Harga Bitnet BTN

Terendah 24 jam$0.1324
$0.1402 Tertinggi 24 jam

Tentang Bitnet (BTN)

What is the project about? Bitnet is a peer-to-peer network that enables the creation of programmable money, financial systems, and can also be used for cloud computing. It is decentralized like Bitcoin but powerful like Ethereum. It needs no central authority or banks to operate, and can be used by anyone, anywhere. Bitnet code is open source, nobody owns or controls Bitnet, and everyone can participate in the network. Its technology allows for the creation of complete financial systems for both sovereign and private money, as well as the tokenization of value on the internet. What makes your project unique? The unique proposition of Bitnet comes from its built-in monetary policy, the smart contracts capability, and the true concept of decentralization it entails. History of your project. Bitnet originates from the premise that Ethereum, despite greatly innovative and powerful, is not decentralized for a range of reasons further elaborated in the project’s white paper, and that Bitcoin, despite truly decentralized and an excellent store of value asset, fails to host enough technology and have in place the correct monetary policy to serve as an actual currency. Bases on those premises, I have written an released a white paper on the Bitcoin Talk forum on the 14th of July 2023, which served as the catalyst for the beginning of what Binet has become so far. What’s next for your project? Success for Bitnet means broad adoption of Bitnet as a form of currency, where the mild inflationary policy will incentivize people to use it as a currency on the day-to-day basis, and the programmability built-in will allow for the existence of private and sovereign money on a truly unstoppable and secure network, inherently offering interoperability, accountability, and transparency to such other currencies. To achieve that, Bitnet has to further develop its scalability technology without giving away proof-of-work (ideally to be as fast as most PoS networks, but wi
Volume 24J$172.62K
All-Time High(ATH)$1.95
All-Time Low(ATL)$0.00001823
Kapitalisasi Pasar$411.74K
Fully Diluted Valuation$11.65M
Kapitalisasi Pasar/FDV3.53%
Sirkulasi Pasokan2.96M BTN
Total Pasokan3.00M BTN
Pasokan Maks84.00M BTN
Sentimen PasarPositif
* Data dari pihak ketiga

Tren Harga Bitnet (BTN)

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Live Pembaruan Harga Bitnet (BTN)

Harga Bitnet hari ini adalah $0.1387 dengan volume perdagangan 24 jam $172.62K, dan dengan begitu Bitnet memiliki kapitalisasi pasar $411.74K, memberikan dominasi pasar sebesar 0.000015%. Harga Bitnet bergerak +3.38% dalam 24 jam terakhir.

Bitnet mencapai harga tertinggi di 2023-08-12 ketika diperdagangkan pada level tertinggi sepanjang masa di $1.95, sementara harga terendahnya tercatat pada 2023-11-06 ketika diperdagangkan pada level terendah sepanjang masa di $0.00001823. Harga terendah saat ini sejak siklus tertinggi terakhir adalah $0.00001823, dan harga tertinggi sejak siklus terendah terakhir adalah $1.95. Sentimen sosial Bitnet saat ini Netral.

FAQ: Harga Bitnet (BTN)

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Berapa harga tertinggi dari harga Bitnet dalam sejarah?

Berapa harga terendah dari harga Bitnet dalam sejarah?

Berapa kapitalisasi pasar Bitnet saat ini?

Berapa banyak Bitnet yang ada di pasar?

Berapa maksimum pasokan Bitnet?

Berapa kapitalisasi pasar fully diluted (atau FDV) dari Bitnet?

Apa prediksi harga Bitnet ?

Apakah Bitnet investasi yang bagus?

Bagaimana cara membeli Bitnet?

Tokenomik Bitnet

Analisis Data Bitnet

Persentase Aliran Dana

Aliran Masuk Utama Bersih


Aliran Masuk Ritel Bersih


Sentimen Pasar


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Pesanan Jumlah Kecil

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Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Sedang

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Pesanan Jumlah Besar

Arus Masuk Bersih ($)


Aliran masuk ($)-
Aliran keluar ($)-

Catatan Aliran Dana

Waktu Transfer
Aliran masuk ($)
Aliran keluar ($)
Arus Masuk Bersih ($)
Tidak ada catatan

Memegang Distribusi

5 Alamat TeratasTotal

Pengumuman Bitnet (BTN)

Tidak ada catatan
Kapitalisasi Pasar
2024-09-21$395.05K1.29M BTN$0.1331N/A
2024-09-20$410.02K1.13M BTN$0.1381$0.1331
2024-09-19$417.46K926.69K BTN$0.1409$0.1381
2024-09-18$378.93K1.30M BTN$0.1272$0.1409
2024-09-17$377.77K1.26M BTN$0.1272$0.1272
2024-09-16$376.77K1.17M BTN$0.1269$0.1272
2024-09-15$378.77K1.32M BTN$0.1282$0.1269
2024-09-14$389.10K1.12M BTN$0.131$0.1282