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Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethere...
Week in Ethereum News -The Latest Ethereum News and Upcoming Events This Week
2024-06-03, 03:11
[//]:content-type-MARKDOWN-DONOT-DELETE ![](https://gimg2.gateimg.com/image/article/1690791817Ethereumweekly.jpeg) ## Eth News and Links PeerDAS included in Pectra upgrade but with separate activation epoch, proposal to extend ENS to Layer 2 & Biden vetos congressional disapproval of SEC SAB 121 ### All core devs [All core devs – consensus (ACDC) # 134](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/all-core-devs-consensus-acdc-call-134/20174 "All core devs – consensus (ACDC) # 134"). Notes from {1717384307522074}: **Pectra (Prague + Electra) upgrade:** **Discussion on when/what to ship:** Options included splitting Pectra ([Lodestar proposal](https://blog.chainsafe.io/lodestar-pectra-roadmap-vision/ "Lodestar proposal")) or replacing EIPs with PeerDAS **EIP7594 PeerDAS**: included in Pectra but with separate activation epoch to allow moving to a later upgrade if needed **Blob size increase**: no decision ([blob target of 3 reached](https://x.com/hildobby_/status/1795931542780522885 "blob target of 3 reached") this week) **EIP7688 change SSZ data to StableContainer**: no decision, discuss at next ACDC, need more implementation progress Tim Beiko: [process improvement proposals](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/allcoredevs-network-upgrade-ethmagicians-process-improvements/20157 "process improvement proposals") for All Core Devs, network upgrades & Eth Magicians, discuss at next ACDE ### {1717384307477971} (Prague + Electra) upgrade [Future of EOA/AA breakout # 3](https://ethereum-magicians.org/t/future-of-eoa-aa-breakout-room-3/20164 "Future of EOA/AA breakout # 3"): EIP7702 [refinements](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/8561 "refinements") to be merged, [next breakout](https://github.com/ethereum/pm/issues/1054 "next breakout") June 5 to discuss potential changes, ERC-standardized proxy contract & wallet best practices ### {1717384307442034} upgrade [Verkle progress](https://x.com/rudolf6_/status/1796098587366998449 "Verkle progress"), best case ~2025 ### Centralization watch: threatening the value of your ETH **🚨 [Lido increased to 29%](https://dune.com/hildobby/eth2-staking "Lido increased to 29%"), too close to [33.3% threshold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0ddkSa1ZuI&t=1050s "33.3% threshold")** Client diversity (via [clientdiversity.org](https://clientdiversity.org/#distribution "clientdiversity.org")): Execution layer: Geth ~55% majority Consensus layer: **Prysm 38%** Any client bug over 33.3% could mean loss of finality Better [geographic diversity is optimal](https://nodewatch.io/ "geographic diversity is optimal"), particularly outside of North America & Europe ### Layer 1 Péter Szilágyi: [full node space requirements](https://x.com/peter_szilagyi/status/1795012642857271306 "full node space requirements"), 800GB for blocks & receipts + 250GB for active state & Geth snapshots Proposed [issuance reduction FAQ](https://ethresear.ch/t/faq-ethereum-issuance-reduction/19675 "issuance reduction FAQ") [Blob impact on reorgs](https://ethresear.ch/t/big-blocks-blobs-and-reorgs/19674 "Blob impact on reorgs"), increasing by 2.3 blobs increases reorg probability to 0.59% [Gossipsup performance](https://ethresear.ch/t/gossip-iwant-ihave-effectiveness-in-ethereums-gossipsusb-network/19686 "Gossipsup performance") in P2P, average effectiveness ratio is more than 1:10 across topics Terence: [delayed execution](https://ethresear.ch/t/advantage-of-pipelining-consensus-and-execution-delayed-execution/19668 "delayed execution"), benefit of pipelining consensus & execution in ePBS ### Client Releases Execution layer: Besu [v24.5.2](https://github.com/hyperledger/besu/releases/tag/24.5.2 "v24.5.2"): default Bonsai storage mode to use code storage by code hash & use flat db and new RPC methods to get/set vanity extra data in a built block ### For Stakers Obol [staking mastery program](https://obol-dvt.notion.site/Obol-Staking-Mastery-Program-03bcde8a01324262a2e2ccb429ae1bde "staking mastery program") to develop educational leaders ### Layer 2 [Base gas target increased](https://x.com/jessepollak/status/1796296848178864519 "Base gas target increased") to 7.5 Mgas/s OP Stack [custom gas token](https://x.com/oplabspbc/status/1795933890617438601 "custom gas token"), beta [Taiko](https://taiko.mirror.xyz/Pizjv30FvjsZUwEG-Da7Gs6F8qeDLc4CKKEBqy3pTt8 "Taiko") live, plans to become optimistic-zk hybrid based rollup L2BEAT: [Layer 3 projects TVL](https://l2beat.com/scaling/summary#layer3s "Layer 3 projects TVL") Ed Felten: [selling MEV separately can give more revenue](https://research.arbitrum.io/t/do-shared-mev-auctions-actually-increase-revenue/9606 "selling MEV separately can give more revenue") than shared MEV auctions Vitalik: [Layer 2s as cultural extensions of Ethereum](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2024/05/29/l2culture.html "Layer 2s as cultural extensions of Ethereum") ### EIPs/Standards EIPs: [EIP7716](https://github.com/ethereum/EIPs/pull/8598/files "EIP7716"): Anti-correlation attestation penalties ERCs (application layer): [ERC7717](https://github.com/ethereum/ERCs/pull/453/files "ERC7717"): Deterministic AA wallet ### Stuff for developers [Compiler fingerprinting](https://jbecker.dev/research/evm-compiler-fingerprinting "Compiler fingerprinting") using bytecode-specific heuristics Runtime Verification [Simbolik](https://github.com/runtimeverification/simbolik-vscode#readme "Simbolik"): Solidity debugger VS Code extension, private beta 0xngmi [Etherscan verification](https://etherscan-verification.0xngmi.com/ "Etherscan verification"): verify an already verified contract on another chain RareSkills: [guide to ABI encoding for function calls](https://www.rareskills.io/post/abi-encoding "guide to ABI encoding for function calls") Ape [v0.8.0](https://github.com/ApeWorX/ape/releases/tag/v0.8.0 "v0.8.0") (Python contract framework): major refactor [Tevm](https://github.com/evmts/tevm-monorepo#readme "Tevm") (Type_script_ EVM toolkit): in browser devnet & Solidity _script_ing [TracEVM](https://github.com/ioterw/tracevm#readme "TracEVM"): track values & addresses of slots in a contract [R55](https://hackmd.io/leoalt/r55 "R55"): Rust contract compiled to RISCV bytecode run inside an execution client CTFs: OpenZeppelin Ethernaut new level: [Stake](https://ethernaut.openzeppelin.com/level/31 "Stake") Red Guild: [devcontainers](https://blog.theredguild.org/where-do-you-run-your-code/ "devcontainers"), preconfigured dev sandbox in a Docker container ### Security Normie token [exploit](https://x.com/ProfoundWatcher/status/1794629010531693005 "exploit") on Base, via transfer function check for balance matching team wallet ### Ecosystem [ETHBerlin](https://projects.ethberlin.org/submissions/results "ETHBerlin") hackathon winners Devcon [supporter program](https://blog.ethereum.org/2024/05/29/devcon7-supporters-impact "supporter program") to assist impact teams with free tickets ## Job Listings [Alchemy](https://www.alchemy.com/careers "Alchemy") - Wallet Services: [Engineering Manager](https://grnh.se/cc56a4365us "Engineering Manager") and [Full-Stack Engineer](https://grnh.se/5a40c3b55us "Full-Stack Engineer") ChainSafe: [Head of Protocol Engineering](https://grnh.se/c6e27e794us "Head of Protocol Engineering"), [DevRel](https://grnh.se/6627a6284us "DevRel") - Sygma and [more jobs](https://grnh.se/108a0afd4us "more jobs") Privacy and Scaling Explorations: [ZK Circuits Engineer](https://jobs.lever.co/ethereumfoundation/7a7da3a9-a080-40a9-8aed-9e81641650a4 "ZK Circuits Engineer") ### Onchain stats Gas fees (via [ultrasound.money](https://ultrasound.money/#gas "ultrasound.money")): 2.1 to 75.6 gwei, with 10.4 gwei average Zero net issuance currently at 23.3 gwei 9k ETH net issuance this week ETHUSD: $3,712 - $3,959, currently $3,758 ETHBTC: currently 0.056 (Flippening at ~0.16) ### Notable at app layer ENS Labs [ENSv2 proposal](https://discuss.ens.domains/t/ens-labs-development-proposal-ensv2-and-native-l2-support/19232 "ENSv2 proposal") to extend to Layer 2 (either select an L2 or create their own) [Uniswap Foundation](https://x.com/UniswapFND/status/1796590521072119927 "Uniswap Foundation") postpone fee reward vote [MEV scanner](https://x.com/mevscanner/status/1796181821715087775 "MEV scanner"): reports amount of MEV for an address via website, X/Telegram/Discord bot ### Regulation/business/tokens Biden [vetos congressional disapproval of SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin 121](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2024/05/31/a-message-to-the-house-of-representatives-on-the-presidents-veto-of-h-j-res-109/ "vetos congressional disapproval of SEC Staff Accounting Bulletin 121") that precluded banks offering crypto custody Democrats [still doing anti crypto actions](https://x.com/SGJohnsson/status/1796216669100036525 "still doing anti crypto actions"), despite recent [campaign outreach](https://www.theblock.co/post/297504/biden-campaign-shifts-crypto-stance-engages-crypto-industry-presidential-elections-2024 "campaign outreach") SEC [ordered to pay $1.8M in legal expenses](https://www.ibtimes.com/judge-orders-sec-pay-18-million-dismisses-bad-faith-debt-box-case-3733101 "ordered to pay $1.8M in legal expenses") for “bad faith” crypto lawsuit US Treasury [NFT risk assessment](https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/jy2382 "NFT risk assessment"), rarely used for terrorist financing, susceptible to use in fraud/scams & being stolen SEC Commissioner Peirce [proposes opening UK sandbox to US](https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/peirce-boe-fca-comment-05292024 "proposes opening UK sandbox to US") Former FTX executive [Ryan Salame sentenced](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/former-ftx-executive-ryan-salame-sentenced-90-months-prison "Ryan Salame sentenced") to 7.5 years [Matter Labs](https://x.com/the_matter_labs/status/1796581973277700296 "Matter Labs") (zkSync) applied for ZK trademark ### General Vitalik: [Bitcoin block size war reflections](https://vitalik.eth.limo/general/2024/05/31/blocksize.html "Bitcoin block size war reflections"), embrace new tech or stagnate [SPDZ](https://leku.blog/spdz/ "SPDZ"): colab notebook for generic MPC scheme split into preprocessing & online phases [Length Extension Attacks](https://tiagofneto.com/posts/length-extension/ "Length Extension Attacks"): hash functions using Merkle–Damgård construction are vulnerable [Ticketmaster data breach](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/live-nation-finally-confirms-massive-ticketmaster-data-breach/ "Ticketmaster data breach") via third-party cloud database provider Reminder: [Week in Ethereum News (ES)](https://weekinethereumnewses.substack.com/ "Week in Ethereum News (ES)"): Spanish translation of the newsletter ## Upcoming Dates of Note (new/changes in **bold**) Jun 14 – [EF EIP4844 data challenge](https://esp.ethereum.foundation/data-challenge-4844 "EF EIP4844 data challenge") deadline Jun 21-23 – [ETHKyiv](https://www.ethkyiv.org/ "ETHKyiv") hackathon & conference Jul 8-11 – [EthCC](https://www.ethcc.io/ "EthCC") (Brussels) Jul 11-14 – [Pragma](https://ethglobal.com/events/pragma-brussels "Pragma") & [ETHGlobal Brussels](https://ethglobal.com/events/brussels "ETHGlobal Brussels") Jul 26-30 – [EDCON Tokyo](https://www.edcon.io/ "EDCON Tokyo") conference Aug 2-4 – [Ethereum Argentina](https://twitter.com/etherargentina/status/1789007740968284434 "Ethereum Argentina") Aug 15-17 – [Ethereum Uruguay](https://twitter.com/EthereumUruguay/status/1786144213328879817 "Ethereum Uruguay") hackathon & conference Aug 23-Sep 13 – ETHGlobal [ETHOnline](https://ethglobal.com/events/ethonline2024 "ETHOnline") (virtual) Aug 23-26 – [ETHTokyo](https://www.ethtokyo.com/ "ETHTokyo") hackathon & conference Aug 29-31 – [ETHAccra](https://ethaccra.xyz/ "ETHAccra") hackathon Sep 5-8 – [ETHWarsaw](https://www.ethwarsaw.dev/ "ETHWarsaw") conference & hackathon Sep 9-15 – [ETHSafari ](https://ethsafari.xyz/ "ETHSafari ")(Kenya) Sep 12-14 – <a href="/zh-tw/how-to-buy/enjin-coin-enj" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">how to buy Enjin Coin</a> (Napoli) **Sep 13-14 – [Ethereum México](https://x.com/ethereum_mexico/status/1792677234324767081 "Ethereum México")** Sep 20-22 – [ETHGlobal Singapore](https://ethglobal.com/events/singapore2024 "ETHGlobal Singapore") Sep 26-27 – [ETHMilan](https://www.ethmilan.xyz/ "ETHMilan") conference Oct 4-6 – [Ethereum Kuala Lumpur](https://www.2024.ethkl.org/ "Ethereum Kuala Lumpur") conference & hackathon Oct 4-6 – [ETHRome](https://ethrome.org/ "ETHRome") Oct 17-19 – [ETHSofia](https://www.ethsofia.com/ "ETHSofia") hackathon & conference Oct 18-20 – <a href="/zh-tw/how-to-buy/aleph-zero-azero" target="_blank" class="blog_inner_link">how to buy Aleph Zero</a> & [ETHGlobal San Francisco](https://ethglobal.com/events/sanfrancisco2024 "ETHGlobal San Francisco") Nov 12-15 – [Devcon 7 - Southeast Asia ](https://devcon.org/ "Devcon 7 - Southeast Asia ")(Bangkok) Nov 15-17 – [ETHGlobal Bangkok](https://ethglobal.com/events/bangkok "ETHGlobal Bangkok") hackathon <div class="blog-details-info"> <div>Disclaimer <div>Author: Andrew B Coathup and Evan Van Ness, WeekiNethereum.substack Team <div>Editor: Gate.io Blog Team <div class="info-tips">\*This article represents only the views of the author and does not constitute any investment suggestions. <div>\*Copyright is reserved by WeekiNethereum.substack Team. Please contact us to remove any infringement. </div>
Eth News and Links
Job Listings
Upcoming Dates of Note
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