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    • 24 horas
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    Anúncios Seafarer's Day campaign: Trade On Gate.io To Get An "Epson 4K Projector" Award. $40,000 Up For Grabs!

    Seafarer's Day campaign: Trade On Gate.io To Get An "Epson 4K Projector" Award. $40,000 Up For Grabs!

    2022-06-24 12:28:21 UTC 78135 Lido
    June 25th is World Seafarers Day. In this special festival, we pay tribute to all marine workers, and also launch the "Seafarer's Day Special Program".
    Anyone who participates in the event during the event period can share in the prize pool and get the opportunity to get a luxury projector.

    Campaign duration: June 24th - July 8th, 2022
    Fill out the event registration form: https://www.gate.io/questionnaire/1958

    Activity 1: Share $30,000 prize pool
    Accumulate a total trading volume of at least the equivalent of $1,000 during the Seafarer's Day campaign period (including buys and sells for all types of trades), and share a $30,000 prize pool.
    After you fill in your UID in the form, send your referral link to your friends (get your link right here: https://www.gate.io/referral) both will receive the following rewards:
    Newly registered or already registered using the referral link (including anyone sharing this information)
    Prize Pool is limited ,we will distribute in the order of transaction volume and on a first come first served basis.

    Activity 2: Seafarer's Day special gifts—— Get the Epson 4K Projector
    During the event, 10 people randomly selected to get the "Epson 4K Projector" Award.
    Gate.io has prepared this award for users with a cumulative trading volume of more than $100,000 (including spot and futures). In addition, users with more than 50 recommended registrations, will have the opportunity to win a prize in our random prize pool.
    Note: Rewards will be drawn and distributed randomly through Gate.io's system.

    Activity 3: Share $10,000 for top 100 "Trading volume captains "/ top100 "Recommended helmsman"
    Eligible users will be ranked according to their total trading volume (including buys and sells of all trade types) during the campaign period, and the top 100 users will share the following rewards:
    Note:The minimum transaction volume of participants in the selection is not less than $100,000.
    Eligible recommenders will be ranked according to their total recommended limited users during the campaign period, and the top 100 users will share the following rewards:
    Note: The minimum number of invitations for the winning ranking is not less than 100.

    Term and Condition:
    1. Rewards will be distributed through equivalent tokens and distributed to the winners’ accounts. The transaction can be viewed at “My Wallets”–“ My Billing Details”.
    2. Participants must agree and comply with Gate.io terms & conditions. Any defamatory content or actions against the Gate.io brand are strictly prohibited.
    3. Gate.io reserves all rights to the final decision.

    Gateway to Crypto
    Trade over 1,400 cryptocurrencies safely, quickly and easily on Gate.io

    Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals
    Download iOS/Android App right now.

    Reach out to us!
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
    Telegram: https://t.me/gateio
    Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

    Gate.io Team
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