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ما تم إدراجه حديثًا

Gate.io Startup Free Offering: TomTom Coin(TOMS) and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules (15,000,000 TOMS free of charge)

2022-07-22 UTC 55468

Gate.io will list LABEL Foundation(LBL)

2022-07-22 UTC 40895

Gate.io Startup:LABEL Foundation (LBL) Sale Result & Listing Schedule

2022-07-22 UTC 45812

Gate.io will list MoneySwap(MSWAP)

2022-07-22 UTC 40086

Gate.io Startup Free Offering: AmazingTeamDAO (ATEAM)and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules( 3,191 ATEAM free of charge)

2022-07-22 UTC 52489

Gate.io Startup:MoneySwap (MSWAP) Sale Result & Listing Schedule

2022-07-22 UTC 37543

Gate.io will list Amazy (AZY)

2022-07-21 UTC 51576

Gate.io Startup Free Offering: LABEL Foundation(LBL) and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules ( 10,488,117 LBL free of charge)

2022-07-20 UTC 68925

Gate.io Startup:Land of Conquest (SLG) Initial Sale Result & Listing Schedule

2022-07-19 UTC 44694

Gate.io Startup Free Offering: MoneySwap(MSWAP) and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules ( 55,356,273 MSWAP free of charge)

2022-07-19 UTC 62016

Gate.io will list XANA (XETA)

2022-07-19 UTC 57360

Gate.io will list Seele(SEELE)

2022-07-19 UTC 20085

Gate.io Startup:Seele (SEELE) Sale Result & Listing Schedule

2022-07-19 UTC 23827

Gate.io Startup:beFITTER (FIU) Initial Sale Result & Listing Schedule

2022-07-18 UTC 21326

Gate.io will list Decred-Next(DCRN)

2022-07-18 UTC 27139
اللغة والمنطقة
سعر الصرف

اختر اللغة والمنطقة

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