# Gate.io Futures WebSocket v4

    Gate.io provides a simple and robust Websocket API to integrate gate.io BTC/USDT futures contract trade status into your business or application.

    We have language bindings in Python, more in the future! You can view code examples in the dark area to the right, and you can switch the programming language of the examples with the tabs in the top right.

    # Server URL

    We provide BTC/USDT futures contract trade server urls, you can choose one of them according to your condition.

    # BTC Contract

    Base URLs:

    • Real Trading: wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc
    • TestNet Trading: wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc

    # USDT Contract

    Base URLs:

    • Real Trading: wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt
    • TestNet: wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt


    If you use old server urls(wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws or wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws), we will use BTC contract for you.

    # Changelog

    # !/usr/bin/env python
    # coding: utf-8
    import hashlib
    import hmac
    import json
    import logging
    import time
    from websocket import WebSocketApp
    logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
    class GateWebSocketApp(WebSocketApp):
        def __init__(self, url, api_key, api_secret, **kwargs):
            super(GateWebSocketApp, self).__init__(url, **kwargs)
            self._api_key = api_key
            self._api_secret = api_secret
        def _send_ping(self, interval, event):
            while not event.wait(interval):
                self.last_ping_tm = time.time()
                if self.sock:
                    except Exception as ex:
                        logger.warning("send_ping routine terminated: {}".format(ex))
                        self._request("futures.ping", auth_required=False)
                    except Exception as e:
                        raise e
        def _request(self, channel, event=None, payload=None, auth_required=True):
            current_time = int(time.time())
            data = {
                "time": current_time,
                "channel": channel,
                "event": event,
                "payload": payload,
            if auth_required:
                message = 'channel=%s&event=%s&time=%d' % (channel, event, current_time)
                data['auth'] = {
                    "method": "api_key",
                    "KEY": self._api_key,
                    "SIGN": self.get_sign(message),
            data = json.dumps(data)
            logger.info('request: %s', data)
        def get_sign(self, message):
            h = hmac.new(self._api_secret.encode("utf8"), message.encode("utf8"), hashlib.sha512)
            return h.hexdigest()
        def subscribe(self, channel, payload=None, auth_required=True):
            self._request(channel, "subscribe", payload, auth_required)
        def unsubscribe(self, channel, payload=None, auth_required=True):
            self._request(channel, "unsubscribe", payload, auth_required)
    def on_message(ws, message):
        # type: (GateWebSocketApp, str) -> None
        # handle message received
        logger.info("message received from server: {}".format(message))
    def on_open(ws):
        # type: (GateWebSocketApp) -> None
        # subscribe to channels interested
        logger.info('websocket connected')
        ws.subscribe("futures.tickers", ['BTC_USDT'], False)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        logging.basicConfig(format="%(asctime)s - %(message)s", level=logging.DEBUG)
        app = GateWebSocketApp("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt",
    package main
    import (
    type Msg struct {
      Time    int64    `json:"time"`
      Channel string   `json:"channel"`
      Event   string   `json:"event"`
      Payload []string `json:"payload"`
      Auth    *Auth    `json:"auth"`
    type Auth struct {
      Method string `json:"method"`
      KEY    string `json:"KEY"`
      SIGN   string `json:"SIGN"`
    const (
      Key    = "YOUR_API_KEY"
      Secret = "YOUR_API_SECRETY"
    func sign(channel, event string, t int64) string {
      message := fmt.Sprintf("channel=%s&event=%s&time=%d", channel, event, t)
      h2 := hmac.New(sha512.New, []byte(Secret))
      io.WriteString(h2, message)
      return hex.EncodeToString(h2.Sum(nil))
    func (msg *Msg) sign() {
      signStr := sign(msg.Channel, msg.Event, msg.Time)
      msg.Auth = &Auth{
        Method: "api_key",
        KEY:    Key,
        SIGN:   signStr,
    func (msg *Msg) send(c *websocket.Conn) error {
      msgByte, err := json.Marshal(msg)
      if err != nil {
        return err
      return c.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, msgByte)
    func NewMsg(channel, event string, t int64, payload []string) *Msg {
      return &Msg{
        Time:    t,
        Channel: channel,
        Event:   event,
        Payload: payload,
    func main() {
      u := url.URL{Scheme: "wss", Host: "fx-ws.gateio.ws", Path: "/v4/ws/usdt"}
      websocket.DefaultDialer.TLSClientConfig = &tls.Config{RootCAs: nil, InsecureSkipVerify: true}
      c, _, err := websocket.DefaultDialer.Dial(u.String(), nil)
      if err != nil {
      // read msg
      go func() {
        for {
          _, message, err := c.ReadMessage()
          if err != nil {
          fmt.Printf("recv: %s\n", message)
      t := time.Now().Unix()
      pingMsg := NewMsg("futures.ping", "", t, []string{})
      err = pingMsg.send(c)
      if err != nil {
      // subscribe order book
      orderBookMsg := NewMsg("futures.order_book", "subscribe", t, []string{"BTC_USDT"})
      err = orderBookMsg.send(c)
      if err != nil {
      // subscribe positions
      positionsMsg := NewMsg("futures.positions", "subscribe", t, []string{"USERID", "BTC_USDT"})
      err = positionsMsg.send(c)
      if err != nil {
      select {}


    • remove 10 level and 1000ms interval in channel futures.order_book_update


    • Add new field is_internal in channel futures.trades


    • Add WebSocket API
    • WebSocket API allows placing, canceling, amending, querying orders through a WebSocket connection.


    • Add new interval 20ms in channel futures.order_book_update, please note that the interval of 20ms is only supported for 20 levels.


    • Add update_id of futures.positions


    • Add new field auto_size in futures.autoorders initial struct, field detail to http api


    • Add new field time_ms in common msg response for time of message created


    • Add new field text in user trades notification
    • Add new fields low_24h and high_24h in tickers notification


    • Add new field currency in balance notification


    • Add milliseconds field t in futures.book_ticker and futures.order_book response


    • Add new order book channel futures.book_ticker to push best ask/bid in realtime
    • Add new order book channel futures.order_book_update to push order book change with user specified update frequency
    • Add local order book maintenance documentation


    • Add new millisecond-precision timestamp ended with _ms in server notification.
    • Add new field id in order book all notification.


    • Add a complete code demo(golang, python)


    • Add auto orders subscription


    • Add order book annotation


    • Add positions subscription


    • Add USDT futures contract
    • Add volume_24h_base field, volume_24h_settle field, volume_24h_quote field for tickers
    • Remove old server urls(wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws or wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws)


    If you use old server urls(wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws or wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws), we will use BTC contract for you.


    • Add application layer ping/pong message


    • Add index and mark candlestick subscription
    • Add funding_rate_indicative field for tickers
    • Add is_reduce_only and status field for orders


    • Change WebSocket base url
    • Add volume_24h_usd field and volume_24h_btc field for tickers


    • Add position_closes and balances subscription
    • Del finish_time field for auto_deleverages and liquidates
    • Add time field for auto_deleverages and liquidates

    # API Overview

    # Method

    Each general api (such as ticker, order book etc.) supports some different event messages, they are:

    1. subscribe (RECOMMENDED TO USE)

      Subscribe to receive notification from server when new data is available.

    2. unsubscribe

      Server will not send new data notification if unsubscribed.

    3. update

      If new subscribed data(incremental data) is available, server will send a notification to client.

    4. all

      If new subscribed data(all data) is available, server will send a notification to client.

    # Request

    Each request follows a common format, which contains time, channel, event and payload.

    parameter type required description
    id Integer No Optional request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to
    time Integer Yes Request time
    channel String Yes Request subscribe/unsubscribe channel
    auth String No Request auth info, see Authentication section for details
    event String Yes Request event (subscribe/unsubscribe/update/all/api)
    payload Array Yes Request detail parameters

    # Response

    Similar with request, response follows a common format composed of time, channel, event , error and result.

    field type required description
    time Integer Yes Response time
    time_ms Integer Yes Response time of millisecond
    channel String Yes Response channel
    event String Yes Response channel event (update/all)
    error Object Yes Response error
    result Any Yes New data notification from the server, or response to client requests. Null iferror is not null.

    Note: type of result is channel specific if it's server-initiated data update notification, but response to client subscription request always set the result to {"status": "success"}. To verify if subscription request is successful or not, you only need to check if error field is null. Parsing result field is not necessary.

    Channel specific description below will only give the server-initiated data update notification format for simplicity.

    # Error

    In case of error, you receive a message containing the proper error code and message within an error object.

    Code Message
    1 invalid argument struct
    2 invalid argument
    3 service error
    4 authentication fail

    # Authentication

    Request body needs to carry authentication information if channels are private, e.g. futures.usertrades

    WebSocket authentication uses the same signature calculation method with HTTP API, but has the following differences:

    1. Signature string concatenation method: channel=<channel>&event=<event>&time=<time>, where <channel>, <event>, <time> are corresponding request information
    2. Authentication information are sent in request body in field auth.
    # example WebSocket signature calculation implementation in Python
    import hmac, hashlib, time
    ## api_key method generate secret
    secret = 'xxxx'
    message = 'channel=%s&event=%s&time=%s' % ('futures.orders', 'subscribe', int(time.time()))
    print(hmac.new(secret, message, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest())  ## Generating signature

    You can log into the console to retrieve futures API key and secret.

    field type description
    method String Allowed value:api_key
    KEY String User key string
    SIGN String User sign string

    # System API

    Provides system status check, such as ping-pong.

    # Ping and Pong

    Check Server/Client connectivity.

    gate.io futures contract use the protocol layer ping/pong message.The server will initiate a ping message actively. If the client does not reply, the client will be disconnected.

    websocket rfc (opens new window)

    if you want to actively detect the connection status, you can send application layer ping message and receive pong message.

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.ping"}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545404023,
      "time_ms": 1545404023123,
      "channel": "futures.pong",
      "event": "",
      "result": null

    # Request

    • channel


    # Tickers API

    The ticker is a high level overview of the state of the contract. It shows you the highest, lowest, last trade price. It also includes information such as daily volume and how much the price has moved over the last day.

    # Tickers subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.tickers",
        "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545404023,
      "time_ms": 1545404023123,
      "channel": "futures.tickers",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe futures contract ticker.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      payload Array Yes Contract list

    # Tickers notification

      "time": 1541659086,
      "time_ms": 1541659086123,
      "channel": "futures.tickers",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "last": "118.4",
          "change_percentage": "0.77",
          "funding_rate": "-0.000114",
          "funding_rate_indicative": "0.01875",
          "mark_price": "118.35",
          "index_price": "118.36",
          "total_size": "73648",
          "volume_24h": "745487577",
          "volume_24h_btc": "117",
          "volume_24h_usd": "419950",
          "quanto_base_rate": "",
          "volume_24h_quote": "1665006",
          "volume_24h_settle": "178",
          "volume_24h_base": "5526",
          "low_24h": "99.2",
          "high_24h": "132.5"

    Notify subscribed contract ticker.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      contract String Futures contract name
      last String Last price
      change_percentage String Change percentage
      funding_rate String Funding rate
      funding_rate_indicative String Indicative Funding rate in next period
      mark_price String Recent mark price
      index_price String Index price
      total_size String Total size
      volume_24h String Volume 24h
      quanto_base_rate String Exchange rate of base currency and settlement currency in Quanto contract. Does not exists in contracts of other types
      volume_24h_btc String Trade volumes in recent 24h in BTC(deprecated, usevolume_24h_base, volume_24h_quote, volume_24h_settle instead)
      volume_24h_usd String Trade volumes in recent 24h in USD(deprecated, usevolume_24h_base, volume_24h_quote, volume_24h_settle instead)
      volume_24h_quote String Trade volume in recent 24h, in quote currency
      volume_24h_settle String Trade volume in recent 24h, in settle currency
      volume_24h_base String Trade volume in recent 24h, in base currency
      low_24h String Lowest trading price in recent 24h
      high_24h String Highest trading price in recent 24h

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.tickers",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["BTC_USD"]

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545404900,
      "time_ms": 1545404900123,
      "channel": "futures.tickers",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe contract ticker.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Trades API

    This channel sends a trade message whenever a trade occurs at gate.io. It includes details of the trade, such as price, amount, time and type.

    # Trades subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.trades",
            "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545405058,
      "time_ms": 1545405058123,
      "channel": "futures.trades",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe trades update notification.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      payload Array Yes Contract list

    # Trades notification

    Positive size means taker is buyer,negative seller

      "channel": "futures.trades",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1541503698,
      "time_ms": 1541503698123,
      "result": [
          "size": -108,
          "id": 27753479,
          "create_time": 1545136464,
          "create_time_ms": 1545136464123,
          "price": "96.4",
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "is_internal": true

    Notify latest trades update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      contract String Futures contract name
      size int Trades size
      id int Trades id
      create_time int Trades msg create time
      create_time_ms int Trades msg create time in milliseconds
      price string Trades price
      is_internal bool Whether internal trade. Internal trade refers to the takeover of liquidation orders by the insurance fund and ADL users. Since it is not a normal matching on the market depth, the transaction price may deviate, and it will not be recorded in the K-line. If it is not an internal trade, this field will not be returned.

    # Cancel subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
        '{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.trades", "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545404900,
      "time_ms": 1545404900123,
      "channel": "futures.trades",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe trades update notification.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Order Book API

    The order_book channel allow you to keep track of the state of the gate.io order book depth. It is provided on a price aggregated basis, with customizable precision.

    There are three different order book channels for subscription:

    • futures.order_book

      Legacy channel, which uses all to push full limited-level order book, and update to send every order book change event.

    • futures.book_ticker

      Push best bid and ask in real-time.

    • futures.order_book_update

      Push order book change with user-specified update frequency.


    Receiving order book update through futures.order_book is not recommended to use. futures.order_book_update can provide more timely update with less traffic

    How to maintain local order book:

    1. Subscribe futures.order_book_update with specified level and update frequency, e.g. ["BTC_USDT", "100ms", "100"] pushes the first 10 levels' update in BTC_USDT order book every 1s
    2. Cache WebSocket notifications. Every notification use U and u to tell the first and last update ID since last notification.
    3. Retrieve base order book using REST API, and make sure the order book ID is recorded(referred as baseID below) e.g. https://api.gateio.ws/api/v4/futures/usdt/order_book?contract=BTC_USDT&limit=10&with_id=true retrieves the 10-level base order book of BTC_USDT
    4. Iterate the cached WebSocket notifications, and find the first one which contains the baseID, i.e. U <= baseId+1 and u >= baseId+1, then start consuming from it. Note that sizes in notifications are all absolute values. Use them to replace original sizes in corresponding price. If size equals to 0, delete the price from the order book.
    5. Dump all notifications which satisfy u < baseID+1. If baseID+1 < first notification U, it means current base order book falls behind notifications. Start from step 3 to retrieve newer base order book.
    6. If any subsequent notification which satisfy U > baseID+1 is found, it means some updates are lost. Reconstruct local order book from step 3.

    # Legacy order book subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.order_book",
        "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD", "20", "0"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545405058,
      "time_ms": 1545405058123,
      "channel": "futures.order_book",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe order_book.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      contract String Yes Contract name
      limit String Yes Limit, legal limits: 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 1
      interval String Yes Legal intervals: "0"

    # Legacy order book notification

      "channel": "futures.order_book",
      "event": "all",
      "time": 1541500161,
      "time_ms": 1541500161123,
      "result": {
        "t": 1541500161123,
        "contract": "BTC_USD",
        "id": 93973511,
        "asks": [
            "p": "97.1",
            "s": 2245
            "p": "97.1",
            "s": 2245
        "bids": [
            "p": "97.1",
            "s": 2245
            "p": "97.1",
            "s": 2245

    Notify contract order book update information

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result object Order book info
      »t Integer Order book generation timestamp in milliseconds
      »contract String Contract name
      »id Integer OrderBook id
      »asks Array OrderBook ask list
      »»p String Ask price
      »»s String Ask size
      »bids Array OrderBook bid List
      »»p String Bid price
      »»s String Bid size

    # Legacy order book unsubscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.order_book",
        "event": "unsubscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD", "20", "0"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545445847,
      "time_ms": 1545445847123,
      "channel": "futures.order_book",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe specified contract order book.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Best ask/bid subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.book_ticker",
            "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545405058,
      "time_ms": 1545405058123,
      "channel": "futures.book_ticker",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe book_ticker.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      payload is an array contains contracts interested.

    # Best ask/bid notification

    If a is empty string, it means empty asks; if b is empty string, it means empty bids.

      "time": 1615366379,
      "time_ms": 1615366379123,
      "channel": "futures.book_ticker",
      "event": "update",
      "result": {
        "t": 1615366379123,
        "u": 2517661076,
        "s": "BTC_USD",
        "b": "54696.6",
        "B": 37000,
        "a": "54696.7",
        "A": 47061

    Notify contract order book best bid and ask

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result object Best bid and ask
      »t Integer Book ticker generated timestamp in milliseconds
      »u String Order book update ID
      »s String Contract name
      »b String Best bid price. If no bids, it's empty string
      »B Integer Best bid size. If no bids, it will be 0
      »a String Best ask price. If no asks, it's empty string
      »A Integer Best ask size. If no asks, it will be 0

    # Best ask/bid unsubscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.book_ticker",
            "event": "unsubscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545445847,
      "time_ms": 1545445847123,
      "channel": "futures.book_ticker",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe specified contract order book.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Order book update subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.order_book_update",
            "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD", "100ms", "100"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545405058,
      "time_ms": 1545405058123,
      "channel": "futures.order_book_update",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe order_book_update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      contract String Yes Contract name
      frequency String Yes Update frequency, 20ms or 100ms
      level String No Optional level interested. Only updates within are notified. Allowed values: "100", "50", "20"; 20ms only Allowed "20"

    # Order book update notification

      "time": 1615366381,
      "time_ms": 1615366381123,
      "channel": "futures.order_book_update",
      "event": "update",
      "result": {
        "t": 1615366381417,
        "s": "BTC_USD",
        "U": 2517661101,
        "u": 2517661113,
        "b": [
            "p": "54672.1",
            "s": 0
            "p": "54664.5",
            "s": 58794
        "a": [
            "p": "54743.6",
            "s": 0
            "p": "54742",
            "s": 95

    Notify contract order book update

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result object Changed asks and bids since last update
      »t Integer Order book generation timestamp in milliseconds
      »s String Contract name
      »U Integer First order book update ID since last update
      »u Integer Last order book update ID since last update
      »b String Changed bids
      »»p String Changed price
      »»s String Absolute size value after change. If 0, remove this price from order book
      »a String Changed asks
      »»p String Changed price
      »»s String Absolute size value after change. If 0, remove this price from order book

    # Order book update unsubscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
        '{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.order_book_update", "event": "unsubscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD", "100ms", "100"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545445847,
      "time_ms": 1545445847123,
      "channel": "futures.order_book_update",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe specified contract order book.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Candlesticks API

    Provides a way to access charting candlestick info.

    # Candlesticks subscription

    If prefix contract with mark_, the contract's mark price candlesticks will be subscribed; if prefix with index_, index price candlesticks will be subscribed.

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.candlesticks",
            "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["1m", "BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545445847,
      "time_ms": 1545445847123,
      "channel": "futures.candlesticks",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      interval String Interval : "10s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "8h", "1d", "7d"
      contract String Futures contract name

    # Candlesticks notification

      "time": 1542162490,
      "time_ms": 1542162490123,
      "channel": "futures.candlesticks",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "t": 1545129300,
          "v": 27525555,
          "c": "95.4",
          "h": "96.9",
          "l": "89.5",
          "o": "94.3",
          "n": "1m_BTC_USD",
          "a": "314732.87412"
          "t": 1545129300,
          "v": 27525555,
          "c": "95.4",
          "h": "96.9",
          "l": "89.5",
          "o": "94.3",
          "n": "1m_BTC_USD",
          "a": "314732.87412"

    Notify kline information of subscribed contract.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      t Integer Time
      o String Open
      c String Close
      h String Highest
      l String Lowest
      v Integer Volume
      n String Futures contract name
      a String Amount

    # Cancel subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
        '{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.candlesticks", "event": "unsubscribe", "payload" : ["1m", "BTC_USD"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545445847,
      "time_ms": 1545445847123,
      "channel": "futures.candlesticks",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe specified contract kline information.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Orders API

    Provides a way to receive user closed orders.


    Authentication required.

    # Orders subscription

    If you want to subscribe to order updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.orders",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.orders",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe user orders update

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Orders notification

      "channel": "futures.orders",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1541505434,
      "time_ms": 1541505434123,
      "result": [
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "create_time": 1628736847,
          "create_time_ms": 1628736847325,
          "fill_price": 40000.4,
          "finish_as": "filled",
          "finish_time": 1628736848,
          "finish_time_ms": 1628736848321,
          "iceberg": 0,
          "id": 4872460,
          "is_close": false,
          "is_liq": false,
          "is_reduce_only": false,
          "left": 0,
          "mkfr": -0.00025,
          "price": 40000.4,
          "refr": 0,
          "refu": 0,
          "size": 1,
          "status": "finished",
          "text": "-",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "tkfr": 0.0005,
          "user": "110xxxxx"

    Notify user orders information when an order is put, updated or finished.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      For the meaning of parameters, please refer to http interface.

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      create_time Integer Creation time of order(deprecated)
      create_time_ms Integer Creation timestamp in milliseconds of order
      fill_price Float Fill price of the order
      finish_as String How the order was finished.
      - filled: all filled
      - cancelled: manually cancelled
      - liquidated: cancelled because of liquidation
      - ioc: time in force is IOC, finish immediately
      - auto_deleveraged: finished by ADL
      - reduce_only: cancelled because of increasing position while reduce-only set- position_closed: cancelled because of position close
      - stp: cancelled because self trade prevention
      iceberg Integer Display size for iceberg order. 0 for non-iceberg. Note that you will have to pay the taker fee for the hidden size
      id Integer Futures order ID
      is_close Bool Is the order to close position
      is_liq Bool Is the order for liquidation
      left Integer Size left to be traded
      mkfr Float Maker fee
      is_reduce_only Bool Is the order reduce-only
      status String Order status
      - open: waiting to be traded
      - finished: finished
      tkfr Float Taker fee
      price Float Order price. 0 for market order with tif set as ioc
      refu Integer Reference user ID
      refr Float
      size Integer Order size. Specify positive number to make a bid, and negative number to ask
      text String User defined information.
      tif String Time in force
      - gtc: GoodTillCancelled
      - ioc: ImmediateOrCancelled, taker only
      - poc: PendingOrCancelled, makes a post-only order that always enjoys a maker fee
      - fok: FillOrKill, fill either completely or none
      Only ioc and fok are supported when type=market
      finish_time Integer Order update unix timestamp in seconds
      finish_time_ms Integer Order update unix timestamp in milliseconds
      user String User ID
      contract String Futures contract
      stp_id String Orders between users in the same stp_id group are not allowed to be self-traded
      1. If the stp_id of two orders being matched is non-zero and equal, they will not be executed. Instead, the corresponding strategy will be executed based on the stp_act of the taker.
      2. stp_id returns 0 by default for orders that have not been set for STP group
      stp_act String Self-Trading Prevention Action. Users can use this field to set self-trade prevetion strategies
      1. After users join the STP Group, he can pass stp_act to limit the user's self-trade prevetion strategy. If stp_act is not passed, the default is cn strategy。
      2. When the user does not join the STP group, an error will be returned when passing the stp_act parameter。
      3. If the user did not use 'stp_act' when placing the order, 'stp_act' will return '-'
      - cn: Cancel newest, Cancel new orders and keep old ones
      - co: Cancel oldest, Cancel old orders and keep new ones
      - cb: Cancel both, Both old and new orders will be cancelled
      amend_text String The custom data that the user remarked when amending the order

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.orders",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.orders",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe user orders update notification, for all contract.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # User trades API

    Provides a way to receive user trades.


    Authentication required.

    # User trades subscription

    If you want to subscribe to user trade updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.usertrades",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.usertrades",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user trades update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # User trades notification

      "time": 1543205083,
      "time_ms": 1543205083123,
      "channel": "futures.usertrades",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "id": "3335259",
          "create_time": 1628736848,
          "create_time_ms": 1628736848321,
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "order_id": "4872460",
          "size": 1,
          "price": "40000.4",
          "role": "maker",
          "text": "api",
          "fee": 0.0009290592,
          "point_fee": 0

    Notify user trades update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      contract String Futures contract name
      create_time Integer Create time
      create_time_ms Integer Create time in milliseconds
      id String Trades id
      order_id String Order Id
      price String Price
      size Integer Trades size
      role String User role (maker/taker)
      text String User defined information
      fee Float Fee deducted
      point_fee Float Points used to deduct fee

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.usertrades",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.usertrades",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe user trades update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Liquidates API

    Provides a way to receive user liquidates info.


    Authentication required.

    # Liquidates subscription

    If you want to subscribe to liquidate updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.liquidates",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.liquidates",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user liquidates update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Liquidates notification

      "channel": "futures.liquidates",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1541505434,
      "time_ms": 1541505434123,
      "result": [
          "entry_price": 209,
          "fill_price": 215.1,
          "left": 0,
          "leverage": 0.0,
          "liq_price": 213,
          "margin": 0.007816722941,
          "mark_price": 213,
          "order_id": 4093362,
          "order_price": 215.1,
          "size": -124,
          "time": 1541486601,
          "time_ms": 1541486601123,
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "user": "1040xxxx"

    Notify liquidates update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      entry_price Float Average entry price
      fill_price Float Average execution price
      leverage Float Leverage
      liq_price Float Liquidates price
      margin Float Margin
      mark_price Float Mark price
      order_id Integer Order id
      order_price Float Commission price
      left Integer Order unfilled quantity
      size Integer Position original size
      time Integer Time
      time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
      user String User id
      contract String Futures contract name

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.liquidates",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.liquidates",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe liquidates update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Auto_deleverages API

    Provides a way to receive user auto deleverages info.


    Authentication required.

    # Auto_deleverages subscription

    If you want to subscribe to auto deleverage updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.auto_deleverages",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.auto_deleverages",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user auto_deleverages update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Auto_deleverages notification

      "channel": "futures.auto_deleverages",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1541505434,
      "time_ms": 1541505434123,
      "result": [
          "entry_price": 209,
          "fill_price": 215.1,
          "position_size": 10,
          "trade_size": 10,
          "time": 1541486601,
          "time_ms": 1541486601123,
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "user": "1040"

    Notify auto_deleverages update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      entry_price Float Entry price
      fill_price Float Execution price
      position_size Integer Position size
      trade_size Integer Trade size
      time Integer Time
      time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
      user String User id
      contract String Futures contract name

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.auto_deleverages",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.auto_deleverages",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe auto_deleverages update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Position_closes API

    Provides a way to receive user position closes info.


    Authentication required.

    # Position_closes subscription

    If you want to subscribe to position close updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.position_closes",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.position_closes",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user position_closes update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Position_closes notification

      "channel": "futures.position_closes",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1541505434,
      "time_ms": 1541505434123,
      "result": [
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "pnl": -0.000624354791,
          "side": "long",
          "text": "web",
          "time": 1547198562,
          "time_ms": 1547198562123,
          "user": "211xxxx"

    Notify position_closes update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      contract String Futures contract name
      pnl Number Profit & loss
      side String Side (long or short)
      text String Messages
      time Integer Time
      time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
      user String User id

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.position_closes",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.position_closes",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe position_closes update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Balances API

    Provides a way to receive user balances info.


    Authentication required.

    # Balances subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.balances",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.balances",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user balances update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id

    # balances notification

      "channel": "futures.balances",
      "event": "update",
      "time": 1541505434,
      "time_ms": 1541505434123,
      "result": [
          "balance": 9.998739899488,
          "change": -0.000002074115,
          "text": "BTC_USD:3914424",
          "time": 1547199246,
          "time_ms": 1547199246123,
          "type": "fee",
          "user": "211xxx",
          "currency": "btc"

    Notify balances update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      balance Number Balance after changed
      change Number Change
      text String Messages
      time Integer Time
      time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
      type String Type
      user String User id
      currency String Transfer unit

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.balances",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.balances",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    # Reduce_risk_limits API

    Provides a way to receive user reduce risk limits info.


    Authentication required.

    # Reduce_risk_limits subscription

    If you want to subscribe to reduce risk limit updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.reduce_risk_limits",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.reduce_risk_limits",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user reduce_risk_limits update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Reduce_risk_limits notification

      "time": 1551858330,
      "time_ms": 1551858330123,
      "channel": "futures.reduce_risk_limits",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "cancel_orders": 0,
          "contract": "ETH_USD",
          "leverage_max": 10,
          "liq_price": 136.53,
          "maintenance_rate": 0.09,
          "risk_limit": 450,
          "time": 1551858330,
          "time_ms": 1551858330123,
          "user": "20011"

    Notify reduce risk limits update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      cancel_orders Integer Cancel orders
      contract String Contract name
      leverage_max Integer Leverage max
      liq_price Float Liquidates price
      maintenance_rate Float Maintenance rate
      risk_limit Integer Risk limit
      time Integer Time
      time_ms Integer Time in milliseconds
      user String User id

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.reduce_risk_limits",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    Unsubscribe reduce risk limits update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Positions API

    Provides a way to receive user positions info.


    Authentication required.

    # Positions subscription

    If you want to subscribe to position updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.positions",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.positions",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user positions update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Positions notification

      "time": 1588212926,
      "time_ms": 1588212926123,
      "channel": "futures.positions",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "contract": "BTC_USD",
          "cross_leverage_limit": 0,
          "entry_price": 40000.36666661111,
          "history_pnl": -0.000108569505,
          "history_point": 0,
          "last_close_pnl": -0.000050123368,
          "leverage": 0,
          "leverage_max": 100,
          "liq_price": 0.1,
          "maintenance_rate": 0.005,
          "margin": 49.999890611186,
          "mode": "single",
          "realised_pnl": -1.25e-8,
          "realised_point": 0,
          "risk_limit": 100,
          "size": 3,
          "time": 1628736848,
          "time_ms": 1628736848321,
          "user": "110xxxxx",
          "update_id": 170919

    Notify positions update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      contract String Futures contract name
      entry_price Float Entry price
      history_pnl Float History realized PNL
      history_point Float History realized POINT PNL
      last_close_pnl Float PNL of last position close
      leverage Integer Position leverage. 0 means cross margin; positive number means isolated margin
      leverage_max Integer Maximum leverage under current risk limit
      liq_price Float Liquidation price
      maintenance_rate Float Maintenance rate under current risk limit
      margin Float Position margin
      realised_pnl Float Realized PNL
      realised_point Float Realized POINT PNL
      risk_limit Integer Position risk limit
      size Integer Contract size
      time Integer Update unix timestamp
      time_ms Integer Update unix timestamp in milliseconds
      user String User id
      update_id Integer Message sequence number

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.positions",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.positions",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe positions update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Auto orders API

    Provides a way to receive user auto orders info.


    Authentication required.

    # Auto orders subscription

    If you want to subscribe to auto order updates in all contracts, use !all in contract list.

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.autoorders",
        "event": "subscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.autoorders",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe for user auto orders update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      user id String yes User id
      contract String yes Futures contract name

    # Auto orders notification

      "time": 1596798126,
      "time_ms": 1596798126123,
      "channel": "futures.autoorders",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "user": 123456,
          "trigger": {
            "strategy_type": 0,
            "price_type": 0,
            "price": "10000",
            "rule": 2,
            "expiration": 86400
          "initial": {
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "10000",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "text": "web",
            "iceberg": 0,
            "is_close": false,
            "is_reduce_only": false,
            "auto_size": ""
          "id": 9256,
          "trade_id": 0,
          "status": "open",
          "reason": "",
          "create_time": 1596798126,
          "name": "price_autoorders",
          "is_stop_order": false,
          "stop_trigger": {
            "rule": 0,
            "trigger_price": "",
            "order_price": ""
          "order_type": "close-long-order",
          "me_order_id": "213867453823"

    Notify auto orders update.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      user Number User id
      trigger Object
      initial Object
      id Number Auto order id
      trade_id Number Trade id
      status String Order status
      reason String Change reason
      create_time Number Create time
      name String Name
      is_stop_order boolean Is stop
      stop_trigger Object
      order_type String Take-profit/stop-loss types, detail to http api
      me_order_id Number Corresponding order ID of order take-profit/stop-loss.

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.autoorders",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["20011", "BTC_USD"],
        "auth": {
            "method": "api_key",
            "KEY": "xxxx",
            "SIGN": "xxxx"

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545459681,
      "time_ms": 1545459681123,
      "channel": "futures.autoorders",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe auto orders update.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    # Contract Stats API

    The contract_stats channel allows you to obtain contract statistics.

    # Contract Stats subscription

    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    ws.send('{"time" : 123456, "channel" : "futures.contract_stats",
        "event": "subscribe", "payload" : ["BTC_USD","10s"]}')

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545404023,
      "time_ms": 1545404023123,
      "channel": "futures.contract_stats",
      "event": "subscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Subscribe futures contract stats.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      contract String Yes Futures contract name
      interval String Yes Interval : "1s", "10s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "8h", "1d", "7d"

    # Contract Stats notification

      "time": 1541659086,
      "time_ms": 1541659086123,
      "channel": "futures.contract_stats",
      "event": "update",
      "result": [
          "time": 1603865400,
          "lsr_taker": 100,
          "lsr_account": 0.5,
          "long_liq_size": 0,
          "short_liq_size": 0,
          "open_interest": 124724,
          "short_liq_usd": 0,
          "mark_price": "8865",
          "top_lsr_size": 1.02,
          "short_liq_amount": 0,
          "long_liq_amount": 0,
          "open_interest_usd": 1511,
          "top_lsr_account": 1.5,
          "long_liq_usd": 0

    Notify subscribed contract stats.

    # Notify

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      field type description
      result Array Array of objects
      field type description
      time Integer Stat timestamp
      mark_price Float Current mark price
      lsr_taker Float Long/short account number ratio
      lsr_account Float Long/short taker size ratio
      long_liq_size Integer Long liquidation size
      long_liq_amount Float Long liquidation amount(base currency)
      long_liq_usd Float Long liquidation volume(quote currency)
      short_liq_size Integer Short liquidation size
      short_liq_amount Float Short liquidation amount(base currency)
      short_liq_usd Float Short liquidation volume(quote currency)
      open_interest Integer Open interest size
      open_interest_usd Float Open interest volume(quote currency)
      top_lsr_account Float Top trader long/short account ratio
      top_lsr_size Float Top trader long/short position ratio

    # Cancel subscription

    import json
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws-testnet.gateio.ws/v4/ws/btc")
    req = {
        "time": 123456,
        "channel": "futures.contract_stats",
        "event": "unsubscribe",
        "payload": ["BTC_USD","10s"]

    The above command returns JSON structured like this:

      "time": 1545404900,
      "time_ms": 1545404900123,
      "channel": "futures.contract_stats",
      "event": "unsubscribe",
      "result": {
        "status": "success"

    Unsubscribe contract stats.

    # Request

    • channel


    • event


    • params

      parameter type required description
      contract String Yes Futures contract name
      interval String Yes Interval : "1s", "10s", "1m", "5m", "15m", "30m", "1h", "4h", "8h", "1d", "7d"

    Note: contract is unsub_all, which means cancel all

    # Futures Account Trade

    # Websocket API

    WebSocket API allows placing , canceling , amending , querying orders through a WebSocket connection.

    # Websocket API Client Api Request

    Client request example

      "time": 1680772890,
      "channel": "futures.order_place",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "xxxx",
        "req_param": {
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "80048.240000",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id"

    api requests initiated from the client follow a common JSON format, which contains the following fields:

    Field Type Required Description
    time Integer Yes Request time in seconds. Gap between request time and server time must not exceed 60 seconds
    id Integer No Optional request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which
    request the server responds to
    channel String Yes WebSocket channel to subscribe to.
    event String Yes Fixed as api
    payload Object Yes Optional request detail parameters
    »req_id String Yes Unique identifier of the message Provided by client.It will be returned in response message for
    identifying the corresponding request.
    »timestamp String Yes Signature time in seconds
    »api_key String Yes Gate APIv4 user key string
    »signature String Yes Authentication signature generated using GateAPIv4 secret and request information,
    See[Websocket API Authentication](#Websocket API Authentication) section for details
    »req_param []Byte Yes Request api param

    Note that the type of payload.req_param is channel specific, Take futures.order_place for example, payload.req_param same as apiv4 /futures/{settle}/orders (opens new window). You can place a limit order for BTC_USDT with example.

    # Websocket API Server Response

    Server ack response example

      "request_id": "request-id-1",
      "ack": true,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681195121499",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x140031563c0"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "req_id": "request-id-1",
          "req_param": {
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "31503.280000",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "text": "t-my-custom-id"

    Server api response example

      "request_id": "request-id-1",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681195121639",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x140031563c0"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "id": 74046511,
          "user": 6790020,
          "create_time": 1681195121.754,
          "finish_time": 1681195121.754,
          "finish_as": "filled",
          "status": "finished",
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "31503.3",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "fill_price": "31500",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id",
          "tkfr": "0.0003",
          "mkfr": "0",
          "stp_id": 2,
          "stp_act": "cn",
          "amend_text": "-"

    Server response includes ack response to client requests and api result callback message updates. Server responses follow a common JSON format, which contains the following fields:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false (this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object If this is ack response, result is the payload of the request, otherwise result is the response of the api
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Error

    Error Response Notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-1",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681195360034",
        "status": "401",
        "channel": "futures.order_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x140001a2600"
      "data": {
        "errs": {
          "label": "INVALID_KEY",
          "message": "Invalid key provided"

    Error object has the following format:

    Field Type Description
    label String Denotes error type in string format
    message String Detailed error message

    # Login


    Note: the GateAPIv4 key pair you used MUST have future Corresponding permissions(eg: order-place channel must have future write permissions), and your outbound IP address must be in the key's IP whitelist if its whitelist is enabled.

    # Login Request

    Client Api Request

    Code samples

    package main
    import (
    func GetApiSignature(secret, channel string, requestParam []byte, ts int64) string {
       hash := hmac.New(sha512.New, []byte(secret))
       key := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s\n%s\n%d", "api", channel, string(requestParam), ts)
       return hex.EncodeToString(hash.Sum(nil))
    // example WebSocket signature calculation implementation in go
    func main() {
       apiKey := "YOUR_API_KEY"
       secret := "YOUR_API_SECRET"
       requestParam := ""
       channel := "futures.login"
       ts := time.Now().Unix()
       requestId := fmt.Sprintf("%d-%d", time.Now().UnixMilli(), 1)
       req := ApiRequest{
          Time:    ts,
          Channel: "",
          Event:   "api",
          Payload: ApiPayload{
             ApiKey:       apiKey,
             Signature:    GetApiSignature(secret, channel, []byte(requestParam), ts),
             Timestamp:    strconv.FormatInt(ts, 10),
             RequestId:    requestId,
             RequestParam: []byte(requestParam),
       fmt.Println(GetApiSignature(secret, channel, []byte(requestParam), ts))
       marshal, _ := json.Marshal(req)
    type ApiRequest struct {
       App     string     `json:"app,omitempty"`
       Time    int64      `json:"time"`
       Id      *int64     `json:"id,omitempty"`
       Channel string     `json:"channel"`
       Event   string     `json:"event"`
       Payload ApiPayload `json:"payload"`
    type ApiPayload struct {
       ApiKey       string          `json:"api_key,omitempty"`
       Signature    string          `json:"signature,omitempty"`
       Timestamp    string          `json:"timestamp,omitempty"`
       RequestId    string          `json:"req_id,omitempty"`
       RequestParam json.RawMessage `json:"req_param,omitempty"`

    Request example

      "time": 1681984544,
      "channel": "futures.login",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "api_key": "ea83fad2604399da16bf97e6eea772a6",
        "signature": "6fa3824c8141f2b2283108558ec50966d7caf749bf04a3b604652325b50b47d2343d569d848373d58e65c49d9622ba2e73dc25797abef11c9f20c07da741591e",
        "timestamp": "1681984544",
        "req_id": "request-1"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    api_key string Yes Apiv4 key
    headers object Yes Apiv4 custom header
    signature string Yes Apiv4 signature
    timestamp string Yes Unix timestamp in seconds

    WebSocket api operation authentication uses the same signature calculation method with Gate APIv4 API, i.e., HexEncode(HMAC_SHA512(secret, signature_string)), but has the following differences:

    1. Signature string concatenation method: "<event>\n<channel>\n<req_param>\n<timestamp>", where <event>, <channel>,<req_param>, <timestamp> are corresponding request information
    2. req_param in login channel always empty string
    3. Authentication information are sent in request body in field payload.

    # Login Notification

    Login Response example

      "request_id": "request-1",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681985856666",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.login",
        "event": "api",
        "clientId": ""
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "api_key": "ea83fad2604399da16bf97e6eea772a6",
          "uid": "110284739"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object If this is ack response, result is the payload of the request, otherwise result is the response of the api
    »»api_key String Login success apikey
    »»uid String Login user id
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Order Place


    You can place orders with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    POST /futures/{settle}/orders

    # Order Place Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_place",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_order)

    Request example

      "time": 1681195484,
      "channel": "futures.order_place",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-1",
        "req_param": {
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "31503.280000",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Api order model's json byte data, use api order model; api order model detail to api (opens new window)
    headers object Yes Apiv4 custom header

    # Ack Notification

    Ack Notification example for an order

      "request_id": "request-id-1",
      "ack": true,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681195484268",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x140001a2600"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "req_id": "request-id-1",
          "req_header": null,
          "req_param": {
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "31503.280000",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "text": "t-my-custom-id"

    # Order Place Notification

    Response Notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-1",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681195484360",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x140001a2600"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "id": 74046514,
          "user": 6790020,
          "create_time": 1681195484.462,
          "finish_time": 1681195484.462,
          "finish_as": "filled",
          "status": "finished",
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "31503.3",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "fill_price": "31500",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id",
          "tkfr": "0.0003",
          "mkfr": "0",
          "stp_id": 2,
          "stp_act": "cn",
          "amend_text": "-"

    Return of order information for placing an order

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Order info
    »result Object If this is ack response, result is the payload of the request, otherwise result is the response of the api
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Order Batch Place


    You can batch place orders with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    POST /futures/{settle}/batch_orders

    # Order Batch Place Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_batch_place",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_order)

    Request example

      "time": 1681196536,
      "channel": "futures.order_batch_place",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-6",
        "req_param": [
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "31403.180000",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "text": "t-my-custom-id"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Api order model's json byte data, an array with api order model; api order model detail to api (opens new window)
    headers object Yes Apiv4 custom header

    # Order Batch Place Ack Notification

    Ack Notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-6",
      "ack": true,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196536283",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_batch_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "req_id": "request-id-6",
          "req_header": null,
          "req_param": [
              "contract": "BTC_USDT",
              "size": 10,
              "price": "31403.180000",
              "tif": "gtc",
              "text": "t-my-custom-id"

    # Order Batch Place Notification

    Response Notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-6",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196536532",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_batch_place",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": [
            "succeeded": true,
            "id": 74046545,
            "user": 6790020,
            "create_time": 1681196536.592,
            "status": "open",
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "31403.2",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "left": 10,
            "fill_price": "0",
            "text": "t-my-custom-id",
            "tkfr": "0.0003",
            "mkfr": "0"

    Return of order information for batch placing order

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Order info
    »result Object If this is ack response, result is the payload of the request, otherwise result is the response of the api
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Order Cancel


    You can cancel an open order with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id}

    # Order Cancel Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_cancel",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_cancel_order)

    Order cancel request example

      "time": 1681195485,
      "channel": "futures.order_cancel",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-5",
        "req_param": {
          "order_id": "74046514"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Api cancel order, detail to api (opens new window)

    # Order Status Notification

    Order status notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-5",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196536282",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_cancel",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "id": 74046543,
          "user": 6790020,
          "create_time": 1681196535.01,
          "finish_time": 1681196536.343,
          "finish_as": "cancelled",
          "status": "finished",
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "31303.2",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "left": 10,
          "fill_price": "0",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id",
          "tkfr": "0.0003",
          "mkfr": "0",
          "stp_id": 2,
          "stp_act": "cn",
          "amend_text": "-"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object Single order cancel response, detail to api (opens new window)
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Cancel all open orders matched


    You can cancel all open orders with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    DELETE /futures/{settle}/orders

    # Cancel all open orders matched Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_cancel_cp",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_cancel_all_order)

    Client request example

      "time": 1681196537,
      "channel": "futures.order_cancel_cp",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-7",
        "req_param": {
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "side": "bid"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Detail to.api (opens new window)

    # Cancel all open orders matched Notification

    Order cancel notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-7",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196537567",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_cancel_cp",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": [
            "id": 74046545,
            "user": 6790020,
            "create_time": 1681196536.592,
            "finish_time": 1681196537.626,
            "finish_as": "cancelled",
            "status": "finished",
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "31403.2",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "left": 10,
            "fill_price": "0",
            "text": "t-my-custom-id",
            "tkfr": "0.0003",
            "mkfr": "0",
            "stp_id": 2,
            "stp_act": "cn",
            "amend_text": "-"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object Response detail to api (opens new window)
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Order Amend


    You can amend an open order with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    PUT /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id}

    # Order Amend Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_amend",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_amend_order)

    Client request example

      "time": 1681196536,
      "channel": "futures.order_amend",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-4",
        "req_param": {
          "order_id": "74046543",
          "price": "31303.180000"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Api amend order, detail to api (opens new window)

    # Order Amend Notification

    Order amend notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-4",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196536251",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_amend",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "id": 74046543,
          "user": 6790020,
          "create_time": 1681196535.01,
          "status": "open",
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "31303.2",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "left": 10,
          "fill_price": "0",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id",
          "tkfr": "0.0003",
          "mkfr": "0",
          "stp_id": 2,
          "stp_act": "cn",
          "amend_text": "-"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object Response detail to api (opens new window)
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Order List


    You can list futures orders with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    GET /futures/{settle}/orders

    # Order List Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_list",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_list_order)

    Client request example

      "time": 1681196535,
      "channel": "futures.order_list",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-3",
        "req_param": {
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "status": "open"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Api list order, detail to api (opens new window)

    # Order List Notification

    Order list notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-3",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196536017",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_list",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": [
            "id": 74046543,
            "user": 6790020,
            "create_time": 1681196535.01,
            "status": "open",
            "contract": "BTC_USDT",
            "size": 10,
            "price": "31403.2",
            "tif": "gtc",
            "left": 10,
            "fill_price": "0",
            "text": "t-my-custom-id",
            "tkfr": "0.0003",
            "mkfr": "0",
            "stp_id": 2,
            "stp_act": "cn",
            "amend_text": "-"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message, and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object Response detail to api (opens new window)
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message

    # Order Status


    You can query an order with this channel and event api.

    function as api below:

    GET /futures/{settle}/orders/{order_id}

    # Order Status Request

    Code samples

    import time
    import json
    # pip install websocket_client
    from websocket import create_connection
    ws = create_connection("wss://fx-ws.gateio.ws/v4/ws/usdt")
        "time": int(time.time()),
        "channel": "futures.order_status",
        "event": "api",
        "payload": {
            "req_id": "1ewq-3123w-5",
            "req_param": json.dumps(api_status_order)

    Client request example

      "time": 1681196535,
      "channel": "futures.order_status",
      "event": "api",
      "payload": {
        "req_id": "request-id-2",
        "req_param": {
          "order_id": "74046543"

    Payload format:

    Field Type Required Description
    req_id string Yes Request id which will be sent back by the server to help you identify which request the server responds to,
    it's different from outside'sid
    req_param object Yes Detail to api (opens new window)

    # Order Cancel Notification

    Order cancel notification example

      "request_id": "request-id-2",
      "ack": false,
      "header": {
        "response_time": "1681196535985",
        "status": "200",
        "channel": "futures.order_status",
        "event": "api",
        "client_id": "::1-0x14002cfa0c0"
      "data": {
        "result": {
          "id": 74046543,
          "user": 6790020,
          "create_time": 1681196535.01,
          "status": "open",
          "contract": "BTC_USDT",
          "size": 10,
          "price": "31403.2",
          "tif": "gtc",
          "left": 10,
          "fill_price": "0",
          "text": "t-my-custom-id",
          "tkfr": "0.0003",
          "mkfr": "0",
          "stp_id": 2,
          "stp_act": "cn",
          "amend_text": "-"

    Result format:

    Field Type Description
    request_id String Unique identifier of the message
    ack Bool The return of the "ack" message represents the WebSocket confirmation message(Currently exists in the order-place api).
    If "ack" is false(this field will not be returned), it means that the message is a response message,and you can determine if the request was successful
    by checking "data.errs".
    header Map Response meta info
    »response_time String Response send time in mill
    »channel String Request channel
    »event String Request event
    »client_id String Unique client id
    data Object Signature time in seconds
    »result Object Response detail to api (opens new window)
    »errs Object It is only available when the request fails
    »»label String Denotes error type in string format
    »»message String Detailed error message