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    Анонсы Gate.io Copy Trading Special Giveaways: Add Customer Service & Receive Official Exposure Resources for Free!

    Gate.io Copy Trading Special Giveaways: Add Customer Service & Receive Official Exposure Resources for Free!

    2023-03-17 09:06:53 UTC 13472 Прочли
    In order to provide more timely and one-to-one exclusive services to lead traders, to help them solve problems, and understand their needs more directly, Gate.io copy trading invites all lead traders to join the customer service exclusive to lead traders actively. There they can enjoy priority to exclusive exposure resources, which will help them attract more followers and traffic, increase their popularity, and gain more considerable profit! From now on, add Gate.io copy trading customer service, and you can get exclusive exposure benefits. The quota is limited, first come first served! The activity is valid for a long time! Come and join now!

    Gate.io Copy Trading

    Gate.io copy trading is a trading aid that allows copiers to synchronously copy the lead trader's operation behavior on contracts. With more freedom to operate, the lead trader can attract more users to copy him in trading, creating a larger space for dividends.

    Click to enter: follow the best traders to trade

    Gate.io Copy Trading - Traders Guide: https://www.gate.io/help/quants/copy-trading/26923/gate.io-copy-trading-traders-guide
    More Instructions on Copy Trading: https://www.gate.io/help/quants/copy-trading

    Event Rules:

    1. Add Gate.io copy trading customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601
    2. Send your trader ID to customer service

    Note: Statistics will be conducted once a week, then the winners will be announced, and rewards will be issued.

    Registration form:https://go.gate.io/w/0NQl3OHL

    Event Rewards:

    1. Official Platform Resources And Traffic Support

    Gate.io copy trading will create a personal exclusive banner for 100 users who added customer service first, and publicize and expose them on official channels, including Gate.io official banners, copy trading banners, copy trading recommendation list, official Posts, official TG communication groups, official Twitter, official announcements, official emails, etc. Compared with other platforms, Gate.io has a complete social ecosystem. We have Gate.io Post for all users to communicate internally, an official TG communication group in various languages, and a Live platform. Lead traders can easily use these channels to promote themselves and gain loyal copy fans.

    Note: Two lead traders will be selected for exposure and displayed every week, and statistics will be made according to their chronological order of adding customer service. The earlier you add customer service, the more likely you will win rewards.

    2. A One-to-one Explanation of the Basic Logic of Leading Trades

    Gate.io copy trading will provide a one-on-one logic explanation for the lead traders who have added customer service, helping them to understand the tricks and logic of copy trading more deeply, which will enable them to start the journey of leading trades more easily.

    3. Adoption of Personal Opinions

    Copy Trading will select the best stable lead trader every month from the lead traders who add the customer service and get in touch with him by email, and send him/her an Opinions Collection Form, asking about his needs and suggestions about the use of copy trading products. Then the copy trading team will actively adjust the product model and functions accordingly, and try its best to meet the best lead trader's requirements.

    If you have any questions about this activity or copy trading products, please feel free to contact us through Telegram or customer service:
    Copy Trading Telegram Group: https://t.me/Gateio_Copy_Trading
    Copy Trading Customer service: https://t.me/Kris88601
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    1. The activity is valid for a long time. We will make statistics once a week, and publish and issue rewards to the winners.
    2. Users can only use one account. No sub-accounts allowed.
    3. No cheating is allowed. Once discovered, all rewards will be canceled and handled in accordance with the rules of the platform.
    4. Risk warning: Cryptocurrency trading is affected by many factors such as market fluctuations and policies. The market fluctuates greatly, and at times, it may be difficult to make accurate predictions. Please trade responsibly and make sure you understand all the implications of this activity.

    Gate.io Copy Trading
    March 17, 2023
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