Clasificación #3849


1DPS ≈ $0.007307
1DPS ≈ $0.007307

¿Cómo te sientes con respecto a DEEPSPACE(DPS) hoy?


Acerca de DEEPSPACE ( DPS )



Sitio web


DEEPSPACE is a Play-to-Earn space multiverse exploration strategy game Earn passive income from holding $DPS, trading proprietary, upgradeable, smart NFTs, and taking risks as you explore DEEPSPACE with your fleet of ships! Prepare to explore, harvest, and fight your way through the DEEPSPACE universe! DEEPSPACE - Outpost One of the crown jewels of the DEEPSPACE Metaverse is the Outpost. The Outpost is a decentralized exchange hub where you can buy, sell, and trade your ships, cores, and other upgradeable Smart NFTs with fellow explorers. You can use the marketplace to build limited edition ships and acquire other valuable collectible assets. Build up your fleet to explore, harvest, and fight your way through the DEEPSPACE universe! Players buy and sell land, weapons, spacecraft and other items to help them in exploring the platform in the marketplace. Players can gain value as they advance in the game and grow their ship fleet. The custom decentralized app (dapp) marketplace is integrated with the rest of the DEEPSPACE (DPS) platform to allow for quick connection players looking for items to trade to help further their progress in the metaverse game. Ship modifications, whether temporary or permanent, can all be transacted on the marketplace. DEEPSPACE - Game Game assets such as ships and equipment are blockchain NFTs, allowing gamers to have full ownership over all of their in-game assets. Players can mint their own starships or purchase from the proprietary NFT marketplace, and choose up to 4 ships from their fleet to the start of the game to explore, engage and discover planets, places and players within the 3D space-based metaverse. Four starship archetypes allow you to explore the universe openly, engage in combat, or mine resources: Fighters - Ships with state of the art weapon technology Tank - Ships designed for managing enemy engagements, longevity, and withstanding damage. Mining - Ships specially engineered for efficient reso

DEEPSPACE (DPS) Tendencias de precios

Sin registro
Máximo 24H$0.007541
Mínimo 24H$0.007245
Volumen de 24 horas$100.99
Capitalización del mercado
Máximo histórico (ATH)$0.8742
Suministro de circulación
60.37M DPS
Mínimo histórico (ATL)$0.0000000005506
Suministro total
89.10M DPS
Capitalización de mercado/FDV
Suministro máximo
100.00M DPS
Valoración totalmente diluida
El sentimiento del mercadoNeutral

Actualización de precios en Vivo DEEPSPACE (DPS)

DEEPSPACE precio de hoy es $0.007307 con un volumen de operaciones de 24 horas de $100.99y, como tal, DEEPSPACE tiene una capitalización de mercado de $441.17K, lo que le da un dominio del mercado de 0.000019%. El precio de DEEPSPACE se movió -3.09% en las últimas 24 horas.

Periodo de tiempo
Cambiar monto
% de Cambio

Indicadores de credibilidad

Puntuación de fiabilidad
Clasificación #1202
PercentilTOP 5%

Exchanges de DPS populares

Preguntas frecuentes

¿Qué determina el movimiento del precio de DEEPSPACE (DPS)?

¿Cuál es el precio más alto de DEEPSPACE precio en la historia?

¿Cuál es el precio más bajo de DEEPSPACE precio en la historia?

¿Cuál es la capitalización de mercado actual de DEEPSPACE?

¿Cuántos DEEPSPACE hay en el mercado?

¿Cuál es el suministro máximo de DEEPSPACE?

¿Cuál es la capitalización de mercado totalmente diluida (o FDV) de DEEPSPACE?

¿Cuál es la predicción del precio de DEEPSPACE ?

¿Es DEEPSPACE una buena inversión?

¿Cómo comprar DEEPSPACE?