Precio en Argo FinanceARGO
Clasificación #8475
Acerca de Argo Finance ( ARGO )
Sitio web
"Argo is the premier liquid staking protocol built on top of the Cronos blockchain that aims to unlock the value of all staked CRO and maximize the capital efficiency of CRO across the Crypto.com ecosystem.
CRO staking has been a very attractive and low-risk way of earning yields on top of your CRO holdings, offering users 10-12% APY on staked CRO. However, staked CRO are essentially locked up and inaccessible to stakers. Stakers who wish to unstake their CRO will have to wait for a 28-days unbonding period before their CRO becomes accessible again.
CRO liquid staking, on the other hand, improves capital efficiency without compromising network security. This is made possible through the issuance of bonded CRO (""bCRO"") which is a liquid staking derivative that represents your staked CRO and can be utilized across the DeFi ecosystem in Cronos to generate additional DeFi yields."
Argo Finance (ARGO) Tendencias de precios
Máximo 24H$0.0003786
Mínimo 24H$0.000367
Volumen de 24 horas$282.50
Capitalización del mercado
--Máximo histórico (ATH)$0.03434
Suministro de circulación
-- ARGOMínimo histórico (ATL)$0.0003192
Suministro total
1.00B ARGOCapitalización de mercado/FDV
--Suministro máximo
∞Valoración totalmente diluida
$373.82KEl sentimiento del mercadoNeutral
Actualización de precios en Vivo Argo Finance (ARGO)
Argo Finance precio de hoy es $0.0003738 con un volumen de operaciones de 24 horas de $282.50y, como tal, Argo Finance tiene una capitalización de mercado de --, lo que le da un dominio del mercado de 0.000012%. El precio de Argo Finance se movió -0.2% en las últimas 24 horas.
Periodo de tiempo | Cambiar monto | % de Cambio |
1H | -$0.0000001757 | -0.047% |
24H | -$0.0000007491 | -0.2% |
7D | -$0.0000256 | -6.41% |
30D | -$0.00004977 | -11.75% |
1Y | -$0.0004019 | -51.81% |
Indicadores de credibilidad
Puntuación de fiabilidad
Clasificación #4073
PercentilTOP 30%
U ARGO cambiar a USD | $0.00 USD |
E ARGO cambiar a EUR | €0.00 EUR |
I ARGO cambiar a INR | ₹0.03 INR |
I ARGO cambiar a IDR | Rp5.68 IDR |
C ARGO cambiar a CAD | $0.00 CAD |
G ARGO cambiar a GBP | £0.00 GBP |
T ARGO cambiar a THB | ฿0.01 THB |
R ARGO cambiar a RUB | ₽0.03 RUB |
B ARGO cambiar a BRL | R$0.00 BRL |
A ARGO cambiar a AED | د.إ0.00 AED |
T ARGO cambiar a TRY | ₺0.01 TRY |
C ARGO cambiar a CNY | ¥0.00 CNY |
J ARGO cambiar a JPY | ¥0.05 JPY |
H ARGO cambiar a HKD | $0.00 HKD |