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    Pengumuman Gate.io Startup Initial Free Offering: SpaceN(SN) and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules (1,600,000 SN free of charge)

    Gate.io Startup Initial Free Offering: SpaceN(SN) and Announcement of Free Distribution Rules (1,600,000 SN free of charge)

    2022-09-28 12:25:53 UTC 32412 Baca
    About Gate.io Startup Free Airdrop Program
    In order to reward platform users, Gate.io launched the "Startup Project Free Airdrop Program". Free airdrops for excellent blockchain projects are launched in the Startup area from time to time. VIP and GT users can get a variety of tokens via airdrop benefits.

    Gate.io Startup will launch its next project, SpaceN(SN), on September 30th, 2022 at 06:00 AM (UTC).

    Startup Link: https://www.gate.io/startup

    Introduction to SpaceN(SN):
    SpaceN is an NFT one-stop investment management tool.
    SpaceN will automatically count the investment income information of users buying and selling NFTs, so that users can timely understand the changes of their NFT assets.
    SpaceN will bring together the basic information and project dynamics of NFT projects to facilitate users to obtain valuable NFT project information in one stop.
    SpaceN will recommend corresponding social circles based on NFT holdings, so that users can find like-minded NFT holders or NFT traders.
    SpaceN will become a platform for users to build self-organized DAOs, so that users can build their own DAOs and sell their own NFTs.

    (The information below is provided by the SpaceN team. Please follow the website for more information)

    Token Information
    Token name: SpaceN
    Token symbol: SN
    Max Supply: 1,000,000,000 SN
    Token Type: BEP-20
    Token Contract:0x939Dd9E433552e325D78C33a16EF4cD8004D2F9C
    Token Distribution and Unlocking Rules:
    *Community Incentive: 60%
    1 month cliff, vesting linearly in equal proportion for 30 months
    *Team: 12%
    12 months cliff, vesting linearly in equal proportion for 20 months
    *Investors: 10%
    12 months cliff, vesting linearly in equal proportion for 20 months
    *Foundation: 10%
    1 month cliff, vestinglinearly in equal proportion for 20 months
    *Marketing: 8%
    TGE:20%, then vesting linearly in equal proportions for 10 months
    Token Information: https://www.bscscan.com/token/0x939Dd9E433552e325D78C33a16EF4cD8004D2F9C

    SpaceN Startup Sale Rules
    (1) Duration: 06:00 AM on September 30th-06:00 AM on October 1st (UTC), 2022(Orders placed by qualified users within these 24 hours will be treated equally.)
    (2) To participate in the Startup Sale, VIP 0 users need to hold a minimum of 500 USD worth of assets, and will be offered the contribution share at 1/4 of VIP 1 users’ share; For VIP 1 and above, the higher the VIP level the higher the contribution share will be.
    (3) Price: $0; Startup Supply:1,600,000 SN
    (4) Purchase limit: The maximum subscription limit for a single user is 1000 shares; the relationship between the VIP level and the maximum subscription allocation is:
    the maximum number of subscriptions (not the final actual subscription number) = the square of the VIP level multiplied by 10).
    For example:
    VIP1 users can subscribe up to 1 * 1 * 10 = 10 shares
    VIP2 users can subscribe up to 2 * 2 * 10 = 40 shares
    VIP3 users can subscribe up to 3 * 3 * 10 = 90 shares
    (5) Unlocking Rule: Unlock
    (6) Users place orders using USDT.
    (7) Users can place orders from 06:00 AM on September 30th-06:00 AM on October 1st(UTC), 2022. Orders placed by qualified users within these 24 hours will be treated equally.
    (8) Users need to ensure that there is sufficient balance (exceeding the purchase value) in accounts for the purchase after placing the orders until we announce the sale result. An insufficient balance will result in the cancellation of the purchase order.
    (9) Each type of currency can only be purchased once with each KYC account.
    (10) After 06:00 AM on October 1st (UTC), 2022, we will collect all the qualified orders and distribute the tokens according to the ratio of the individual purchase orders to the purchase orders in total.
    (11) Trading starts time:09:00 AM on October 1st (UTC), 2022

    Gate.io Labs Investment Participating Disclosure
    Gate.io Labs didn’t invest in SpaceN

    (1) Countries not supported: USA, Canada, Malaysia, Singapore, Mainland China, Malta, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Crimea, Sudan, Syria, Bangladesh, Bolivia.
    For users from other countries, please check and make sure your participation in the token sale on Startup complies with local laws and regulations.
    (2) Risk Warning:
    - The project team does not guarantee that the token price will not be lower than its startup sale price. Please invest with caution, and don't invest beyond your financial capacity.
    - The start-up project is still in its initial stage, factors including the operation and underlying technology of the project, and other related regulatory activities might contribute to significant risks.
    - Advanced technical and financial knowledge is required to understand, and evaluate the inherent risks of crypto-asset investment.
    - The market volatility is high, and the price of a token might fluctuate drastically due to technical, regulatory, and marketing factors.
    - Users may not be able to withdraw all the purchased tokens due to technical issues of the project or Gate.io.
    (3) Requirements for participants
    - The participant should register on Gate.io and Log in;
    - After logging in, complete user identity verification;
    - Deposit a certain amount of cryptocurrencies in your gate.io account;
    - Sign the Purchase Agreement on Startup before placing orders.

    Gateway to Crypto
    Trade over 1,400 cryptocurrencies safely, quickly and easily on Gate.io

    Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals Download iOS/Android App right now.

    Follow us on social
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io
    Telegram: https://t.me/gate_zh
    Podcast: https://gateio.buzzsprout.com/?ch=buzzs

    Gate.io Team
    September 28th, 2022
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