A Golden Finance report revealed that a Interação entre cadeias engine and LiquidezprotocoloSymbiosis have received support and funding from the TON Foundation, although the specific amount has not been disclosed. The TON Foundation will assist in enhancing its attractiveness in the primary market. It is reported that ZKsyncTokenZK has already been listed on Symbiosis, allowing users to conduct Interação entre cadeias Swaps on 30 longo Bloco chain networks. The WebApp will add support for even longer Bloco chain networks. The new funds will be used to further advance the development of its Interação entre cadeias Liquidezprotocolo.
O conteúdo serve apenas de referência e não constitui uma solicitação ou oferta. Não é prestado qualquer aconselhamento em matéria de investimento, fiscal ou jurídica. Consulte a Declaração de exoneração de responsabilidade para obter mais informações sobre os riscos.
A Interação entre cadeias引擎及LiquidezprotocoloSymbiosis recebe apoio financeiro da Fundação TON.
A Golden Finance report revealed that a Interação entre cadeias engine and LiquidezprotocoloSymbiosis have received support and funding from the TON Foundation, although the specific amount has not been disclosed. The TON Foundation will assist in enhancing its attractiveness in the primary market. It is reported that ZKsyncTokenZK has already been listed on Symbiosis, allowing users to conduct Interação entre cadeias Swaps on 30 longo Bloco chain networks. The WebApp will add support for even longer Bloco chain networks. The new funds will be used to further advance the development of its Interação entre cadeias Liquidezprotocolo.