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公告 Gate.io's Updates for Turkish Users Regarding Cryptocurrency Regulations.

Gate.io's Updates for Turkish Users Regarding Cryptocurrency Regulations.

2024-07-05 08:05:40 UTC 5374 閱讀
Dear Gate.io users,
At Gate.io, compliance has always been our top priority, and we have always closely been following the regulatory landscape in Turkey and globally. As a responsible platform, Gate.io is committed to comply with applicable laws and regulations to provide a secure and transparent platform for our users.
In alignment with the requirements stipulated in the new law, we are taking necessary actions to comply with those regulations in Turkey. The Gate.io platform will still be accessible from Turkey, but the following changes will be made to our services:

  • The Turkish language option on Gate.io will be disabled within 3 months.
  • Gate.io's direct advertising and marketing activities for users located in Turkey will be terminated.

Please be assured that these changes will not affect the deposit, withdrawal and other functions for our users, and the safety of user funds remains our priority.

We will also be closely following any further regulations to be introduced by the Capital Markets Board of the Republic of Turkey (SPK) in the future.

Please do not hesitate to contact Gate.io customer service with any questions or requests.
Thank you for your continued support!

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