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Анонсы Copper ClearLoop Ready on Gate.io

Copper ClearLoop Ready on Gate.io

2022-12-30 11:30:15 UTC 24113 Прочли
We are excited to announce that Copper, a leading provider of digital asset custody, Copper ClearLoop, is ready on Gate.io. The Copper ClearLoop offers Gate.io off-exchange settlement, allowing institutional clients to securely have custody of their digital assets with Copper and trade on Gate.io exchange without the need to transfer their assets.

Safeguarding our client's assets is our top priority and a shared goal. By joining Copper's ClearLoop network, we are able to provide an added layer of security for our client's assets while still offering the same trading experience.

We look forward to continuing to provide top-level security and trading opportunities for all of our clients. Please welcome to join and experience it.

For any new users who are interested in this new feature, please contact us at [email protected] or through our Telegram contacts @KA_EMEA and @KA_APAC.

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Users who have traded more than $8 million on Gate.io or other exchanges in the past 30 days enter the Global Market Maker Program

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
GateVIP Twitter:https://twitter.com/GateioVIP

Telegram: https://t.me/gate_zh
API Telegram:https://t.me/gateioapi


Gate.io Team
December 30, 2022
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