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    Pengumuman New Financial Product Launches at Gate.io: Dual Currency Products BTC & ETH Section(4 to 18 Holding Days)

    New Financial Product Launches at Gate.io: Dual Currency Products BTC & ETH Section(4 to 18 Holding Days)

    2021-11-09 06:29:28 UTC 28010 Baca
    Dual Currency Products on Gate.io Finance now include BTC/USDT and ETH/USDT dual financial products. In the BTC section, the new products will have 4 to 18 holding days with pegged reference prices ranging from $60,000 to $80,000. BTC or USDT will be the final settlement currency at maturity for principal and earnings. As for the ETH section, new products will have 4 to 18 holding days with pegged reference prices ranging from $4,000 to $6,000. ETH or USDT will be the final settlement currency at maturity for principal and earnings.

    Telegram group chat link::https://t.me/gateio_DualCurrencyProduct_en
    Click the following link to get more dual currency products: https://www.gate.io/dual_savings

    Gate.io Android App has supported Dual Currency Product. Welcome to check your holdings and purchase more products!

    Dual Currency Products Information (Partial)

    *Please note
    1. Financial information should be based on the actual online contents.
    2. The annualized rate of return changes in real time with the market, please check the actual buy transaction rate of return.

    Risk warning: dual currency financial product is a floating income non-principal-protected wealth management product, and the final settlement will be determined by the settlement price and the linked price. Therefore, the risk mainly lies in the high volatility of the market price. Users are advised to invest carefully after understanding the risk. Generally speaking, the shorter the settlement date maturity, the lower the annualized return; in addition, if the linked price is higher, the annualized return is relatively lower. You can choose different products according to your risk appetite.

    What is a Dual Currency Product
    Dual currency product is a non-guaranteed wealth management product with floating income involving two currencies. The investor may buy the dual currency product with any currency specified in the contract. The final settlement currency is determined by the settlement price of the two currencies at the maturity date and the reference price stipulated in the contract. The rate of return offered by dual currency products is fixed, and investors can get the guaranteed income of a fixed interest rate, but they may also lose money because of the settlement currency and the settlement price.

    Extended Reading:
    Gate.io Cryptopedia: What is A Dual Currency Product
    Gate.io Quick-fire Questions on Dual Currency Product
    [Tutorial] Dual Currency Product: An Awesome Option in a Shaky Market

    Risk Warning:
    1. Gate.io Dual Currency Product is not a principal-protected financing product, so the market fluctuations may cause some capital loss. Please invest carefully.
    2. How to Calculate the Return of Dual Currency Product
    Take the investment in BTC/USDT dual currency financial products as an example. The settlement currency you may receive at the time of settlement is BTC or USDT. On the maturity date, if
    - settlement price < pegged price, and settlement currency is BTC, settlement amount = (1 + return rate) * amount of purchases;
    - settlement price > pegged price, and settlement currency is USDT, settlement amount = (1 +return rate) * pegged price * amount of purchases.
    3. The investment amount is converted with the real-time change of the market. Please refer to the actual transaction price before the purchase.
    4. The annualized return fluctuates with the real-time change of the market. Please refer to the actual rate of return before the purchase.
    5. The currency holdings can be checked on the page of “My Holdings.” The invested money will be automatically returned to the spot account after the holding period.

    Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals

    Download iOS/Android App right now.

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    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io




    Gate.io Team

    November 9th, 2021

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