launches the Beta version of the Third-Party MiniApp and the GameFi channel
2022-03-22 01:12:50 UTC
100333 Baca launched our GameFi Center today as part of the MiniApp Program to bring Gate users an added dimension of crypto applications from third parties. This launch is a Beta version aiming for early adopters to experience our first offering - GameBox - the first Third - Party MiniApp, which is a game collection on its own, allowing users to enjoy games while earn coins potentially.
GameBox is launching their pre-registration event. For more details, please see the GameBox page where users will be guided the necessary steps.
To join our Beta test, please ensure you APP is updated to Version 3.3.1. Right now, we are only launching the Android version. To ensure you get the latest Beta version of the APP, you may visit homepage, click the Android icon to download the latest APK. Noted this is not yet available on Google Play at this time.
To find GameFi channel, look for the GameFi icon or MiniApp icon appears on our APP homepage. We may later on have a redesign of the page and the access location may change. Please stay following our latest announcements.

Disclaimer: All APPs appear on MiniApp and/or GameFi channels are offered by ThirdParty providers. The Third-Party APPs are provided “as-is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, and such APP is to be used at user's own risk. is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
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Podcast: Team
March 17, 2022
GameBox is launching their pre-registration event. For more details, please see the GameBox page where users will be guided the necessary steps.
To join our Beta test, please ensure you APP is updated to Version 3.3.1. Right now, we are only launching the Android version. To ensure you get the latest Beta version of the APP, you may visit homepage, click the Android icon to download the latest APK. Noted this is not yet available on Google Play at this time.
To find GameFi channel, look for the GameFi icon or MiniApp icon appears on our APP homepage. We may later on have a redesign of the page and the access location may change. Please stay following our latest announcements.

Disclaimer: All APPs appear on MiniApp and/or GameFi channels are offered by ThirdParty providers. The Third-Party APPs are provided “as-is” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, and such APP is to be used at user's own risk. is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013
Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent
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Podcast: Team
March 17, 2022