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Thông báo Gate.io PING Net Buy Competition & Total $35,000 Mega Rewards for You

Gate.io PING Net Buy Competition & Total $35,000 Mega Rewards for You

2021-10-13 07:10:47 UTC 70111 Số lượt đọc
Gate.io is currently holding a "PING Net Buy" competition. We have a pool of $35,000 in rewards for users who buy PING. “Lock PING to Earn” will be launched soon, So stay tuned!
New users need to sign up Gate.io to participate.

Competition Period
Oct 14th 04:00 AM UTC---Oct 21th 04:00 AM UTC, 2021 (7 days in total)

Event Registration: Click to submit your UID & Participate in the PING Super Benefit Series

Activity 1: $30,000 PING for Users with Top Buy
From the top 200 traders by net buy volume, the users will be awarded the following PING rewards:

1)The First Prize: 63,190 PING (about 800 USDT )
2)The Second Prize: 47,390 PING (about 600 USDT )
3)The Third Prize: 31,590 PING (about 400 USDT)
4)The remaining 197 winners will share 2,227,350 PING (about 28,200 USDT) according to their net buying volume.

During the competition, participants need to buy at least 31,590 PING.


Activity 2: New Users Register, Total of $2,000 Reward to be Shared

During the activity period, each user who registers and completes any amount of valid trades can receive 390 PING (about $5) reward. First come, first served.

Activity 3: $1,500 PING for Twitter Giveaway

From now on, we will start a 7-day about 118,480 PING($1,500 USD)twitter Giveaway event to complete forwarding and following tasks and get lucky draw opportunities. After the event, we will draw 15 people from them and will give 7,900 PING($100 USD)

Activity 4: PING Telegram AMA, $1,500 PING Giveaway

We will launch the PING Telegram AMA activity in the near future, inviting PING project personnel to visit the Gate.io Telegram group. During a series of events, a total of 118,480 PING ($1,500) airdrop benefits will be given out. Details of the event will be on Gate.io Twitter and Telegram announced, so stay tuned!

Reward Distribution
The prizes will be distributed 7 working days after the end of the competition.
Entry is subject to all local laws.

*Important Notice
1) At the end of the activity, a user’s account balance should be no less than the calculated result of (Buy volume during the competition-Sell volume during the competition, with a minimum account balance of this value).
*Net buy volume =(Buy volume – Sell volume - withdrawal volume) x a time factor (excluding trading between one individual’s accounts)
The time factor decreases linearly, it is 1.2 at the beginning and 1.0 at the end of the competition. The earlier they buy, the more weight they have.
2) The competition is available to users who have completed KYC with a single account. Subaccount itself can not participate as an independent account trading will contribute to that of its master account.
3) As users of different VIP tiers have different trading fee costs, we will multiply the trading volume by (effective trading fee/VIP16 trading fee) to offset the trading fee cost differences.
4) As users with referrals have trading fee revenue, we will further normalize the trading volume based on whether they have referrals or not to offset the trading fee cost differences

Gate.io reserves the final right to interpret this activity.

Gate.io is a Cryptocurrency Trading Platform Since 2013

Top ranking, Trustworthy, Transparent

Sign up to enter the crypto gateway and get 40% commission from referrals

Download iOS/Android App right now.

Follow us on social media

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gate_io

Telegram: https://t.me/gateio_copytrading_global



Gate.io Team

Oct. 13rd, 2021

$1,500 PING Giveaway
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