Blockchain (noun): A coordination machine that enables participants from around the world to collaborate along a set of commonly agreed rules without any third party facilitating it.
Computers are designed to do three things: store data, compute, and communicate with each other and humans. Blockchains add a fourth dimension: additional guarantees that these three things (storage, computation, and communication) happen in an agreed way. These guarantees enable cooperation between strangers without a trusted third party to facilitate it (decentralized).
These additional guarantees can be either economic (trust game theory and incentives/disincentives) or cryptographic (trust math), but most applications utilize a combination of the two - cryptoeconomic. This acts as a stark contrast to the current status quo of largely reputation-based systems.
While Web3 is often described as “read, write, own”, we believe a better notion for the third iteration of the internet is “read, write, verify” given that the key benefit of public blockchains is guaranteed computation and easy verification that these guarantees were honored. Ownership can be a subset of guaranteed computation if we build digital artifacts that can be bought, sold, and controlled. However, many use cases of blockchains benefit from guaranteed computation but don’t directly involve ownership. For example, if your health in a fully on-chain game is 77/100 - do you own that health or is it just enforceable on-chain according to commonly agreed-upon rules? We would argue the latter, but Chris Dixon might disagree.
Web3 = Read, Write, Verify
Blockchains offer a lot to be excited about, but the decentralized model also adds overhead and inefficiency through additional functions such as P2P messaging and consensus. In addition, most blockchains still validate correct state transitions by re-execution, meaning that each node on the network has to re-execute transactions to verify the correctness of the proposed state transition. This is wasteful and in stark contrast to the centralized model where only one entity executes. While a decentralized system always contains some overhead and replication, the aim should be to get asymptotically closer to a centralized benchmark in terms of efficiency.
Even though the underlying infrastructure has improved significantly over the last decade, there is a lot of work remaining before blockchains can handle internet-level scale. We see tradeoffs along two main axes - expressivity and hardness - and believe modularity enables faster experimentation along the tradeoff-frontier while ZK expands it:
Modularity is the degree to which a system’s components can be separated and recombined. Through faster feedback loops and lower barriers to entry with less capital required (both economic and human) - modularity enables faster experimentation and specialization. The question of modular vs integrated is not binary, but rather a spectrum to experiment along to figure out which parts make sense to decouple, and which don’t.
Zero Knowledge Proofs, or ZKPs, on the other hand, enable one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they know something to be true, without revealing any additional information beyond its validity. This can increase scalability and efficiency by avoiding re-execution (moving from a model of all execute to verify, to a model of one executes, all verify), as well as expressivity by enabling privacy (with limitations). ZKPs also improve the hardness of guarantees by replacing weaker cryptoeconomic guarantees with stronger ones, which is represented by pushing the tradeoff frontier outwards (referencing the chart above).
We believe both modularity and “ZKfication of everything” are trends that will continue to accelerate. While both provide interesting lenses through which to explore the space individually - we are particularly interested in the cross-over of the two. The two key questions that we’re interested in are:
However, before we can get into those questions, we need an updated view of what the modular stack looks like in 2024.
The often-used image of the modular stack with four components (execution, data publication, consensus, settlement) is useful as a simple mental model, but we don’t feel it’s an adequate representation anymore given how much the modular space has evolved. Further unbundling leads to new components that were previously thought of as part of a bigger piece, while also creating new dependencies and a need for safe interoperability between the different components (more about this later on). Given the pace at which the space is advancing, it can be hard to stay up-to-date on all the innovations at different levels of the stack.
Earlier attempts at exploring the web3 stack include the ones by Kyle Samani (Multicoin) - originally published in 2018 and updated in 2019. It covers everything from decentralized last-mile internet access (such as Helium) to end-user key management. While the principles behind it could be recycled, some pieces, like proving and verification, are completely missing.
With these in mind, we’ve attempted to create an updated representation of what the modular stack looks like in 2024, expanding on the existing four-part modular stack. It’s split by component rather than functionality, which means that P2P networking, for example, is included in consensus rather than splitting it out as a separate component - mainly because it’s difficult to build a protocol around it.
Now that we have an updated view of the modular stack, we can start looking at the real question, i.e. which parts of the stack ZK has already penetrated and which open problems could be solved by introducing ZK (either avoiding re-execution or privacy-features). Below is a summary of our findings, before going deeper into each component separately.
Current users of blockchains need to navigate multiple chains, wallets, and interfaces, which is cumbersome and acts as friction for wider adoption. User operation abstraction is an umbrella term for any attempt to abstract away this complexity and allow users to interact with only one interface (for example a specific application or wallet), with all the complexity happening on the backend. Some examples of infra-level abstractions include:
Transactions need to be ordered before being added to a block, which can be done in many ways: ordering by profitability to the proposer (highest paying transactions first), in the order they were submitted (first-in, first-out), giving priority to transactions from private mem pools, etc.
Another question is who gets to order the transactions. In a modular world, multiple different parties can do this including the rollup sequencer (centralized or decentralized), L1 sequencing (based rollups), and a shared sequencing network (decentralized network of sequencers used by multiple rollups). All of these have different trust assumptions and capacities to scale. In practice, the actual ordering of transactions and bundling them into a block can also be done out of the protocol by specialized actors (blockbuilders).
The execution layer contains the logic of how the state is updated and it’s where smart contracts are executed. In addition to returning an output of the computation, zkVMs also enable proving that state transitions were done correctly. This enables other network participants to verify correct execution by only verifying the proof, rather than having to re-execute transactions.
Besides faster and more efficient verification, another benefit of provable execution is enabling more complex computation, since you don’t run into the typical issues of gas and limited on-chain resources with off-chain computation. This opens the door to entirely new applications that are computationally more intense to run on blockchains and leverage guaranteed computation.
Data query, or reading data from the blockchain, is an essential part of most applications. While much of the discussion and efforts over recent years have focused on scaling writes (execution) - scaling reads is even more important due to the imbalance between the two (particularly in a decentralized setting). The ratio between read/write differs between blockchains, but one data point is Sig’s estimate that >96% of all calls to nodes on Solana were read-calls (based on 2 years of empirical data) - a read/write ratio of 24:1.
Scaling reads includes both getting more performance (more reads/second) with dedicated validator clients (such as Sig on Solana) and enabling more complex queries (combining reads with computation), for example with the help of co-processors.
Another angle is decentralizing the methods of data query. Today, most data query requests in blockchains are facilitated by trusted third parties (reputation-based), such as RPC nodes (Infura) and indexers (Dune). Examples of more decentralized options include The Graph and storage-proof operators (which are also verifiable). There are also several attempts of creating a decentralized RPC network, such as Infura DIN or Lava Network (besides decentralized RPC, Lava aims to offer additional data access services later).
With more and more applications incorporating ZKPs, proving and verification are quickly becoming an essential part of the modular stack. Today, however, most proving infrastructure is still permissioned and centralized with many applications relying on a single prover.
While the centralized solution is less complex, decentralizing the proving architecture and splitting it into a separate component in the modular stack brings several benefits. One key benefit comes in the form of liveness guarantees which are crucial for applications that depend on frequent proof generation. Users also benefit from higher censorship resistance and lower fees driven by competition and sharing the workload amongst multiple provers.
We believe general-purpose prover networks (many apps, many provers) are superior to single-application prover networks (one app, many provers) due to higher utilization of existing hardware and less complexity for provers. Higher utilization also benefits users in terms of lower fees, as provers don’t need to be compensated for the redundancy through higher fees (still need to cover fixed costs).
Figment Capital provided a good overview of the current state of the proof supply chain, which consists of both proof generation and proof aggregation (which in itself is proof generation, but just taking two proofs as input rather than execution trace).
Source: Figment Capital
Source: Figment Capital
Data publication (DP) ensures data is available and easily retrievable for a short period (1-2 weeks). This is crucial for both security (optimistic rollups require input data to verify correct execution by re-execution during the challenge period, 1-2 weeks) and liveness (even if a system uses validity proofs, underlying transaciton data might be needed to prove asset ownership for escape hatches, forced transactions or to verify that inputs match outputs). Users (such as zk-bridges and rollups) face a one-off payment, which covers the cost of storing transactions and state for a short period until it’s pruned. Data publication networks are not designed for long-term data storage (instead, see next section for possible solutions).
Celestia was the first alternative DP layer to launch its mainnet (Oct 31st), but there will soon be many alternatives to choose from as Avail, EigenDA, and Near DA are all expected to launch during 2024. In addition, Ethereum’s EIP 4844 upgrade scaled data publication on Ethereum (in addition to creating a separate fee market for blob storage) and set the stage for full dank-sharding. DP is also expanding to other ecosystems - one example being @nubit_org/riema-secures-angel-investment-for-launching-the-first-bitcoin-native-data-availability-layer-49ccf0487380">Nubit which aims to build Native DP on Bitcoin.
Many DP solutions also offer services beyond pure data publication, including shared security for sovereign rollups (such as Celestia and Avail) or smoother interoperability between rollups (such as Avail’s Nexus). There are also projects (Domicon and Zero Gravity) that offer both data publication as well as long-term state storage, which is a compelling proposal. This is also an example of re-bundling two components in the modular stack, something we’ll likely see more of going forward (experimentation with both further unbundling and re-bundling).
Storing historical data is important mainly for syncing purposes and serving data requests. However, it’s not feasible for every full node to store all data and most full nodes prune old data to keep hardware requirements reasonable. Instead, we rely on specialized parties (archive nodes and indexers), to store all historical data and make it available at the request of users.
There are also decentralized storage providers, such as Filecoin or Arweave, that offer long-term decentralized storage solutions at a reasonable price. While most blockchains don’t have a formal process of archive storage (simply rely on someone storing it), decentralized storage protocols are good candidates for storing historical and adding some redundancy (at least X nodes store the data) through the storage network’s built-in incentives.
Given that blockchains are distributed P2P systems, there is no trusted third party that determines the global truth. Instead, nodes of the network agree on what the current truth is (which block is the right one) through a mechanism called consensus. PoS-based consensus methods could be categorized to either BFT-based (where the Byzantine fault-tolerant quorum of validators decides the final state) or chain-based (where the final state is decided retrospectively by the fork choice rule). While most existing PoS-consensus implementations are BFT-based, Cardano is an example of a longest-chain implementation. There is also a growing interest in DAG-based consensus mechanisms such as Narwhal-Bullshark that’s implemented in some variations across Aleo, Aptos, and Sui.
Consensus is a crucial part of many different components of the modular stack including shared sequencer, decentralized proving, and blockchain-based data publication networks (not committee-based such as EigenDA).
Settlement is akin to the highest court of justice - the final source of truth where the correctness of state transitions is verified and disputes are settled. A transaction is considered final at the point when it is irreversible (or in the case of probabilistic finality - at the point where it would be sufficiently hard to reverse it). The time to finality depends on the underlying settlement layer used, which in turn depends on the specific finality rule used and block time.
Slow finality is particularly a problem in cross-rollup communication, where rollups need to wait for confirmation from Ethereum before being able to approve a transaction (7 days for optimistic rollups, 12mins and proving time for validity rollups). This leads to poor user experience. There are multiple efforts to solve this issue using pre-confirmations with a certain level of security. Examples include both ecosystem-specific solutions (Polygon AggLayer or zkSync HyperBridge) and general-purpose solutions such as Near’s Fast Finality Layer that aims to connect multiple different rollup ecosystems by leveraging economic security from EigenLayer. There is also the option of native rollup bridges leveraging EigenLayer for soft confirmations to avoid waiting for full finality.
Security is related to the hardness of guarantees and a crucial part of the value proposition of blockchains. However, bootstrapping cryptoeconomic security is hard - increasing barriers to entry and acting as friction for innovation to those applications that need it (various middleware and alternative L1s).
The idea of shared security is to use existing economic security from PoS networks and subject it to additional slashing risk (conditions for punishment), rather than each component trying to bootstrap its own. There have been some earlier attempts to do the same in PoW networks (merged mining.)), but misaligned incentives made it easier for miners to collude and exploit a protocol (harder to punish bad behavior as the work happens in the physical world, i.e. mining using computing power). PoS security is more flexible to be used by other protocols as it has both positive (staking yield) and negative (slashing) incentives.
Protocols building around the premise of shared security include:
Safe and efficient interoperability remains a big issue in a multi-chain world, exemplified by the $2.8bn lost in bridge hacks. In modular systems, interoperability becomes even more important - Not only are you communicating between other chains, but modular blockchains also require different components to communicate with each other (such as DA and settlement layer). Hence, it is no longer feasible to simply run a full node or verify a single consensus proof as in integrated blockchains. This adds more moving pieces to the equation.
Interoperability includes both token-bridging as well as more general message-passing across blockchains. There are several different options out there that all make different tradeoffs about safety, latency, and cost. Optimizing for all three is very hard, which usually requires sacrificing at least one. In addition, different standards across chains make implementations on new chains more difficult.
While we still lack a clear definition of the different types of light clients (or nodes), this post by Dino (co-founder of Fluent & Modular Media) gives a good introduction. Most light clients today only verify consensus, but ideally we would have light clients that can verify execution and DA as well to reduce trust assumptions. This would allow getting close to full-node security, without the high hardware requirements.
Assuming that we can reach a state where the generation of ZKPs becomes very fast (almost at the speed of light) and incredibly cheap (almost free), what does the end game look like? In other words - when has ZK eaten the modular stack?
Broadly speaking, we believe two things would be true in this state of the world:
A third condition would be around privacy (or information flow management), but it’s more complicated. ZKPs can be used for some privacy applications with client-side proving, which is what platforms like Aleo, Aztec or Polygon Miden is building for, but achieving wide-scale privacy for all potential use cases relies on the progress of MPC and FHE as well - a potential topic for a future blog post.
What if we’re wrong, and the future is neither modular nor ZK’fied? Some potential risks to our thesis include:
Both users and developers suffer from the ever-growing number of chains. Users need to manage funds across multiple chains (and potentially multiple wallets). Application developers, on the other hand, have less stability and forecastability given how much the space is still evolving, making it harder to decide on which chain to build. They also need to think about state and liquidity fragmentation. This is particularly true now as we are still experimenting along the frontier of which components make sense to decouple and which will be recoupled. We believe user operation abstraction as well as safe and efficient interoperability solutions are crucial parts to solve this problem.
There is no getting around the fact that proof generation takes too long and the cost of both proving and verification is still far too high today. Competing solutions such as trusted execution environments/TEEs (privacy) or optimistic/cryptoeconomic security solutions (cost) still make more sense for many applications today.
A lot of work, however, is being done regarding software optimization and hardware acceleration for ZKPs. Proof aggregation will help reduce verification costs further by spreading the cost over multiple different parties (lower cost/user). There is also the possibility of adapting the base layer to be more optimized for the verification of ZKPs. One challenge regarding hardware acceleration for ZKPs is the rapid development of proving systems. This makes it hard to create specialised hardware (ASICs) as they risk becoming obsolete quickly if/when the standards of underlying proving systems evolve.
Ingonyama has attempted to create some benchmarking for prover performance through a comparable metric called ZK score. It’s based on the cost of running computation (OPEX) and tracks MMOPS/WATT, where MMOPS stands for modular multiplication operations per second. For further reading on the topic, we recommend blogs by @Cysic/BJQcpVbXn?">Cysic and @ingonyama/revisiting-paradigms-hardware-acceleration-for-zero-knowledge-proofs-5dffacdc24b4">Ingonyama, as well as this talk by Wei Dai.
ZKPs can only be used to achieve privacy for personal state, not shared state where multiple parties need to compute on encrypted data (such as a private Uniswap). FHE and MPC are also needed for full privacy, but these need to improve many orders of magnitude in terms of cost and performance before being viable options for wider-scale usage. That said, ZKPs are still useful for certain use cases that don’t require a private shared state, such as identity solutions or payments. Not all problems need to be solved with the same tool.
So where does this leave us? While we are making progress each day, lots of work remains. The most pressing issues to figure out are how value and information can flow safely between different modular components without sacrificing speed or cost, as well as abstracting it all away from the end-consumer so that they don’t need to be concerned with bridging between different chains, switching wallets, etc.
While we are currently still very much in the experimentation phase, things should stabilize over time as we figure out where on the spectrum the optimal tradeoffs are for each use-case. That in turn will give room for standards (informal or formal) to emerge and give more stability to builders on top of these chains.
Today there are still many use cases that default to cryptoeconomic security due to the cost and complexity of generating ZKPs, and some that require a combination of the two. However, this share should decrease over time as we design more efficient proving systems and specialized hardware to bring down the cost and latency of proving & verification. With each exponential reduction in cost and speed, new use cases are unlocked.
While this piece focused on ZKPs specifically, we are also increasingly interested in how modern cryptography solutions (ZKPs, MPC, FHE, and TEE) will end up playing together - something we are already seeing.
Thanks for reading!
Blockchain (noun): A coordination machine that enables participants from around the world to collaborate along a set of commonly agreed rules without any third party facilitating it.
Computers are designed to do three things: store data, compute, and communicate with each other and humans. Blockchains add a fourth dimension: additional guarantees that these three things (storage, computation, and communication) happen in an agreed way. These guarantees enable cooperation between strangers without a trusted third party to facilitate it (decentralized).
These additional guarantees can be either economic (trust game theory and incentives/disincentives) or cryptographic (trust math), but most applications utilize a combination of the two - cryptoeconomic. This acts as a stark contrast to the current status quo of largely reputation-based systems.
While Web3 is often described as “read, write, own”, we believe a better notion for the third iteration of the internet is “read, write, verify” given that the key benefit of public blockchains is guaranteed computation and easy verification that these guarantees were honored. Ownership can be a subset of guaranteed computation if we build digital artifacts that can be bought, sold, and controlled. However, many use cases of blockchains benefit from guaranteed computation but don’t directly involve ownership. For example, if your health in a fully on-chain game is 77/100 - do you own that health or is it just enforceable on-chain according to commonly agreed-upon rules? We would argue the latter, but Chris Dixon might disagree.
Web3 = Read, Write, Verify
Blockchains offer a lot to be excited about, but the decentralized model also adds overhead and inefficiency through additional functions such as P2P messaging and consensus. In addition, most blockchains still validate correct state transitions by re-execution, meaning that each node on the network has to re-execute transactions to verify the correctness of the proposed state transition. This is wasteful and in stark contrast to the centralized model where only one entity executes. While a decentralized system always contains some overhead and replication, the aim should be to get asymptotically closer to a centralized benchmark in terms of efficiency.
Even though the underlying infrastructure has improved significantly over the last decade, there is a lot of work remaining before blockchains can handle internet-level scale. We see tradeoffs along two main axes - expressivity and hardness - and believe modularity enables faster experimentation along the tradeoff-frontier while ZK expands it:
Modularity is the degree to which a system’s components can be separated and recombined. Through faster feedback loops and lower barriers to entry with less capital required (both economic and human) - modularity enables faster experimentation and specialization. The question of modular vs integrated is not binary, but rather a spectrum to experiment along to figure out which parts make sense to decouple, and which don’t.
Zero Knowledge Proofs, or ZKPs, on the other hand, enable one party (the prover) to prove to another party (the verifier) that they know something to be true, without revealing any additional information beyond its validity. This can increase scalability and efficiency by avoiding re-execution (moving from a model of all execute to verify, to a model of one executes, all verify), as well as expressivity by enabling privacy (with limitations). ZKPs also improve the hardness of guarantees by replacing weaker cryptoeconomic guarantees with stronger ones, which is represented by pushing the tradeoff frontier outwards (referencing the chart above).
We believe both modularity and “ZKfication of everything” are trends that will continue to accelerate. While both provide interesting lenses through which to explore the space individually - we are particularly interested in the cross-over of the two. The two key questions that we’re interested in are:
However, before we can get into those questions, we need an updated view of what the modular stack looks like in 2024.
The often-used image of the modular stack with four components (execution, data publication, consensus, settlement) is useful as a simple mental model, but we don’t feel it’s an adequate representation anymore given how much the modular space has evolved. Further unbundling leads to new components that were previously thought of as part of a bigger piece, while also creating new dependencies and a need for safe interoperability between the different components (more about this later on). Given the pace at which the space is advancing, it can be hard to stay up-to-date on all the innovations at different levels of the stack.
Earlier attempts at exploring the web3 stack include the ones by Kyle Samani (Multicoin) - originally published in 2018 and updated in 2019. It covers everything from decentralized last-mile internet access (such as Helium) to end-user key management. While the principles behind it could be recycled, some pieces, like proving and verification, are completely missing.
With these in mind, we’ve attempted to create an updated representation of what the modular stack looks like in 2024, expanding on the existing four-part modular stack. It’s split by component rather than functionality, which means that P2P networking, for example, is included in consensus rather than splitting it out as a separate component - mainly because it’s difficult to build a protocol around it.
Now that we have an updated view of the modular stack, we can start looking at the real question, i.e. which parts of the stack ZK has already penetrated and which open problems could be solved by introducing ZK (either avoiding re-execution or privacy-features). Below is a summary of our findings, before going deeper into each component separately.
Current users of blockchains need to navigate multiple chains, wallets, and interfaces, which is cumbersome and acts as friction for wider adoption. User operation abstraction is an umbrella term for any attempt to abstract away this complexity and allow users to interact with only one interface (for example a specific application or wallet), with all the complexity happening on the backend. Some examples of infra-level abstractions include:
Transactions need to be ordered before being added to a block, which can be done in many ways: ordering by profitability to the proposer (highest paying transactions first), in the order they were submitted (first-in, first-out), giving priority to transactions from private mem pools, etc.
Another question is who gets to order the transactions. In a modular world, multiple different parties can do this including the rollup sequencer (centralized or decentralized), L1 sequencing (based rollups), and a shared sequencing network (decentralized network of sequencers used by multiple rollups). All of these have different trust assumptions and capacities to scale. In practice, the actual ordering of transactions and bundling them into a block can also be done out of the protocol by specialized actors (blockbuilders).
The execution layer contains the logic of how the state is updated and it’s where smart contracts are executed. In addition to returning an output of the computation, zkVMs also enable proving that state transitions were done correctly. This enables other network participants to verify correct execution by only verifying the proof, rather than having to re-execute transactions.
Besides faster and more efficient verification, another benefit of provable execution is enabling more complex computation, since you don’t run into the typical issues of gas and limited on-chain resources with off-chain computation. This opens the door to entirely new applications that are computationally more intense to run on blockchains and leverage guaranteed computation.
Data query, or reading data from the blockchain, is an essential part of most applications. While much of the discussion and efforts over recent years have focused on scaling writes (execution) - scaling reads is even more important due to the imbalance between the two (particularly in a decentralized setting). The ratio between read/write differs between blockchains, but one data point is Sig’s estimate that >96% of all calls to nodes on Solana were read-calls (based on 2 years of empirical data) - a read/write ratio of 24:1.
Scaling reads includes both getting more performance (more reads/second) with dedicated validator clients (such as Sig on Solana) and enabling more complex queries (combining reads with computation), for example with the help of co-processors.
Another angle is decentralizing the methods of data query. Today, most data query requests in blockchains are facilitated by trusted third parties (reputation-based), such as RPC nodes (Infura) and indexers (Dune). Examples of more decentralized options include The Graph and storage-proof operators (which are also verifiable). There are also several attempts of creating a decentralized RPC network, such as Infura DIN or Lava Network (besides decentralized RPC, Lava aims to offer additional data access services later).
With more and more applications incorporating ZKPs, proving and verification are quickly becoming an essential part of the modular stack. Today, however, most proving infrastructure is still permissioned and centralized with many applications relying on a single prover.
While the centralized solution is less complex, decentralizing the proving architecture and splitting it into a separate component in the modular stack brings several benefits. One key benefit comes in the form of liveness guarantees which are crucial for applications that depend on frequent proof generation. Users also benefit from higher censorship resistance and lower fees driven by competition and sharing the workload amongst multiple provers.
We believe general-purpose prover networks (many apps, many provers) are superior to single-application prover networks (one app, many provers) due to higher utilization of existing hardware and less complexity for provers. Higher utilization also benefits users in terms of lower fees, as provers don’t need to be compensated for the redundancy through higher fees (still need to cover fixed costs).
Figment Capital provided a good overview of the current state of the proof supply chain, which consists of both proof generation and proof aggregation (which in itself is proof generation, but just taking two proofs as input rather than execution trace).
Source: Figment Capital
Source: Figment Capital
Data publication (DP) ensures data is available and easily retrievable for a short period (1-2 weeks). This is crucial for both security (optimistic rollups require input data to verify correct execution by re-execution during the challenge period, 1-2 weeks) and liveness (even if a system uses validity proofs, underlying transaciton data might be needed to prove asset ownership for escape hatches, forced transactions or to verify that inputs match outputs). Users (such as zk-bridges and rollups) face a one-off payment, which covers the cost of storing transactions and state for a short period until it’s pruned. Data publication networks are not designed for long-term data storage (instead, see next section for possible solutions).
Celestia was the first alternative DP layer to launch its mainnet (Oct 31st), but there will soon be many alternatives to choose from as Avail, EigenDA, and Near DA are all expected to launch during 2024. In addition, Ethereum’s EIP 4844 upgrade scaled data publication on Ethereum (in addition to creating a separate fee market for blob storage) and set the stage for full dank-sharding. DP is also expanding to other ecosystems - one example being @nubit_org/riema-secures-angel-investment-for-launching-the-first-bitcoin-native-data-availability-layer-49ccf0487380">Nubit which aims to build Native DP on Bitcoin.
Many DP solutions also offer services beyond pure data publication, including shared security for sovereign rollups (such as Celestia and Avail) or smoother interoperability between rollups (such as Avail’s Nexus). There are also projects (Domicon and Zero Gravity) that offer both data publication as well as long-term state storage, which is a compelling proposal. This is also an example of re-bundling two components in the modular stack, something we’ll likely see more of going forward (experimentation with both further unbundling and re-bundling).
Storing historical data is important mainly for syncing purposes and serving data requests. However, it’s not feasible for every full node to store all data and most full nodes prune old data to keep hardware requirements reasonable. Instead, we rely on specialized parties (archive nodes and indexers), to store all historical data and make it available at the request of users.
There are also decentralized storage providers, such as Filecoin or Arweave, that offer long-term decentralized storage solutions at a reasonable price. While most blockchains don’t have a formal process of archive storage (simply rely on someone storing it), decentralized storage protocols are good candidates for storing historical and adding some redundancy (at least X nodes store the data) through the storage network’s built-in incentives.
Given that blockchains are distributed P2P systems, there is no trusted third party that determines the global truth. Instead, nodes of the network agree on what the current truth is (which block is the right one) through a mechanism called consensus. PoS-based consensus methods could be categorized to either BFT-based (where the Byzantine fault-tolerant quorum of validators decides the final state) or chain-based (where the final state is decided retrospectively by the fork choice rule). While most existing PoS-consensus implementations are BFT-based, Cardano is an example of a longest-chain implementation. There is also a growing interest in DAG-based consensus mechanisms such as Narwhal-Bullshark that’s implemented in some variations across Aleo, Aptos, and Sui.
Consensus is a crucial part of many different components of the modular stack including shared sequencer, decentralized proving, and blockchain-based data publication networks (not committee-based such as EigenDA).
Settlement is akin to the highest court of justice - the final source of truth where the correctness of state transitions is verified and disputes are settled. A transaction is considered final at the point when it is irreversible (or in the case of probabilistic finality - at the point where it would be sufficiently hard to reverse it). The time to finality depends on the underlying settlement layer used, which in turn depends on the specific finality rule used and block time.
Slow finality is particularly a problem in cross-rollup communication, where rollups need to wait for confirmation from Ethereum before being able to approve a transaction (7 days for optimistic rollups, 12mins and proving time for validity rollups). This leads to poor user experience. There are multiple efforts to solve this issue using pre-confirmations with a certain level of security. Examples include both ecosystem-specific solutions (Polygon AggLayer or zkSync HyperBridge) and general-purpose solutions such as Near’s Fast Finality Layer that aims to connect multiple different rollup ecosystems by leveraging economic security from EigenLayer. There is also the option of native rollup bridges leveraging EigenLayer for soft confirmations to avoid waiting for full finality.
Security is related to the hardness of guarantees and a crucial part of the value proposition of blockchains. However, bootstrapping cryptoeconomic security is hard - increasing barriers to entry and acting as friction for innovation to those applications that need it (various middleware and alternative L1s).
The idea of shared security is to use existing economic security from PoS networks and subject it to additional slashing risk (conditions for punishment), rather than each component trying to bootstrap its own. There have been some earlier attempts to do the same in PoW networks (merged mining.)), but misaligned incentives made it easier for miners to collude and exploit a protocol (harder to punish bad behavior as the work happens in the physical world, i.e. mining using computing power). PoS security is more flexible to be used by other protocols as it has both positive (staking yield) and negative (slashing) incentives.
Protocols building around the premise of shared security include:
Safe and efficient interoperability remains a big issue in a multi-chain world, exemplified by the $2.8bn lost in bridge hacks. In modular systems, interoperability becomes even more important - Not only are you communicating between other chains, but modular blockchains also require different components to communicate with each other (such as DA and settlement layer). Hence, it is no longer feasible to simply run a full node or verify a single consensus proof as in integrated blockchains. This adds more moving pieces to the equation.
Interoperability includes both token-bridging as well as more general message-passing across blockchains. There are several different options out there that all make different tradeoffs about safety, latency, and cost. Optimizing for all three is very hard, which usually requires sacrificing at least one. In addition, different standards across chains make implementations on new chains more difficult.
While we still lack a clear definition of the different types of light clients (or nodes), this post by Dino (co-founder of Fluent & Modular Media) gives a good introduction. Most light clients today only verify consensus, but ideally we would have light clients that can verify execution and DA as well to reduce trust assumptions. This would allow getting close to full-node security, without the high hardware requirements.
Assuming that we can reach a state where the generation of ZKPs becomes very fast (almost at the speed of light) and incredibly cheap (almost free), what does the end game look like? In other words - when has ZK eaten the modular stack?
Broadly speaking, we believe two things would be true in this state of the world:
A third condition would be around privacy (or information flow management), but it’s more complicated. ZKPs can be used for some privacy applications with client-side proving, which is what platforms like Aleo, Aztec or Polygon Miden is building for, but achieving wide-scale privacy for all potential use cases relies on the progress of MPC and FHE as well - a potential topic for a future blog post.
What if we’re wrong, and the future is neither modular nor ZK’fied? Some potential risks to our thesis include:
Both users and developers suffer from the ever-growing number of chains. Users need to manage funds across multiple chains (and potentially multiple wallets). Application developers, on the other hand, have less stability and forecastability given how much the space is still evolving, making it harder to decide on which chain to build. They also need to think about state and liquidity fragmentation. This is particularly true now as we are still experimenting along the frontier of which components make sense to decouple and which will be recoupled. We believe user operation abstraction as well as safe and efficient interoperability solutions are crucial parts to solve this problem.
There is no getting around the fact that proof generation takes too long and the cost of both proving and verification is still far too high today. Competing solutions such as trusted execution environments/TEEs (privacy) or optimistic/cryptoeconomic security solutions (cost) still make more sense for many applications today.
A lot of work, however, is being done regarding software optimization and hardware acceleration for ZKPs. Proof aggregation will help reduce verification costs further by spreading the cost over multiple different parties (lower cost/user). There is also the possibility of adapting the base layer to be more optimized for the verification of ZKPs. One challenge regarding hardware acceleration for ZKPs is the rapid development of proving systems. This makes it hard to create specialised hardware (ASICs) as they risk becoming obsolete quickly if/when the standards of underlying proving systems evolve.
Ingonyama has attempted to create some benchmarking for prover performance through a comparable metric called ZK score. It’s based on the cost of running computation (OPEX) and tracks MMOPS/WATT, where MMOPS stands for modular multiplication operations per second. For further reading on the topic, we recommend blogs by @Cysic/BJQcpVbXn?">Cysic and @ingonyama/revisiting-paradigms-hardware-acceleration-for-zero-knowledge-proofs-5dffacdc24b4">Ingonyama, as well as this talk by Wei Dai.
ZKPs can only be used to achieve privacy for personal state, not shared state where multiple parties need to compute on encrypted data (such as a private Uniswap). FHE and MPC are also needed for full privacy, but these need to improve many orders of magnitude in terms of cost and performance before being viable options for wider-scale usage. That said, ZKPs are still useful for certain use cases that don’t require a private shared state, such as identity solutions or payments. Not all problems need to be solved with the same tool.
So where does this leave us? While we are making progress each day, lots of work remains. The most pressing issues to figure out are how value and information can flow safely between different modular components without sacrificing speed or cost, as well as abstracting it all away from the end-consumer so that they don’t need to be concerned with bridging between different chains, switching wallets, etc.
While we are currently still very much in the experimentation phase, things should stabilize over time as we figure out where on the spectrum the optimal tradeoffs are for each use-case. That in turn will give room for standards (informal or formal) to emerge and give more stability to builders on top of these chains.
Today there are still many use cases that default to cryptoeconomic security due to the cost and complexity of generating ZKPs, and some that require a combination of the two. However, this share should decrease over time as we design more efficient proving systems and specialized hardware to bring down the cost and latency of proving & verification. With each exponential reduction in cost and speed, new use cases are unlocked.
While this piece focused on ZKPs specifically, we are also increasingly interested in how modern cryptography solutions (ZKPs, MPC, FHE, and TEE) will end up playing together - something we are already seeing.
Thanks for reading!