A Golden Finance report states that Mezo, the BTC expansion network, has announced the launch of the basic Testnetmatsnet Alpha. This Testnet will support users to create and trade MEME coins, earning 'mats' in the Mezo Meme market; convert mat to matsnet BTC; accumulate stacksats using matsnet BTC, obtain gas fees, and explore the Mezo ecosystem.
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Mezo lançou a rede de testes, permitindo aos usuários ganhar mats através da criação e negociação de memes
A Golden Finance report states that Mezo, the BTC expansion network, has announced the launch of the basic Testnetmatsnet Alpha. This Testnet will support users to create and trade MEME coins, earning 'mats' in the Mezo Meme market; convert mat to matsnet BTC; accumulate stacksats using matsnet BTC, obtain gas fees, and explore the Mezo ecosystem.