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Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethere...
Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethereum News and Upcoming Events This Week
2023-09-04, 02:27
[//]:content-type-MARKDOWN-DONOT-DELETE ![](https://gimg2.gateimg.com/image/article/1690791817Ethereumweekly.jpeg) ## Eth News and Links ### Dencun (Cancun + Deneb) upgrade Latest all core devs – execution (ACDE) [call video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GkSjuiqqkKU&t=29s "call video"). Recap by [Tim Beiko](https://twitter.com/abcoathup/status/1697343956433219839 "Tim Beiko"). Notes from [Tim Beiko](https://twitter.com/timbeiko/status/1697381822831919503 "Tim Beiko") and [Christine Kim](https://www.galaxy.com/insights/research/ethereum-all-core-developers-execution-call-169/ "Christine Kim"): Devnet 8 to be used for most Dencun testing, devnet 9 will include final spec changes & hopefully be the last devnet Public testnet upgrade order: Holešky (new, smaller number of node operators), Goerli (deprecated, has most apps/L2s/stakers) and then Sepolia before mainnet Holešky to test 3/6 (target/max) blobs with option to reduce to 2/4 for other testnets/mainnet Discussions on Verkle trie live migration vs combining with state expiry and Address Space Extension/Compression [Intro to blobspace](https://domothy.com/blobspace/ "Intro to blobspace"): EIP4844 (proto-danksharding) in Dencun upgrade & full danksharding ### Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH 🚨🚨🚨 [Lido very close](https://dune.com/hildobby/eth2-staking "Lido very close") to breaching [33% threshold](https://notes.ethereum.org/djrtwo/risks-of-lsd "33% threshold") Client diversity (via [clientdiversity.org](https://clientdiversity.org/#distribution "clientdiversity.org")): Execution layer: Geth supermajority, could possibly cause a chain split Consensus layer: two clients over 33%, a bug could mean loss of liveness Needed: more [geographic diversity for both stakers and nodes](https://nodewatch.io/ "geographic diversity for both stakers and nodes"), particularly outside of US/Can/EU ### Layer 1 [Ethereum Execution Layer Specification](https://blog.ethereum.org/2023/08/29/eel-spec "Ethereum Execution Layer Specification") (EELS): Python reference implementation (similar to consensus layer Python spec) [Grant available to update Yellow Paper](https://github.com/ethereum/yellowpaper#repository-currently-outdated "Grant available to update Yellow Paper") with missing pre-merge fork logic Erigon [Caplin](https://erigon.substack.com/p/update-on-caplin-and-roadmap-building "Caplin") (CL client) roadmap Dapplion: [Whisk bootstrapping](https://hackmd.io/dapplion/whisk_bootstrapping "Whisk bootstrapping"), tradeoffs of bootstrapping strategies Otterscan [v1.32.0](https://github.com/otterscan/otterscan/releases/tag/v1.32.0 "v1.32.0"): adds contract interaction (for Sourcify verified contracts) ### Client releases Consensus layer: Lodestar [v1.11.0](https://github.com/ChainSafe/lodestar/releases/tag/v1.11.0 "v1.11.0"): adds Holešky testnet Execution layer: Nethermind [v1.20.2](https://github.com/NethermindEth/nethermind/releases/tag/1.20.2 "v1.20.2")/[v1.20.3](https://github.com/NethermindEth/nethermind/releases/tag/1.20.3 "v1.20.3"): adds Holešky testnet Reth [v0.1.0-alpha.8](https://github.com/paradigmxyz/reth/releases/tag/v0.1.0-alpha.8 "v0.1.0-alpha.8"): sub 1TB full node, configurable pruning for each table and improvements for Transaction Pool & RPC ### Research [Decouple attestation weight](https://ethresear.ch/t/reducing-lst-dominance-risk-by-decoupling-attestation-weight-from-attestation-rewards/16523 "Decouple attestation weight") from attestation rewards, proposal to reduce risks from liquid staking [Cumulative non-expiring inclusion lists](https://ethresear.ch/t/cumulative-non-expiring-inclusion-lists/16520 "Cumulative non-expiring inclusion lists"), add-on to inclusion list design [Slashing penalties if max effective balance increased](https://ethresear.ch/t/slashing-penalty-analysis-eip-7251/16509 "Slashing penalties if max effective balance increased") (EIP7251), proposes initial penalty be a constant or scale sublinearly and correlation penalty be modified to scale quadratically [PEPC-DVT](https://ethresear.ch/t/pepc-dvt-pepc-with-no-changes-to-the-consensus-protocol/16514 "PEPC-DVT"): Protocol-Enforced Proposer Commitments without changing consensus ### Layer 2 [Arbitrum Stylus](https://medium.com/offchainlabs/stylus-now-live-one-chain-many-languages-eee56ad7266d "Arbitrum Stylus"): build apps for Nitro chains in Rust, C & C++, live on testnet <a href="/ar/price/polygon-matic" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Polygon</a> [Chain Development Kit](https://polygon.technology/blog/introducing-polygon-chain-development-kit-launch-zk-l2s-on-demand-to-unlock-unified-liquidity "Chain Development Kit") (CDK): launch a rollup or validium StarkWare [Stone prover](https://github.com/starkware-libs/stone-prover#readme "Stone prover") open sourced ### EIPs/Standards ERCs (application layer): [ERC7505](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7528/files "ERC7505"): NFT author registry [ERC7506](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/7547/files "ERC7506"): Trusted hint registry ### Stuff for developers Foundry: [Rivet](https://www.paradigm.xyz/2023/08/rivet "Rivet"): developer wallet (browser extension), integrated with Anvil, alpha [Huffpoint](https://github.com/devtooligan/Huffpoint#readme "Huffpoint"): vm.breakpoint in Huff to use with Foundry debugger OpenSea [redeemable NFT](https://docs.opensea.io/changelog/define-the-standard-for-nft-redeemables "redeemable NFT") draft standards, proof of concept burn to redeem live on mainnet [Unique contract designs](https://blog.smlxl.io/ethereum-apocrypha-46e155e21a26 "Unique contract designs"): BIG, many to one & one to many proxies, overlapping layouts and deeply nested variables [Arbitrum Sepolia testnet](https://twitter.com/ArbitrumDevs/status/1696525956834619856 "Arbitrum Sepolia testnet") is live, Arbitrum Goerli will be deprecated later in the year [Circomscribe](https://www.zksecurity.xyz/blog/posts/circomscribe/ "Circomscribe"): analyze Circom code Trail of Bits adding Vyper support to [Slither](https://github.com/crytic/slither/pull/2099 "Slither") and [Echidna](https://github.com/crytic/echidna/pull/1108 "Echidna") ### Security Ajna [grief vector disclosed](https://blog.summer.fi/ajna-possible-attack-vector/ "grief vector disclosed"), repay debt & withdraw <a href="/ar/price/balancer-bal" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Balancer</a> disclosed vulnerability [exploited](https://twitter.com/Balancer/status/1696930832760635566 "exploited") for [$2.1 million](https://twitter.com/BeosinAlert/status/1696362629818908758 "$2.1 million") SharedStake (Liquid staking) [105 ETH exploit](https://medium.com/chimera_defi/sharedstake-exploit-postmortem-sep-1-2023-50a85061d58c "105 ETH exploit"), infinite mint via invalid ownership checks ### Enterprise [Swift tokenization experiments](https://www.swift.com/news-events/press-releases/swift-unlocks-potential-tokenisation-successful-blockchain-experiments "Swift tokenization experiments") used Sepolia testnet via Chainlink CCIP [OnlyFans has ETH](https://twitter.com/WuBlockchain/status/1695685476634833164 "OnlyFans has ETH") on its balance sheet ### Onchain stats Gas fees (via [ultrasound.money](https://ultrasound.money/#gas "ultrasound.money")): 9 to 122 gwei, with average around 21. Negative issuance currently at 20.1 gwei About 400 ETH net burn this week ETHUSD: $1610-1735, currently ~$1630 [ETHBTC](https://ratiogang.com/ "ETHBTC"): .062-.0635, currently .063 (Flippening at ~.16) ### Notable at app layer [Gitcoin Grants 18 closed](https://twitter.com/gitcoin/status/1696516357876043826 "Gitcoin Grants 18 closed"), $680k donated from 47k donors <a href="/ar/price/gitcoin-gtc" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Gitcoin</a> Passport [onchain stamps](https://www.gitcoin.co/blog/gitcoin-passport-onchain-stamps "onchain stamps"): mint passport on <a href="/ar/price/optimism-op" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">Optimism</a> [Hats Protocol v2](https://hats.mirror.xyz/NXJI4Rkk4TafwLvVZLfdlz-sLWdrNlKFmvJq9cKDkiw "Hats Protocol v2"): assign addresses onchain roles and pick what powers each role gets Brian Armstrong: [startups I would build today](https://www.coinbase.com/blog/request-for-builders-startups-i-would-build-today "startups I would build today") Base apps: [OpenCover](https://twitter.com/OpenCoverDeFi/status/1697232657481183252 "OpenCover"): cover aggregator [NFTA](https://www.nfta.pl/ "NFTA"): daily <a href="/ar/price-prediction" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">price prediction</a> game via drawing price chart, beta ## Job Listings [Product Manager - L2 Blockchain Effort](https://grnh.se/48614a711us "Product Manager - L2 Blockchain Effort") @ Status: [All jobs](https://grnh.se/9fc6e6fc1us "All jobs") EF Privacy & Scaling Explorations team seek [ZK circuits engineer](https://jobs.lever.co/ethereumfoundation/7a7da3a9-a080-40a9-8aed-9e81641650a4 "ZK circuits engineer") ### Regulation/business/tokens [Grayscale procedural victory over SEC in Bitcoin ETF case](https://twitter.com/jchervinsky/status/1696544309699363201 "Grayscale procedural victory over SEC in Bitcoin ETF case"): SEC must provide a coherent response for rejection US SEC [charges Impact Theory for selling NFTs](https://www.sec.gov/news/press-release/2023-163 "charges Impact Theory for selling NFTs") as unregistered securities [Unanimous Republican dissent](https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/peirce-uyeda-statement-nft-082823 "Unanimous Republican dissent") from Commissioners Peirce & Uyeda [Class action against Uniswap dismissed](https://twitter.com/haydenzadams/status/1696991910370411003 "Class action against Uniswap dismissed"), not liable for third-party misuse Binance: [BUSD users should convert to other stablecoins](https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/binance-encourages-users-to-convert-busd-to-other-stablecoins-prior-to-february-2024-d392843e81fd4bc3a5f7e219aa01f34d "BUSD users should convert to other stablecoins") by February 2024 ### General [OG wallet drainer update](https://twitter.com/tayvano_/status/1696222653747732802 "OG wallet drainer update"): LastPass appears to be the common <a href="/ar/price/link-ln" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">LINK</a> [Theft patterns](https://twitter.com/tayvano_/status/1697336529746874521 "Theft patterns") of OG wallet drainer, private key compromise, sweeper bots and Sha Zhu Pan [Rune proposes](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/explore-a-fork-of-the-solana-codebase-for-newchain/21822 "Rune proposes") Maker chain, use hard forks to recover from governance attacks or tech failures [MACI & RLN trusted setup ceremonies](https://twitter.com/ctrlc03/status/1696449276652454061 "MACI & RLN trusted setup ceremonies"): contribute from the browser (requires GitHub private gist access) Ittai Abraham: [Fast Fourier Transform over finite fields](https://decentralizedthoughts.github.io/2023-09-01-FFT/ "Fast Fourier Transform over finite fields") [Improving log lookups](https://eprint.iacr.org/2023/1284 "Improving log lookups") using GKR ## Upcoming Dates of Note (new/changes in **bold**) Sep 7-9 – [ETHAccra](https://www.ethaccra.xyz/ "ETHAccra") hackathon Sep 10-12 – [Ethereum Singapore](https://www.ethereumsingapore.com/ "Ethereum Singapore") hackathon & conference Sep 11-13 – [DappCon](https://www.dappcon.io/ "DappCon") (Berlin) Sep 15 – [Protocol Berg](https://protocol.berlin/ "Protocol Berg") (Berlin) Sep 15-17 – [ETHChicago](https://www.ethchicago.xyz/ "ETHChicago") conference & hackathon Sep 15 – [Holešky testnet](https://github.com/eth-clients/holesky#readme "Holešky testnet") genesis Sep 18-24 – [ETHSafari](https://ethsafari.xyz/ "ETHSafari") (Kilifi Kenya) Sep 21–24 – [Pragma](https://ethglobal.com/events/pragma-newyork "Pragma") & ETHGlobal New York Oct 5-6 – [ETHMilan](https://www.ethmilan.xyz/ "ETHMilan") conference Oct 6-8 – [ETHRome](https://ethrome.org/ "ETHRome") hackathon Oct 6–27 – [ETHOnline](https://ethglobal.com/events/ethonline2023 "ETHOnline") (ETHGlobal) virtual Oct 28-30 – [Paradigm CTF](https://ctf.paradigm.xyz/ "Paradigm CTF") Oct 13–15 – [Ethereum Kuala Lumpur](https://twitter.com/ethkl1/status/1670761473348624384 "Ethereum Kuala Lumpur") conference & hackathon Oct 21 – [Ethereum México](https://twitter.com/ethereum_mexico/status/1684649652639924224 "Ethereum México") Oct 22-24 – [ETH Hong Kong](https://www.ethhongkong.co/ "ETH Hong Kong") Oct 27–29 – [ETH Miami](https://ethmiami.net/ "ETH Miami") festival + hackathon Oct 27-29 – [ETH Vietnam](https://www.eth-vietnam.com/ "ETH Vietnam") Oct 27-29 – [ETH London](https://www.encode.club/eth-london "ETH London") hackathon Oct 28–30 – [ETH Lisbon](https://www.ethlisbon.org/ "ETH Lisbon") hackathon Oct 31 – [Road to Devcon grants](https://blog.ethereum.org/2023/06/29/road-to-devcon7-grants "Road to Devcon grants") application deadline Nov 3-5 –[ ETH Lisbon](https://www.ethlisbon.org/ " ETH Lisbon") hackathon Nov 13-19 – [Devconnect](https://blog.ethereum.org/2023/04/20/announcing-devconnect-ist "Devconnect") (Istanbul) Nov 16-19 – [Pragma](https://ethglobal.com/events/pragma-istanbul "Pragma") & ETHGlobal Istanbul Dec 4-5 – [ETHVenice](https://ethvenice.com/ "ETHVenice") Dec 8-10 – ETHGlobal [ETHIndia](https://ethindia.co/ "ETHIndia") (Bangalore) <div class="blog-details-info"> <div>Disclaimer <div>Author: Andrew B Coathup and Evan Van Ness, WeekiNethereum.substack Team <div>Editor: Gate.io Blog Team <div class="info-tips">\*This article represents only the views of the author and does not constitute any investment suggestions. <div>\*Copyright is reserved by WeekiNethereum.substack Team. Please contact us to remove any infringement. </div>
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