🎄 #GateioSuperThursday# : Os seus #Christmas# presentes aguardam!
🎁 3 usuários sortudos receberão cada um 3 chances gratuitas para jogar o jogo de Natal
🎅 Natal Wonderland: https://www.gate.io/activities/christmas2024
👉 Para participar:
- Siga @gate_Post
— RT & Marca 3 amigos
— Quantas criptomoedas consegues encontrar? Partilha a tua resposta abaixo!
⏰ Termina às 15:59 PM, 22 de dezembro (UTC)
A cadeia Forma, construída com base em Astria e Celestia, parou de produzir blocos há 7 horas
Wu learned that, according to the Blockscout browser, the Forma chain built on Astria and Celestia has stopped producing blocks for 7 hours. The last transaction is stuck on Block 7723491 (4:07 UTC+8). Forma's official announcement said that the Forma network has temporarily suspended transaction processing and is currently working on resolving the issue. All funds are safe.