Wu learned that, according to the official blog, 1inch disclosed that it discovered a security vulnerability on December 9th. The attacker fraudulently gained access to the private key of the Contrato inteligente owned by 1inch Labs parser. The attacker used this access to modify the contract settings and transfer funds from the 1inch parser. 1inch stated that its team took prompt action to address this issue. The loss is estimated to be around $250,000. 1inch assures that user funds are secure, and the 1inch application and infrastructure are unaffected and remain completely safe.
El contenido es solo de referencia, no una solicitud u oferta. No se proporciona asesoramiento fiscal, legal ni de inversión. Consulte el Descargo de responsabilidad para obtener más información sobre los riesgos.
1inch reveló una vulnerabilidad de seguridad descubierta el 9 de diciembre, con una pérdida de alrededor de 250,000 dólares.
Wu learned that, according to the official blog, 1inch disclosed that it discovered a security vulnerability on December 9th. The attacker fraudulently gained access to the private key of the Contrato inteligente owned by 1inch Labs parser. The attacker used this access to modify the contract settings and transfer funds from the 1inch parser. 1inch stated that its team took prompt action to address this issue. The loss is estimated to be around $250,000. 1inch assures that user funds are secure, and the 1inch application and infrastructure are unaffected and remain completely safe.