
In the world of crypto, Ethereum is the source of innovation, where DeFi, NFTs, Layer 2, and numerous new technologies were created. One of its co-founders, Vitalik Buterin, is a key opinion leader in the crypto world. Ethereum launched a series of important upgrades to transition from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), which may help to break down the Blockchain Scalability Trilemma and makes Ethereum a “ultra-sound money”.

Articles (397)

Read in-depth V God’s long article on Staking: How will his concept profoundly affect the staking track?

Read in-depth V God’s long article on Staking: How will his concept profoundly affect the staking track?

This article interprets the Ethereum staking mechanism optimization plan proposed by Vitalik, and analyzes the potential impact of different plans on the staking track.
Jan 04, 2024
With 5,000+ daily active users and a cumulative trading volume of US$140 million a year, this article explains the dark horse project in the decentralized NFT market.

With 5,000+ daily active users and a cumulative trading volume of US$140 million a year, this article explains the dark horse project in the decentralized NFT market.

On the battlefield of the NFT trading market, a new star is quietly emerging: This decentralized NFT trading market debuted in March 2023 and was founded by software engineer and entrepreneur Adam King, who has accumulated extensive experience in multiple blockchain projects. Let’s introduce this project below.
Jan 04, 2024
Ambition made to counteract ambition - DAO governance and bicameralism

Ambition made to counteract ambition - DAO governance and bicameralism

This article explores the similarities between Lido's dual governance proposals and a bicameral system, as well as what DAOs can learn from constitutional engineering.
Jan 04, 2024
What exactly is Instadapp? Dig deeper - Web3 Continuous Thinking

What exactly is Instadapp? Dig deeper - Web3 Continuous Thinking

This article analyzes Instadapp, a decentralized application on Ethereum that provides users and developers with a convenient platform to achieve the integration and asset management of different decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.
Jan 04, 2024
Will fast-growing Morpho become a potential competitor to Aave?

Will fast-growing Morpho become a potential competitor to Aave?

This article introduces a lending rate Morpho project, a lending rate optimizer, including its main businesses, team, investors, tokens, etc. It also explains the need for matching optimization between borrowers and lenders in terms of the current lending protocols and its interest rate inefficiency.
Jan 04, 2024
Different types of layer 2s

Different types of layer 2s

This article discusses the technical characteristics and security assurances of three Layer2 approaches, and analyzes the different dimensions of "connection with Ethereum."
Jan 04, 2024
ROWS #4: Decentralized social media part. 2 - Lens and Farcaster

ROWS #4: Decentralized social media part. 2 - Lens and Farcaster

文章从底层协议、项目、社区等角度评估了 Farcaster 和 Lens Protocol 生态的优缺点,并推测了 Farcaster 开放后可能面临的潜在问题。
Jan 03, 2024
What is Wrapped XRP (wXRP) and How Does it Work?

What is Wrapped XRP (wXRP) and How Does it Work?

Wrapped XRP, a token pegged to XRP usable across various blockchain networks other than the XRP ledger, aims to enhance liquidity and interoperability within the decentralized finance ecosystem.
Jan 03, 2024
What is the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade?

What is the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade?

Explore the Ethereum Cancun Upgrade: a pivotal enhancement boosting scalability and efficiency, setting new standards in blockchain technology.
Jan 03, 2024
The Data Availability Problem

The Data Availability Problem

This article delves into the issue of data availability and how it impacts the scalability of Ethereum.
Jan 02, 2024
How Will Al Impact the NFT Art Ecosystem?

How Will Al Impact the NFT Art Ecosystem?

AI-generated NFT art is a digital artwork created through the use of AI algorithms and generative models to interpret large extensive data and stored on a blockchain. However, despite its potential to transform NFTs, AI is not immune to limitations.
Jan 02, 2024
BiHelix: An overview of RGB ecological projects not to be missed

BiHelix: An overview of RGB ecological projects not to be missed

The RGB protocol, like Ethereum, is a Turing-complete smart contract platform based on Bitcoin. This article introduces its ecological project.
Jan 01, 2024
Technical interpretation of Ethereum's inscription ETHS: Is it financial hype or not a product innovation?

Technical interpretation of Ethereum's inscription ETHS: Is it financial hype or not a product innovation?

This article discusses in depth the implementation method of ETHS, facets, and the influence and relationship between facets and smart contracts, and also discusses them in comparison with Rollup.
Jan 01, 2024
Facet Swap: An on-chain inscription trading platform created by the founder of ETHS, with an introduction to participation methods and key tokens

Facet Swap: An on-chain inscription trading platform created by the founder of ETHS, with an introduction to participation methods and key tokens

This article introduces Facet Swap, an on-chain inscription trading platform, and brings the inscriptions that have been minted so far as reference.
Jan 01, 2024
A mathematical coincidence about Curve and Uniswap and it's just a coincidence

A mathematical coincidence about Curve and Uniswap and it's just a coincidence

This article sorts out the structural thinking process of Curve V1 and Uniswap V3 from the starting point. The two rubbed shoulders in the mathematical sense during the construction process, and how they parted ways to different ends.
Dec 31, 2023
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Your Gateway to Crypto Knowledge, Get Article Alerts Straight to Your Inbox.