What is The Merge?

BeginnerJul 12, 2024
With Ethereum undergoing the final testnet merge with Mainnet, Ethereum will officially transition from PoW to PoS. Then what impact will this unprecedented revolution bring to the crypto world?
What is The Merge?


On July 15, 2022, Tim Beiko, an Ethereum core developer, released the timeline for The Merge (Ethereum Mainnet Merge), announcing its official launch on September 19, 2022. What will this long-awaited change bring to the crypto world? Before answering this question, let’s overview the Ethereum upgrade’s background.

As a place that incubates innovation, Ethereum cannot fully meet the rapidly growing demand

During the seven years since its genesis, Ethereum has nurtured countless innovations, from the ICO in 2017 to the DeFi summer in 2020 and the NFT in 2021. Time has witnessed its blooming, thriving popularity.

With the increase in applications and exponential growth of users, Ethereum is faced with severe problems in user experience, such as high transaction fees, low speed, network congestion, a higher threshold to run a node, and high energy consumption under PoW.

Ethereum’s vision is to be more scalable and secure while remaining decentralized. To solve the above-mentioned problems, the Ethereum core team initiated the network upgrade.

Ethereum Foundation initiated an upgrade proposal to solve the imminent scaling challenge

A solution to the surge in demand caused by increased network usage is imperative. The PoS mechanism was proposed as early as 2014. The Ethereum Foundation also announced in the blog post The Ethereum Launch Process in 2015 that Ethereum will transition from PoW to PoS in step 4—Serenity.

In December 2020, Ethereum launched the Beacon Chain, and a detailed upgrade roadmap was proposed in 2021. To ensure that the merge with Mainnet goes smoothly, several testnets merged, and EIP proposals were implemented before The Merge.

What is The Merge?

The Beacon Chain merges with Mainnet. The consensus mechanism transitions from PoW to PoS.

The Merge means Ethereum will switch from the long-criticized PoW to the more energy-efficient PoS. It represents the joining of the Ethereum Mainnet with the Beacon Chain, which has already been running PoS, which will replace the energy-intensive mining with staking. This enables Ethereum to maintain sustainability while ensuring security and paves the way for future scalability upgrades.

The sole purpose of the Beacon Chain is to become a PoS blockchain. When the Beacon Chain shipped on December 1, 2020, it did not process transactions nor had tokens or DeFi applications. It is only a blockchain that runs PoS in order to stake ETH. Because of this, Beacon Chain can be merged with the Ethereum Mainnet and then replace the original PoW without worrying about any uncertainty.

After The Merge, the staked ETH on the Beacon Chain will be unlocked periodically

According to the Beaconchain website, the Beacon Chain, a pilot project to PoS, has staked a total of 13.21 million ETH. If the price of ETH is $1,800, then the value of ETH on the Beacon Chain will be $23.7 billion.

The ETH staked in the Beacon Chain accounts for 10% of its total market value of about 200 billion. The staked ETH on the Beacon Chain will be unlocked in batches within 6-12 months after The Merge.

Source: Ethereum 2.0 Beaconchain Explorer

The Merge will be the most significant event in crypto since the creation of Bitcoin

In the short but glorious history of cryptocurrency, there has never been any other blockchain than Ethereum with such a well-developed ecosystem and community that can take a major step in changing the consensus.

Ethereum owns the most powerful mechanisms and the most dynamic ecosystem, running a wide variety of DeFi applications, NFT projects, and EVM that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Ether, the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin by market cap, has a total market cap of around $200 billion currently ($550 billion at its peak), and will enter a new phase after The Merge.

A Milestone in the Ethereum Upgrades

The Merge is not the end, but the beginning of a new phase. The Ethereum upgrades consist of three important phases: the launch of the Beacon Chain, The Merge with Mainnet, and the Sharding that will make Ethereum truly scalable. The Merge is in a key position that connects the past and the future, greatly improving network security, reducing energy consumption, and setting the stage for future scalability upgrades, including sharding.

Source: Ethereum

PoS will Improve Network Security and Sustainability

After The Merge, Ethereum will move to the PoS. Users need to stake ETH in the protocol as a margin. If a node commits fraud or even intends to attack the network, the staked ETH will be directly destroyed, costing even more than the 51% attack under PoW. The attacker must bear the risk of burning all the ETH staked by the node, which greatly increases the cost of committing fraud and improves the protocol’s security.

After switching to PoS, validators jointly maintain network security by staking ETH, which eliminates the need for expensive hardware equipment and will significantly reduce energy consumption, improve sustainability, and lay a foundation for future scalability upgrades.

The energy consumption of PoW has long been criticized. Under this mechanism, nodes must make faster computations to get rewards. Therefore, they are strongly incentivized to upgrade hardware in an arms race, leading to excessive energy waste. It is reported that Bitcoin mining consumes about 0.6% of the world’s electricity. Digiconomist estimated that, as of early August, Ethereum’s total energy consumption under PoW is around 112TWh per year, which is comparable to that of the Netherlands, and its carbon emission equals that of Singapore of a whole year (53 metric tons/year).

After adopting PoS, Ethereum will no longer rely on extensive computing power. The scaling solutions, such as sharding, will reduce Ethereum’s total energy use by ~99.95% and make PoS ~2,000x more energy efficient than PoW. After The Merge, the electricity consumption will be reduced from the scale of a medium-sized country to that of a small town, the cost to run a node will roughly be equivalent to a laptop, and the amount of energy consumption will drop to less than 0.05% before The Merge.

Source: Ethereum

Ethereum’s Blueprint and Why the Term “ETH 2.0” is Outdated

The ultimate goal of ETH2.0 is to switch to PoS and shard chains, two aspects that make it distinct from ETH1.0.

The upgrade’s essence is to change the consensus mechanism. ETH2 is a confusing term, and it will no longer be used.

ETH1.0 has encountered some bottlenecks, such as high energy consumption and slow transaction speed due to excessive usage. Therefore, increasing the number of transactions it can handle per second is urgent. As Ethereum’s first upgrade, ETH2.0 is intended to improve scalability, security, and sustainability to meet the increased global demand. To avoid any confusion, Ethereum stops using the terms ETH 1.0 and ETH 2.0 and instead uses the execution layer and consensus layer.

ETH1, the “execution layer,” and ETH2, the “consensus layer,” will be merged while preserving the consensus mechanism of ETH2. The transition of Ethereum from PoW to PoS is only a part of the entire upgrade roadmap, but what remains unchanged is Ethereum’s continued plan of scaling Ethereum in a decentralized manner.

The upgrade roadmap was generally referred to as ETH 2.0 as the details remained unclear. In its earlier scheduled roadmap, researchers have been working hard on scaling the Ethereum network in a decentralized way and transitioning to the proof-of-stake. In 2018, this roadmap was added to the ETH2.0 development plan.

The existing PoW, or ETH1.0, will eventually stop mining in this merged roadmap due to the difficulty bomb.Its users and various applications will be transferred to the newly adopted proof-of-stake chain, i.e. ETH2.0.

A Long-term Plan Implemented in Different Stages

With the launch of the Beacon Chain, the ETH 2.0 roadmap, which is divided into different phases, might take several years. While trying to figure out how to continue PoW, people found that the Beacon Chain had been well-prepared much earlier than other ETH2.0 plans. Under this circumstance, the early merge proposal was created. In this proposal, the existing EVM blockchain will be used as a shard of ETH2.0 but will not be enabled for transitioning to PoS faster and reducing obstacles during applications’ transition.

After the proposal, Danny Ryan, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, explored approaches to accomplishing this by leveraging the existing ETH1 clients in his “Eth1+Eth2 Client Relationship” post. This will significantly reduce the development workload required during the merging.

The Term ETH2 Confuses and is Unable to Describe the Scheduled Roadmap

Some users may think that ETH1 will be replaced by ETH2, as the latter follows it. To avoid misunderstanding, the term ETH2 will no longer be used as it cannot explicitly describe Ethereum’s future roadmap. Furthermore, some scammers may use ETH2 to entice users into exchanging ETH for ETH2 tokens or migrating their ETH before the ETH2 upgrades. Renaming is necessary to avoid such scams.

Some stakers use ETH2 to represent the staked ETH on the Beacon Chain. However, there is no such token called ETH2. ETH2 is only a representation of the staked shares.

The Beacon Chain Merges with Mainnet

Replacing the outdated PoW with PoS of the Beacon Chain

Since 2015, the Ethereum network has used proof-of-work to verify transactions and smart contracts. With increased users and applications on Ethereum, the old PoW mechanism that processes only 15 blocks per second cannot meet the increased network demand. On December 1, 2020, the Beacon Chain was launched to solve this problem. Beacon Chain is a separate chain from Mainnet that runs in parallel using proof-of-stake, aiming to help the transition from PoW to PoS and maximizing the difficulty bomb so that all hardware and computing power will no longer be useful.

How do PoW Miners Migrate to PoS?

Before Ethereum’s successful transition from PoW to PoS, miners still using the PoW mechanism could no longer conduct mining on Ethereum. They have no other option but to migrate to the PoS system to get rewards. Under PoW, miners use computing power to compete with each other to get rewards, while PoS allows users to earn returns by staking.

Difficulty Bomb That Prevents Miners From Continuing Mining

To deter miners from mining PoW after The Merge, the founder of Ethereum introduced a difficulty bomb, which will increase the mining difficulty by re-programming the blockchain. The intent behind the difficulty bomb is to exponentially increase the amount of time it takes to mine a new block when every 100,000 blocks are generated on Ethereum. Although the increased difficulty may not be easy to notice in the early stage, it will take longer and become more difficult to generate a new block with the increase in block height, which will finally prevent miners from ETH mining. Therefore, difficulty bombs are also considered miners’ nightmares.

What’s the Stage of the Testnet Merge?

With the merge of testnets, there is only one step left before Ethereum officially switches from PoW to PoS, which is the last testnet merge into the Beacon Chain.

Ethereum’s Last Rehearsal Before The Merge - Goerli Testnet Merge

At the end of July this year, Ethereum developer Tim Beiko announced the Goerli testnet merge process on Twitter. On August 11, the Goerli testnet had been successfully merged with Prater, a PoS Beacon Chain. The merged Goerli/Prater network will retain the Goerli name. Tim Beiko also warned that this is the last chance for miners still using PoW to switch to validating nodes.

The Goerli merge will differ from the early testnet integration since the node operators need to update their consensus layer and execution layer clients in tandem rather than just one of the two. According to an update on August 12, The Merge is scheduled for September 15.

Source: Tim Beiko on Twitter

Source: ShineINFAITH, Muse Labs

Misconceptions about The Merge

Technically, The Merge will not significantly reduce gas fees.

1.The Merge is a change of consensus mechanism. It does not significantly change any parameters that directly influence network capacity, and hence will not result in lower gas fees.

Transactions will not be noticeably faster after The Merge.

2.On proof-of-stake, blocks will be produced ~10% more frequently than on proof-of-work. The average speed to generate new blocks increases from ~13.3 seconds to precisely every 12 seconds.

Withdrawal of staked ETH is not enabled right after The Merge.

3.Withdrawals of Staked ETH are planned for the Shanghai upgrade, the next major upgrade following The Merge. This means that newly issued ETH, which is accumulating on the Beacon Chain, will remain locked for at least 6-12 months after The Merge.

Stakers will not sell their ETH immediately after The Merge

4.As mentioned above, stakers cannot withdraw the staked ETH immediately after The Merge, so there is no need to worry about the dumping of ETH. And the limitations on withdrawals and deposits help secure the stability of the chain.

Running a node does not necessarily require staking 32 ETH

5.In fact, the more ETH it requires, the more messages are transmitted between nodes, and the less ETH, the more nodes will participate. 32 is 2 to the 5th power. Nodes spread messages exponentially. If it reduces the ETH validator requirement from 32 to 16, that would increase the messaging volume for all nodes by 4x, so 32 ETH is considered the optimal staking amount.

The Impact of The Merge on ETH Price

Most investors are concerned about whether the price of ETH will rise after the Merge. From another perspective, does the current price already reflect the market’s expectations for ETH after The Merge?

Under the PoS consensus mechanism, ETH issuance and security costs will be greatly reduced. The total supply of ETH is unlimited. After the Merger, the annual inflation rate of ETH will be reduced from 4.3% to 0.43%.

PoS fundamentally improves the network’s efficiency. Requiring validators to stake ETH serves the goal of providing better security at the lowest hardware cost. The security of PoS is guaranteed solely by the opportunity cost of capital. It is no longer necessary to issue a large amount of ETH to maintain the security of the network. With lower security costs, PoS is more efficient than PoW.

Reduced security cost will make ETH go up. In the future, as it is no longer necessary to pay high fees to miners as in PoW, the ETH inflation rate will be much lower. Issuance reduction is generally regarded by investors as a positive sign of the rising price.

The coming deflation will increase the proportion of burnt ETH. On August 5, 2021, Ethereum launched the EIP-1559, which changed the payment method for gas fees. Before that, all the fees paid would be given to the miners. After the introduction of the burn mechanism, when the fees increase, more ETH will be burnt.

The issuance of ETH will be reduced by 90% after The Merge, which means that the burn rate of each block generated after The Merge will increase accordingly. Theoretically, as long as gas is higher than 7 gwei, burning will be faster than the emission. In a bull market, the gas fee is usually around 200 gwei or even higher.

An eco-friendly and efficient blockchain will bring a stronger community. In fact, the annual energy consumption of an Ethereum node is only about 2.6 MWh, which is less than 1/1,300 of that of the US game industry.

In the world of crypto, Ethereum is the most used blockchain. The Merge will reduce Ethereum’s energy consumption by about 99.95%. In contrast, traditional finance still consumes so much energy without plans for a change. In this year as the world is faced with an energy crisis, OPEC production capacity is at the lowest point in two decades. Ethereum will actually be the most environmentally friendly financial system in the world. Perhaps Wall Street should also go green by using Ethereum.

After the Merge brings more sustainability, enterprises and institutional investors are more likely to be attracted by Ethereum.

Vitalik Buterin: The Merge is not priced-in, not only in market terms but also in psychological and narrative terms. Vitalik was interviewed by Bankless founder David Hoffman during this year’s Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) in Paris a few days ago.

When asked about how he would illustrate the morale around the developers at the moment, Vitalik Buterin replied, in 2018 and 2019 at the time around the DAO fork and the DAO attack, people definitely had been disappointed. Now The Merge is looking more and more in the front view mirror. Once it actually happens, he expects the morale to go way up.

Vitalik Buterin thinks The Merge is not going to be priced-in until it actually happens, not only in market terms but also in psychological and narrative terms.

Why do Miners Oppose The Merge? What Impact Will the PoW Fork Bring?

Hardwares are Losing Value

Miners are important participants in the early Ethereum ecosystem, solving math problems and assembling transactions into blocks. They get rewarded for maintaining the network. Up until now, miners have spent about 15 billion US dollars on the GPU. After the Merge, Their hardwares and other related facilities will be sunk costs. The Merge expected to happen in mid-September has prompted miners to fork Ethereum in order to protect their interests.


A PoW Fork is Initiated by ETH Miners to Preserve PoW

Instead of turning to other blockchains that adopt PoW, a group of miners have chosen to hard fork Ethereum to preserve its PoW consensus mechanism. After the DAO hack, the divisions within the Ethereum community resulted in Ethereum getting forked into ETC and ETH. At the end of July, Hongcai Guo (Bao Erye), an early Bitcoin supporter, and the aWSB community initiated the ETH hard fork project called ETH.A, which is expected to launch in September. This PoW fork is endorsed by the majority of miners and Justin Sun, founder of TRON.

However, it is not favored by the majority of the market. The public charity fund ETC Cooperative sent an open letter to Bao Erye on August 8, saying that forking Ethereum is too difficult and that he will not succeed. Bao Erye will also release an open letter in response soon.

Source: Chandler Guo Twitter

What Could Possibly Happen?

The Merge is coming. To maintain a PoW version of the Ethereum, a new hard fork, which is called ETHPoW, will be built. However, this is extremely difficult on the technical side, and its financial prospects are uncertain. The first challenge for ETHPoW is to create a hard fork that permanently disables the difficulty bomb. ETHPoW cannot claim to be the main chain. Secondly, the new community of ETHPoW needs to be managed by a developer team and its new users need to reach consensus. ETHPoW also needs to establish new partnerships with exchanges, custodians, etc.

However, BitMEX points out that when there is a controversial fork in Ethereum, it is the stablecoin issuer who has the most power, not the team or the fork initiator. The stablecoin issuer decides which chain will become the main chain based on their acceptance and DeFi relevance. Perhaps it is the USDC issuer and Circle founder Jeremy Allaire who has the last say. Circle, Tether, Binance, etc., have already claimed to support Ethereum 2.0 with PoS. If ETHPoW cannot get the support from the stablecoin in the end, all efforts would be in vain.

If the fork is successful, BitMEX predicts that some ETH maximalists will take the opportunity and sell ETHPoW to buy more ETH.

It is estimated that if the ETHPoW fork is successful, the hype it brings will make mainstream exchanges list its tokens. Then it is possible that ETH/ETHPOW may become one of the mainstream trading pairs.

Market’s Expectations for the Fork

There are already ETHPOW financial products on the market for people to invest in. For example, the futures contract recently launched by Bitmex allows investors to predict the future price trend of ETHPOW tokens. The current price is about $60.

Source: BitMEX Twitter

Source: BitMEX

What Does the Fork Mean for Most People?

If the hard fork is successful, you can expect snapshot airdrops and receive ETHPOW tokens. Exchanges will rush to launch ETHPOW. Currently, 1 ETH can be exchanged for 1 ETHS (PoS chain) and 1 ETHW (PoW chain). ETH can be exchanged in both directions before the fork goes official. If the fork is successful, ETHS can be directly exchanged for ETH, while ETHW can still be traded, and then ETHS exits the market; if the fork fails, ETHS can still be exchanged for ETH, and both ETHW and ETHS will then exit the market.

However, it should be noted that both ETHS and ETHW are credit assets on the exchange with no on-chain reserve, thus they cannot be withdrawn or traded across exchanges. Please carefully analyze the redemption risks associated with the exchanges before making any investments.

What’s Next for Ethereum After The Merge?

Ethereum’s roadmap will focus on Rollups in the short term.

The Merge is just one milestone on the roadmap of Ethereum. The ultimate goal is scalability, which is achieved through sharding and rollups.

The transition from sharding to rollups is a critical step for Ethereum in attracting the next 1 billion users. The scalability problem was originally tackled by splitting Ethereum Mainnet into 64 shards and assigning transactions to certain shards based on their throughput. However, due to the continuous development of rollups and the difficulty of executing sharding, achieving scalability solely through sharding is no longer the best idea.

Therefore, the Ethereum team has turned to data sharding while making rollups the main theme of the roadmap.

Arbitrum and Optimism to lower gas fees and reduce traffic

The Ethereum execution layer can only process 15 transactions per second. Considering Ethereum’s huge user base, high demand, low speed and high gas fees, scalability is the problem that needs an urgent solution. Arbitrum and Optimism, Ethereum’s Layer 2 scaling solutions utilizing Rollup technologies, have been built to lower gas fees and reduce network congestion. How they work is that when the Ethereum network is congested, the smart contract will connect layer 1 to the layer 2 Arbitrum and Optimism blockchains and hand over the workload to layer 2.

After Ethereum completes the 5 key phases, it will be able to process 100,000 transactions per second.

Ethereum’s roadmap also includes The Surge, The Verge, The Purge and The Splurge. These 4 stages are still in the early stages of planning. The Surge is about importing shards to improve the scalability of the network. The Verge will introduce Verkle trees to optimize storage on Ethereum. The Purge is to delete historical data and technical debts. The final stage - The Splurge is a series of miscellaneous but important upgrades, aiming to make sure that the network runs smoothly after all previous stages.

In addition to the 5 stages of the new roadmap, Vitalik Buterin also shared his views on the current problems and future plans.

A change better done swiftly

1.The above history headers, texts and receipts, and switching to the Verkle tree means storing more data in less space. Examples: Ban SELFDESTRUCT, EIP-4444, switch to Verkle trees etc.

Lighter client and hardware, smaller-scale staking pools

2.The current development focus is to make it easier to use clients. Decentralized staking pools should be made smaller. Users should be able to stake in Ethereum at low costs. Hardwares will be light but still able to run full nodes.

It takes decades to develop quantum-resistant upgrades

3.Once quantum computers come, Ethereum has to upgrade to different cryptography to be quantum-resistant, so that no one can use quantum computers to steal other’s private keys. Next, ZK-EVM could be applied in the base layer to reduce the cost of rollups.

Latest Developments in the Ethereum Ecosystem After Implementing PoS Mechanism

1.Improvements in Ethereum’s Security and Economics

The completion of The Merge marked Ethereum’s transition into the PoS era, significantly impacting the network’s security and economics:

  • Security: By using the PoW mechanism, the network’s security is closely linked with miners’ computational power, consuming substantial energy. In contrast, the PoS mechanism secures the network through validators’ staking, where validators lock up Ether as collateral, greatly reducing energy consumption and dependency on physical hardware. This new mechanism makes Ethereum more environmentally friendly and increases the cost of attacks, as attackers would need a significant amount of ETH to control the network.
  • Economics: The shift to PoS also altered the economic model, rewarding stakers for locking up ETH. This incentivizes more users to participate in network security. Additionally, with a reduced need for extensive computational resources, the issuance rate of ETH has significantly decreased, helping to curb inflation. After The Merge, Ethereum’s issuance rate declined significantly, forming an economic model referred to as “ultrasound money,” further enhancing the scarcity and value of ETH.

2.Adds Withdrawal Feature to Shapella

After The Merge, the Shapella upgrade (combining the Shanghai upgrade and Capella upgrade) introduced another significant network improvement by incorporating the withdrawal feature for staked ETH:

  • Withdrawal Feature: Before The Merge, staked ETH could not be withdrawn, posing a limitation for some stakers. After the Shapella upgrade, stakers can flexibly withdraw their staked ETH or staking rewards, providing greater liquidity and flexibility, thereby making the PoS model more attractive.

3.Lido’s Dominance in the Staking Domain

Following Ethereum’s transition to PoS, Lido has emerged as the leader in the liquid staking field:

  • Liquid Staking: Lido offers a liquid staking solution, allowing users to stake their ETH and receive stETH tokens in return. These stETH tokens can be used within DeFi protocols, balancing staking and liquidity. This flexibility has attracted a large user base. Then, Lido became the largest liquid staking provider, managing the largest pool of staked assets on the Ethereum network.
  • Influence: Lido’s success does not only lie in its innovative liquid staking model but also its extensive ecosystem support and community trust. This solidifies Lido’s dominant position in the staking market and enhances the participation and security of the entire Ethereum network.

4.Improving L2 Scalability Scenarios

The Merge not only changed the consensus mechanism but also paved the way for scalability improvements in Ethereum:

  • L2 Solutions: Scalability has long been a bottleneck for Ethereum’s development. After The Merge, the transition to PoS facilitates easier integration with Layer 2 solutions, such as Rollups and Sharding. These L2 solutions play a crucial role in reducing network congestion and lowering transaction fees. Following the upgrade, mainstream L2 networks like Arbitrum, Optimism, Starknet, zkSync, Blast, and Base have started experiencing significantly reduced gas fees.
  • Future Scalability: With the implementation of PoS and the completion of the Shapella upgrade, Ethereum is better positioned to support the deployment and optimization of L2 solutions. This will significantly enhance Ethereum’s capability to process transactions, enabling it to support more users and applications, thereby advancing the Ethereum ecosystem.

Conclusion & Future Development

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the important phases of the Ethereum upgrade. The Merge is only one milestone on the roadmap, but the change in the blockchain’s consensus mechanism - the transition from PoW to PoS, is a notable event in the history of cryptocurrency, given the fact that Ethereum carries hundreds of billions of dollars and dApps.

The Merge will unfold a new narrative and the ETH prices fluctuate accordingly. Some Ethereum miners decide to fork to preserve PoW. Many exchanges have opened futures markets, allowing investors to hedge risks in advance.

However, investors need to understand a few common misconceptions. The first is that the Merge will not greatly increase the speed of transactions, nor will it lower gas fees. However, after switching to PoS, ETH will face a big deflation because less ETH will be paid to miners. In the future, the ETH generated by each block will decrease. The narrative of supply reduction is one of the main reasons for the markets being bullish on ETH.

Once the PoS consensus mechanism is adopted, validators who secure the network have to stake ETH, and expensive hardware is no longer required. The reduction of energy consumption will make Ethereum more eco-friendly and sustainable, which will fit Ethereum more into the ESG narrative.

Ethereum’s upgrade plan and the Merge have not been all smooth sailing. We have seen much news coverage of the Merge in the past year. On August 11, the final test was finally completed successfully. So far, everything is going as planned and the Merge is almost certain to happen in mid-September.

However, many people are still skeptical about whether the Merge can take place as scheduled. The Ethereum Foundation’s estimates always tend to be conservative. And after such a long period of planning and multiple tests, there are enough reasons to believe that Ethereum is fully prepared.

User experience will not change immediately after the Merge, but the important thing is that we are moving towards a more secure, decentralized, sustainable and scalable future, which enables Ethereum to incubate more innovations. The Merge is a key event on Ethereum’s roadmap, linking the past and the future.

Despite the risks, Ethereum has brought us many layer 2 applications and made the DeFi Summer and NFTs possible. Ethereum is always making progress and bringing us surprises and has never stopped to improve. After this milestone - the Merge, is reached, we shall see if Ethereum is going to remain the leader of public blockchains, and if the Ethereum ecosystem will continue to flourish in the context of Web 3.0 and Metaverse.

Auteur: Allen
Vertaler: Cedar
Revisor(s): KOWEI、Hin、Elisa、Ashley、Joyce
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What is The Merge?

BeginnerJul 12, 2024
With Ethereum undergoing the final testnet merge with Mainnet, Ethereum will officially transition from PoW to PoS. Then what impact will this unprecedented revolution bring to the crypto world?
What is The Merge?


On July 15, 2022, Tim Beiko, an Ethereum core developer, released the timeline for The Merge (Ethereum Mainnet Merge), announcing its official launch on September 19, 2022. What will this long-awaited change bring to the crypto world? Before answering this question, let’s overview the Ethereum upgrade’s background.

As a place that incubates innovation, Ethereum cannot fully meet the rapidly growing demand

During the seven years since its genesis, Ethereum has nurtured countless innovations, from the ICO in 2017 to the DeFi summer in 2020 and the NFT in 2021. Time has witnessed its blooming, thriving popularity.

With the increase in applications and exponential growth of users, Ethereum is faced with severe problems in user experience, such as high transaction fees, low speed, network congestion, a higher threshold to run a node, and high energy consumption under PoW.

Ethereum’s vision is to be more scalable and secure while remaining decentralized. To solve the above-mentioned problems, the Ethereum core team initiated the network upgrade.

Ethereum Foundation initiated an upgrade proposal to solve the imminent scaling challenge

A solution to the surge in demand caused by increased network usage is imperative. The PoS mechanism was proposed as early as 2014. The Ethereum Foundation also announced in the blog post The Ethereum Launch Process in 2015 that Ethereum will transition from PoW to PoS in step 4—Serenity.

In December 2020, Ethereum launched the Beacon Chain, and a detailed upgrade roadmap was proposed in 2021. To ensure that the merge with Mainnet goes smoothly, several testnets merged, and EIP proposals were implemented before The Merge.

What is The Merge?

The Beacon Chain merges with Mainnet. The consensus mechanism transitions from PoW to PoS.

The Merge means Ethereum will switch from the long-criticized PoW to the more energy-efficient PoS. It represents the joining of the Ethereum Mainnet with the Beacon Chain, which has already been running PoS, which will replace the energy-intensive mining with staking. This enables Ethereum to maintain sustainability while ensuring security and paves the way for future scalability upgrades.

The sole purpose of the Beacon Chain is to become a PoS blockchain. When the Beacon Chain shipped on December 1, 2020, it did not process transactions nor had tokens or DeFi applications. It is only a blockchain that runs PoS in order to stake ETH. Because of this, Beacon Chain can be merged with the Ethereum Mainnet and then replace the original PoW without worrying about any uncertainty.

After The Merge, the staked ETH on the Beacon Chain will be unlocked periodically

According to the Beaconchain website, the Beacon Chain, a pilot project to PoS, has staked a total of 13.21 million ETH. If the price of ETH is $1,800, then the value of ETH on the Beacon Chain will be $23.7 billion.

The ETH staked in the Beacon Chain accounts for 10% of its total market value of about 200 billion. The staked ETH on the Beacon Chain will be unlocked in batches within 6-12 months after The Merge.

Source: Ethereum 2.0 Beaconchain Explorer

The Merge will be the most significant event in crypto since the creation of Bitcoin

In the short but glorious history of cryptocurrency, there has never been any other blockchain than Ethereum with such a well-developed ecosystem and community that can take a major step in changing the consensus.

Ethereum owns the most powerful mechanisms and the most dynamic ecosystem, running a wide variety of DeFi applications, NFT projects, and EVM that are worth hundreds of millions of dollars. Ether, the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin by market cap, has a total market cap of around $200 billion currently ($550 billion at its peak), and will enter a new phase after The Merge.

A Milestone in the Ethereum Upgrades

The Merge is not the end, but the beginning of a new phase. The Ethereum upgrades consist of three important phases: the launch of the Beacon Chain, The Merge with Mainnet, and the Sharding that will make Ethereum truly scalable. The Merge is in a key position that connects the past and the future, greatly improving network security, reducing energy consumption, and setting the stage for future scalability upgrades, including sharding.

Source: Ethereum

PoS will Improve Network Security and Sustainability

After The Merge, Ethereum will move to the PoS. Users need to stake ETH in the protocol as a margin. If a node commits fraud or even intends to attack the network, the staked ETH will be directly destroyed, costing even more than the 51% attack under PoW. The attacker must bear the risk of burning all the ETH staked by the node, which greatly increases the cost of committing fraud and improves the protocol’s security.

After switching to PoS, validators jointly maintain network security by staking ETH, which eliminates the need for expensive hardware equipment and will significantly reduce energy consumption, improve sustainability, and lay a foundation for future scalability upgrades.

The energy consumption of PoW has long been criticized. Under this mechanism, nodes must make faster computations to get rewards. Therefore, they are strongly incentivized to upgrade hardware in an arms race, leading to excessive energy waste. It is reported that Bitcoin mining consumes about 0.6% of the world’s electricity. Digiconomist estimated that, as of early August, Ethereum’s total energy consumption under PoW is around 112TWh per year, which is comparable to that of the Netherlands, and its carbon emission equals that of Singapore of a whole year (53 metric tons/year).

After adopting PoS, Ethereum will no longer rely on extensive computing power. The scaling solutions, such as sharding, will reduce Ethereum’s total energy use by ~99.95% and make PoS ~2,000x more energy efficient than PoW. After The Merge, the electricity consumption will be reduced from the scale of a medium-sized country to that of a small town, the cost to run a node will roughly be equivalent to a laptop, and the amount of energy consumption will drop to less than 0.05% before The Merge.

Source: Ethereum

Ethereum’s Blueprint and Why the Term “ETH 2.0” is Outdated

The ultimate goal of ETH2.0 is to switch to PoS and shard chains, two aspects that make it distinct from ETH1.0.

The upgrade’s essence is to change the consensus mechanism. ETH2 is a confusing term, and it will no longer be used.

ETH1.0 has encountered some bottlenecks, such as high energy consumption and slow transaction speed due to excessive usage. Therefore, increasing the number of transactions it can handle per second is urgent. As Ethereum’s first upgrade, ETH2.0 is intended to improve scalability, security, and sustainability to meet the increased global demand. To avoid any confusion, Ethereum stops using the terms ETH 1.0 and ETH 2.0 and instead uses the execution layer and consensus layer.

ETH1, the “execution layer,” and ETH2, the “consensus layer,” will be merged while preserving the consensus mechanism of ETH2. The transition of Ethereum from PoW to PoS is only a part of the entire upgrade roadmap, but what remains unchanged is Ethereum’s continued plan of scaling Ethereum in a decentralized manner.

The upgrade roadmap was generally referred to as ETH 2.0 as the details remained unclear. In its earlier scheduled roadmap, researchers have been working hard on scaling the Ethereum network in a decentralized way and transitioning to the proof-of-stake. In 2018, this roadmap was added to the ETH2.0 development plan.

The existing PoW, or ETH1.0, will eventually stop mining in this merged roadmap due to the difficulty bomb.Its users and various applications will be transferred to the newly adopted proof-of-stake chain, i.e. ETH2.0.

A Long-term Plan Implemented in Different Stages

With the launch of the Beacon Chain, the ETH 2.0 roadmap, which is divided into different phases, might take several years. While trying to figure out how to continue PoW, people found that the Beacon Chain had been well-prepared much earlier than other ETH2.0 plans. Under this circumstance, the early merge proposal was created. In this proposal, the existing EVM blockchain will be used as a shard of ETH2.0 but will not be enabled for transitioning to PoS faster and reducing obstacles during applications’ transition.

After the proposal, Danny Ryan, a core researcher at the Ethereum Foundation, explored approaches to accomplishing this by leveraging the existing ETH1 clients in his “Eth1+Eth2 Client Relationship” post. This will significantly reduce the development workload required during the merging.

The Term ETH2 Confuses and is Unable to Describe the Scheduled Roadmap

Some users may think that ETH1 will be replaced by ETH2, as the latter follows it. To avoid misunderstanding, the term ETH2 will no longer be used as it cannot explicitly describe Ethereum’s future roadmap. Furthermore, some scammers may use ETH2 to entice users into exchanging ETH for ETH2 tokens or migrating their ETH before the ETH2 upgrades. Renaming is necessary to avoid such scams.

Some stakers use ETH2 to represent the staked ETH on the Beacon Chain. However, there is no such token called ETH2. ETH2 is only a representation of the staked shares.

The Beacon Chain Merges with Mainnet

Replacing the outdated PoW with PoS of the Beacon Chain

Since 2015, the Ethereum network has used proof-of-work to verify transactions and smart contracts. With increased users and applications on Ethereum, the old PoW mechanism that processes only 15 blocks per second cannot meet the increased network demand. On December 1, 2020, the Beacon Chain was launched to solve this problem. Beacon Chain is a separate chain from Mainnet that runs in parallel using proof-of-stake, aiming to help the transition from PoW to PoS and maximizing the difficulty bomb so that all hardware and computing power will no longer be useful.

How do PoW Miners Migrate to PoS?

Before Ethereum’s successful transition from PoW to PoS, miners still using the PoW mechanism could no longer conduct mining on Ethereum. They have no other option but to migrate to the PoS system to get rewards. Under PoW, miners use computing power to compete with each other to get rewards, while PoS allows users to earn returns by staking.

Difficulty Bomb That Prevents Miners From Continuing Mining

To deter miners from mining PoW after The Merge, the founder of Ethereum introduced a difficulty bomb, which will increase the mining difficulty by re-programming the blockchain. The intent behind the difficulty bomb is to exponentially increase the amount of time it takes to mine a new block when every 100,000 blocks are generated on Ethereum. Although the increased difficulty may not be easy to notice in the early stage, it will take longer and become more difficult to generate a new block with the increase in block height, which will finally prevent miners from ETH mining. Therefore, difficulty bombs are also considered miners’ nightmares.

What’s the Stage of the Testnet Merge?

With the merge of testnets, there is only one step left before Ethereum officially switches from PoW to PoS, which is the last testnet merge into the Beacon Chain.

Ethereum’s Last Rehearsal Before The Merge - Goerli Testnet Merge

At the end of July this year, Ethereum developer Tim Beiko announced the Goerli testnet merge process on Twitter. On August 11, the Goerli testnet had been successfully merged with Prater, a PoS Beacon Chain. The merged Goerli/Prater network will retain the Goerli name. Tim Beiko also warned that this is the last chance for miners still using PoW to switch to validating nodes.

The Goerli merge will differ from the early testnet integration since the node operators need to update their consensus layer and execution layer clients in tandem rather than just one of the two. According to an update on August 12, The Merge is scheduled for September 15.

Source: Tim Beiko on Twitter

Source: ShineINFAITH, Muse Labs

Misconceptions about The Merge

Technically, The Merge will not significantly reduce gas fees.

1.The Merge is a change of consensus mechanism. It does not significantly change any parameters that directly influence network capacity, and hence will not result in lower gas fees.

Transactions will not be noticeably faster after The Merge.

2.On proof-of-stake, blocks will be produced ~10% more frequently than on proof-of-work. The average speed to generate new blocks increases from ~13.3 seconds to precisely every 12 seconds.

Withdrawal of staked ETH is not enabled right after The Merge.

3.Withdrawals of Staked ETH are planned for the Shanghai upgrade, the next major upgrade following The Merge. This means that newly issued ETH, which is accumulating on the Beacon Chain, will remain locked for at least 6-12 months after The Merge.

Stakers will not sell their ETH immediately after The Merge

4.As mentioned above, stakers cannot withdraw the staked ETH immediately after The Merge, so there is no need to worry about the dumping of ETH. And the limitations on withdrawals and deposits help secure the stability of the chain.

Running a node does not necessarily require staking 32 ETH

5.In fact, the more ETH it requires, the more messages are transmitted between nodes, and the less ETH, the more nodes will participate. 32 is 2 to the 5th power. Nodes spread messages exponentially. If it reduces the ETH validator requirement from 32 to 16, that would increase the messaging volume for all nodes by 4x, so 32 ETH is considered the optimal staking amount.

The Impact of The Merge on ETH Price

Most investors are concerned about whether the price of ETH will rise after the Merge. From another perspective, does the current price already reflect the market’s expectations for ETH after The Merge?

Under the PoS consensus mechanism, ETH issuance and security costs will be greatly reduced. The total supply of ETH is unlimited. After the Merger, the annual inflation rate of ETH will be reduced from 4.3% to 0.43%.

PoS fundamentally improves the network’s efficiency. Requiring validators to stake ETH serves the goal of providing better security at the lowest hardware cost. The security of PoS is guaranteed solely by the opportunity cost of capital. It is no longer necessary to issue a large amount of ETH to maintain the security of the network. With lower security costs, PoS is more efficient than PoW.

Reduced security cost will make ETH go up. In the future, as it is no longer necessary to pay high fees to miners as in PoW, the ETH inflation rate will be much lower. Issuance reduction is generally regarded by investors as a positive sign of the rising price.

The coming deflation will increase the proportion of burnt ETH. On August 5, 2021, Ethereum launched the EIP-1559, which changed the payment method for gas fees. Before that, all the fees paid would be given to the miners. After the introduction of the burn mechanism, when the fees increase, more ETH will be burnt.

The issuance of ETH will be reduced by 90% after The Merge, which means that the burn rate of each block generated after The Merge will increase accordingly. Theoretically, as long as gas is higher than 7 gwei, burning will be faster than the emission. In a bull market, the gas fee is usually around 200 gwei or even higher.

An eco-friendly and efficient blockchain will bring a stronger community. In fact, the annual energy consumption of an Ethereum node is only about 2.6 MWh, which is less than 1/1,300 of that of the US game industry.

In the world of crypto, Ethereum is the most used blockchain. The Merge will reduce Ethereum’s energy consumption by about 99.95%. In contrast, traditional finance still consumes so much energy without plans for a change. In this year as the world is faced with an energy crisis, OPEC production capacity is at the lowest point in two decades. Ethereum will actually be the most environmentally friendly financial system in the world. Perhaps Wall Street should also go green by using Ethereum.

After the Merge brings more sustainability, enterprises and institutional investors are more likely to be attracted by Ethereum.

Vitalik Buterin: The Merge is not priced-in, not only in market terms but also in psychological and narrative terms. Vitalik was interviewed by Bankless founder David Hoffman during this year’s Ethereum Community Conference (EthCC) in Paris a few days ago.

When asked about how he would illustrate the morale around the developers at the moment, Vitalik Buterin replied, in 2018 and 2019 at the time around the DAO fork and the DAO attack, people definitely had been disappointed. Now The Merge is looking more and more in the front view mirror. Once it actually happens, he expects the morale to go way up.

Vitalik Buterin thinks The Merge is not going to be priced-in until it actually happens, not only in market terms but also in psychological and narrative terms.

Why do Miners Oppose The Merge? What Impact Will the PoW Fork Bring?

Hardwares are Losing Value

Miners are important participants in the early Ethereum ecosystem, solving math problems and assembling transactions into blocks. They get rewarded for maintaining the network. Up until now, miners have spent about 15 billion US dollars on the GPU. After the Merge, Their hardwares and other related facilities will be sunk costs. The Merge expected to happen in mid-September has prompted miners to fork Ethereum in order to protect their interests.


A PoW Fork is Initiated by ETH Miners to Preserve PoW

Instead of turning to other blockchains that adopt PoW, a group of miners have chosen to hard fork Ethereum to preserve its PoW consensus mechanism. After the DAO hack, the divisions within the Ethereum community resulted in Ethereum getting forked into ETC and ETH. At the end of July, Hongcai Guo (Bao Erye), an early Bitcoin supporter, and the aWSB community initiated the ETH hard fork project called ETH.A, which is expected to launch in September. This PoW fork is endorsed by the majority of miners and Justin Sun, founder of TRON.

However, it is not favored by the majority of the market. The public charity fund ETC Cooperative sent an open letter to Bao Erye on August 8, saying that forking Ethereum is too difficult and that he will not succeed. Bao Erye will also release an open letter in response soon.

Source: Chandler Guo Twitter

What Could Possibly Happen?

The Merge is coming. To maintain a PoW version of the Ethereum, a new hard fork, which is called ETHPoW, will be built. However, this is extremely difficult on the technical side, and its financial prospects are uncertain. The first challenge for ETHPoW is to create a hard fork that permanently disables the difficulty bomb. ETHPoW cannot claim to be the main chain. Secondly, the new community of ETHPoW needs to be managed by a developer team and its new users need to reach consensus. ETHPoW also needs to establish new partnerships with exchanges, custodians, etc.

However, BitMEX points out that when there is a controversial fork in Ethereum, it is the stablecoin issuer who has the most power, not the team or the fork initiator. The stablecoin issuer decides which chain will become the main chain based on their acceptance and DeFi relevance. Perhaps it is the USDC issuer and Circle founder Jeremy Allaire who has the last say. Circle, Tether, Binance, etc., have already claimed to support Ethereum 2.0 with PoS. If ETHPoW cannot get the support from the stablecoin in the end, all efforts would be in vain.

If the fork is successful, BitMEX predicts that some ETH maximalists will take the opportunity and sell ETHPoW to buy more ETH.

It is estimated that if the ETHPoW fork is successful, the hype it brings will make mainstream exchanges list its tokens. Then it is possible that ETH/ETHPOW may become one of the mainstream trading pairs.

Market’s Expectations for the Fork

There are already ETHPOW financial products on the market for people to invest in. For example, the futures contract recently launched by Bitmex allows investors to predict the future price trend of ETHPOW tokens. The current price is about $60.

Source: BitMEX Twitter

Source: BitMEX

What Does the Fork Mean for Most People?

If the hard fork is successful, you can expect snapshot airdrops and receive ETHPOW tokens. Exchanges will rush to launch ETHPOW. Currently, 1 ETH can be exchanged for 1 ETHS (PoS chain) and 1 ETHW (PoW chain). ETH can be exchanged in both directions before the fork goes official. If the fork is successful, ETHS can be directly exchanged for ETH, while ETHW can still be traded, and then ETHS exits the market; if the fork fails, ETHS can still be exchanged for ETH, and both ETHW and ETHS will then exit the market.

However, it should be noted that both ETHS and ETHW are credit assets on the exchange with no on-chain reserve, thus they cannot be withdrawn or traded across exchanges. Please carefully analyze the redemption risks associated with the exchanges before making any investments.

What’s Next for Ethereum After The Merge?

Ethereum’s roadmap will focus on Rollups in the short term.

The Merge is just one milestone on the roadmap of Ethereum. The ultimate goal is scalability, which is achieved through sharding and rollups.

The transition from sharding to rollups is a critical step for Ethereum in attracting the next 1 billion users. The scalability problem was originally tackled by splitting Ethereum Mainnet into 64 shards and assigning transactions to certain shards based on their throughput. However, due to the continuous development of rollups and the difficulty of executing sharding, achieving scalability solely through sharding is no longer the best idea.

Therefore, the Ethereum team has turned to data sharding while making rollups the main theme of the roadmap.

Arbitrum and Optimism to lower gas fees and reduce traffic

The Ethereum execution layer can only process 15 transactions per second. Considering Ethereum’s huge user base, high demand, low speed and high gas fees, scalability is the problem that needs an urgent solution. Arbitrum and Optimism, Ethereum’s Layer 2 scaling solutions utilizing Rollup technologies, have been built to lower gas fees and reduce network congestion. How they work is that when the Ethereum network is congested, the smart contract will connect layer 1 to the layer 2 Arbitrum and Optimism blockchains and hand over the workload to layer 2.

After Ethereum completes the 5 key phases, it will be able to process 100,000 transactions per second.

Ethereum’s roadmap also includes The Surge, The Verge, The Purge and The Splurge. These 4 stages are still in the early stages of planning. The Surge is about importing shards to improve the scalability of the network. The Verge will introduce Verkle trees to optimize storage on Ethereum. The Purge is to delete historical data and technical debts. The final stage - The Splurge is a series of miscellaneous but important upgrades, aiming to make sure that the network runs smoothly after all previous stages.

In addition to the 5 stages of the new roadmap, Vitalik Buterin also shared his views on the current problems and future plans.

A change better done swiftly

1.The above history headers, texts and receipts, and switching to the Verkle tree means storing more data in less space. Examples: Ban SELFDESTRUCT, EIP-4444, switch to Verkle trees etc.

Lighter client and hardware, smaller-scale staking pools

2.The current development focus is to make it easier to use clients. Decentralized staking pools should be made smaller. Users should be able to stake in Ethereum at low costs. Hardwares will be light but still able to run full nodes.

It takes decades to develop quantum-resistant upgrades

3.Once quantum computers come, Ethereum has to upgrade to different cryptography to be quantum-resistant, so that no one can use quantum computers to steal other’s private keys. Next, ZK-EVM could be applied in the base layer to reduce the cost of rollups.

Latest Developments in the Ethereum Ecosystem After Implementing PoS Mechanism

1.Improvements in Ethereum’s Security and Economics

The completion of The Merge marked Ethereum’s transition into the PoS era, significantly impacting the network’s security and economics:

  • Security: By using the PoW mechanism, the network’s security is closely linked with miners’ computational power, consuming substantial energy. In contrast, the PoS mechanism secures the network through validators’ staking, where validators lock up Ether as collateral, greatly reducing energy consumption and dependency on physical hardware. This new mechanism makes Ethereum more environmentally friendly and increases the cost of attacks, as attackers would need a significant amount of ETH to control the network.
  • Economics: The shift to PoS also altered the economic model, rewarding stakers for locking up ETH. This incentivizes more users to participate in network security. Additionally, with a reduced need for extensive computational resources, the issuance rate of ETH has significantly decreased, helping to curb inflation. After The Merge, Ethereum’s issuance rate declined significantly, forming an economic model referred to as “ultrasound money,” further enhancing the scarcity and value of ETH.

2.Adds Withdrawal Feature to Shapella

After The Merge, the Shapella upgrade (combining the Shanghai upgrade and Capella upgrade) introduced another significant network improvement by incorporating the withdrawal feature for staked ETH:

  • Withdrawal Feature: Before The Merge, staked ETH could not be withdrawn, posing a limitation for some stakers. After the Shapella upgrade, stakers can flexibly withdraw their staked ETH or staking rewards, providing greater liquidity and flexibility, thereby making the PoS model more attractive.

3.Lido’s Dominance in the Staking Domain

Following Ethereum’s transition to PoS, Lido has emerged as the leader in the liquid staking field:

  • Liquid Staking: Lido offers a liquid staking solution, allowing users to stake their ETH and receive stETH tokens in return. These stETH tokens can be used within DeFi protocols, balancing staking and liquidity. This flexibility has attracted a large user base. Then, Lido became the largest liquid staking provider, managing the largest pool of staked assets on the Ethereum network.
  • Influence: Lido’s success does not only lie in its innovative liquid staking model but also its extensive ecosystem support and community trust. This solidifies Lido’s dominant position in the staking market and enhances the participation and security of the entire Ethereum network.

4.Improving L2 Scalability Scenarios

The Merge not only changed the consensus mechanism but also paved the way for scalability improvements in Ethereum:

  • L2 Solutions: Scalability has long been a bottleneck for Ethereum’s development. After The Merge, the transition to PoS facilitates easier integration with Layer 2 solutions, such as Rollups and Sharding. These L2 solutions play a crucial role in reducing network congestion and lowering transaction fees. Following the upgrade, mainstream L2 networks like Arbitrum, Optimism, Starknet, zkSync, Blast, and Base have started experiencing significantly reduced gas fees.
  • Future Scalability: With the implementation of PoS and the completion of the Shapella upgrade, Ethereum is better positioned to support the deployment and optimization of L2 solutions. This will significantly enhance Ethereum’s capability to process transactions, enabling it to support more users and applications, thereby advancing the Ethereum ecosystem.

Conclusion & Future Development

This article provides a comprehensive overview of the important phases of the Ethereum upgrade. The Merge is only one milestone on the roadmap, but the change in the blockchain’s consensus mechanism - the transition from PoW to PoS, is a notable event in the history of cryptocurrency, given the fact that Ethereum carries hundreds of billions of dollars and dApps.

The Merge will unfold a new narrative and the ETH prices fluctuate accordingly. Some Ethereum miners decide to fork to preserve PoW. Many exchanges have opened futures markets, allowing investors to hedge risks in advance.

However, investors need to understand a few common misconceptions. The first is that the Merge will not greatly increase the speed of transactions, nor will it lower gas fees. However, after switching to PoS, ETH will face a big deflation because less ETH will be paid to miners. In the future, the ETH generated by each block will decrease. The narrative of supply reduction is one of the main reasons for the markets being bullish on ETH.

Once the PoS consensus mechanism is adopted, validators who secure the network have to stake ETH, and expensive hardware is no longer required. The reduction of energy consumption will make Ethereum more eco-friendly and sustainable, which will fit Ethereum more into the ESG narrative.

Ethereum’s upgrade plan and the Merge have not been all smooth sailing. We have seen much news coverage of the Merge in the past year. On August 11, the final test was finally completed successfully. So far, everything is going as planned and the Merge is almost certain to happen in mid-September.

However, many people are still skeptical about whether the Merge can take place as scheduled. The Ethereum Foundation’s estimates always tend to be conservative. And after such a long period of planning and multiple tests, there are enough reasons to believe that Ethereum is fully prepared.

User experience will not change immediately after the Merge, but the important thing is that we are moving towards a more secure, decentralized, sustainable and scalable future, which enables Ethereum to incubate more innovations. The Merge is a key event on Ethereum’s roadmap, linking the past and the future.

Despite the risks, Ethereum has brought us many layer 2 applications and made the DeFi Summer and NFTs possible. Ethereum is always making progress and bringing us surprises and has never stopped to improve. After this milestone - the Merge, is reached, we shall see if Ethereum is going to remain the leader of public blockchains, and if the Ethereum ecosystem will continue to flourish in the context of Web 3.0 and Metaverse.

Auteur: Allen
Vertaler: Cedar
Revisor(s): KOWEI、Hin、Elisa、Ashley、Joyce
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