Suggestions & Feedback


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Feedback Rewards

We will assign levels and distribute gifts for the best feedback. Your quality suggestions are key to creating a better platform

$1 GT

Language translation or typesetting

$10 GT

Product/service/platform function that may affect user experience

$100 GT

Suggestions that contribute to improving platform services

How Do We Operate?

Our platform prioritizes stable development and information security. We look forward to working with you to improve product quality and create a better future together.

Submit Suggestion

Team Review and Grading

Distribute Rewards


Submit Suggestion


Team Review and Grading


Distribute Rewards

We appreciate every suggestion submitted by users. We will evaluate them promptly and leverage your insights to co-create the Gate product ecosystem.

Submit Other Feedback


Submit account-related issues

Security Vulnerability

Submit any issues that may cause system interruptions, data leaks, user property loss, etc.