Odaily Daily Planet News According to the article published by IntoTheBlock analyst Slim Daddy on platform X, the average transaction fee of Ethereum fell below $2.6 per transaction on April 27th. According to IntoTheBlock's data, the last time the transaction fee decreased was in October 2023, when it dropped to $1.78. The decrease in average transaction fees usually indicates an improvement in the efficiency of the blockchain network in processing transactions and a reduction in network congestion.
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Odaily Daily Planet News According to the article published by IntoTheBlock analyst Slim Daddy on platform X, the average transaction fee of Ethereum fell below $2.6 per transaction on April 27th. According to IntoTheBlock's data, the last time the transaction fee decreased was in October 2023, when it dropped to $1.78. The decrease in average transaction fees usually indicates an improvement in the efficiency of the blockchain network in processing transactions and a reduction in network congestion.