secret_key, message):
        h = hmac.new(secret_key, message, hashlib.sha512)
        return base64.b64encode(h.digest())

    gate.io provides a signature based authorization on private channels.

    The algorithm can be simply described as below pseudo-code.

    `base64(hmac_sha512(secret_key, nonce))`

    You can refer to code example at the right.

    # Send authentication

    import json
    import time
    from websocket import create_connection
    api_key = 'your api key'
    secret_key = 'your secret key'
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    nonce = int(time.time() * 1000)
    signature = get_sign(secret_key, str(nonce))
        "id": 12312,
        "method": "server.sign",
        "params": [api_key, signature, nonce]

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Signature based authorization.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

    parameter type required description
    apikey String yes user apikey
    signature String yes user sign data
    nonce Integer yes timestamp, for milliseconds spent from Unix epoch to current time

    # Order API


    Authentication required before connection.

    # Order query

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"order.query", "params":["EOS_USDT", 0, 10]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "result": {
        "limit": 10,
        "offset": 0,
        "total": 1,
        "records": [
            "id": 796563387,
            "market": "EOS_USDT",
            "user": 1336974,
            "ctime": 1527082744.51649,
            "mtime": 1527082744.51649,
            "price": "0.1",
            "amount": "100",
            "left": "100",
            "dealFee": "0",
            "orderType": 1,
            "type": 2,
            "filledAmount": "0",
            "filledTotal": "0"
      "error": null,
      "id": 12312

    Query user un-executed orders

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market String yes market name
      offset Integer yes offset
      limit Integer yes limit

    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      limit Integer limit
      offset Integer offset
      total Integer total
      records Object order record object
      • record

        field type description
        id Integer order id
        market String market
        user Integer user id
        ctime Float create time
        ftime Float finish time
        price String price
        amount String amount
        left String left
        dealFee String deal fee
        orderType Integer order type, 1: limit, 2: market
        type Integer type, 1: sell, 2: buy
        filledAmount String filled amount
        filledTotal String filled total

    # Order subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"order.subscribe", "params":["EOS_USDT"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Subscribe user orders update

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      market list String yes market list, null to subscribe all

    # Order notification

      "method": "order.update",
      "params": [
          "id": 34628963,
          "market": "EOS_USDT",
          "orderType": 1,
          "type": 2,
          "user": 602123,
          "ctime": 1523013969.6271579,
          "mtime": 1523013969.6271579,
          "price": "0.1",
          "amount": "1000",
          "left": "1000",
          "filledAmount": "0",
          "filledTotal": "0",
          "dealFee": "0"
      "id": null

    Notify user orders information when an order is put, updated or finished.

    # Notify

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      event Integer yes event type,Integer, 1: PUT, 2: UPDATE, 3: FINISH
      order String yes order detail,Object
      • order

        field type description
        id Integer order id
        market String market
        user Integer user id
        ctime Float ctime
        mtime Float mtime
        price String price
        amount String amount
        left String left
        dealFee String deal fee
        orderType Integer order type, 1: limit, 2: market
        type Integer type, 1: sell, 2: buy
        filledAmount String filled amount
        filledTotal String filled total

    # Response

    # Cancel subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws_server_host/v3/websocket/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"order.unsubscribe", "params":["EOS_USDT"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Unsubscribe user orders update notification, for all markets.

    # Request

    • method


    # Balance API


    Authentication required before connection.

    # Balance query

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"balance.query", "params":[]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "EOS": {
          "available": "13200.82187609",
          "freeze": "0"
      "id": 12312

    Acquire user balance information of specified asset or assets.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      asset list String yes asset list, null for inquire all

    # Response

    • result

      field type description
      balance set Object set of balance information

    # Balance subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"balance.subscribe", "params":["EOS"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Subscribe for user balance update.

    # Request

    • method


    • params

      parameter type required description
      asset list String yes asset list, null to subscribe all

    # Balance notification

      "method": "balance.update",
      "params": [
          "EOS": {
            "available": "96.765323611874",
            "freeze": "11"
      "id": null

    Notify user balance update.

    # Notify

    • method


    • params

      a list of balance information.

    # Cancel subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://ws.gate.io/v3/")
    ws.send('{"id":12312, "method":"balance.unsubscribe", "params":["EOS"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "error": null,
      "result": {
        "status": "success"
      "id": 12312

    Unsubscribe user balance update.

    # Request

    • method
