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💰️ Her Çarşamba ve Cuma, bir kaliteli poster seçilerek 50 Dolarlık İşlem Ücreti İndirim Kuponu kazanacak!
📜 Kaliteli gönderiler "Öne Çıkan" olarak işaretlenecek, daha fazla kullanıcı önerisi için önceliklendirilecek ve gate_Post kanalında duyurulacak!
Not: İşlem Ücreti İade Kuponu 30 gün geçerlidir. Lütfen bu süre içinde kullanın.
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1️⃣ Yüksek kaliteli içerik yayınlayın, piyasa analizi, kripto haberleri vb. gibi.
NDV联创: CheemsKonsensüs 2-3 milyar dolarlık bir aralığa kadar güçlü değil.
Odaily Planet Daily News NDV Founding Christian2022.eth on the X platform, it was shocking to see the news of Cheems being listed. I asked Cheems' Twitter team about this listing news, and they had no idea about it. Analyzing the reason for the big fall, it was found that from the entry of 'büyük yükseliş' on the 19th, 'rat trading' continuously pushed up the price of Adres, combined with bots on BSC, resulting in millions of dollars of selling pressure in the short term until the bottom was supported. Whether the 'büyük emirler' bought behind it has insider information for 'rat trading', or it is just speculative buying based on predictions, but in the end, it is because the consensus of $Cheems is not strong enough in the range of 200-300 million US dollars, it was supported by unrealistic expectations of being listed (Spot), and when the expectations failed, a big fall was inevitable.