What is Nautilus Chain: All you need to know about Nautilus Chain

AdvancedJun 11, 2024
Dive into the world of Nautilus Chain and discover how its Layer 3 technology is transforming blockchain efficiency and scalability for a seamless Web3 experience.
What is Nautilus Chain: All you need to know about Nautilus Chain

The Nautilus Chain is a modular blockchain that stands out for its speed and flexibility. By offering a fresh perspective on efficiency and scalability, Nautilus Chain is designed to meet the demands of the ever-evolving Web3 landscape.

Modular blockchains like Nautilus Chain are the vanguard of Web3 development. They address the inherent limitations of traditional monolithic architectures, such as scalability and adaptability challenges. By compartmentalizing various blockchain functions into distinct modules, these blockchains offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing developers to tailor solutions to specific needs without compromising on security or decentralization. This modularity is crucial for fostering innovation and accelerating the adoption of blockchain technology, propelling us toward the full realization of Web3.

What is Nautilus Chain?

Source: Nautilus Chain website

Nautilus Chain is the first production-ready Layer 3 (L3) chain, boasting the title of the fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Rollup chain. With its innovative approach, Nautilus Chain facilitates parallel transaction processing, enhancing security and privacy by leveraging Celestia’s data availability layer.

The vision of Nautilus Chain is to provide a scalable, fast, and reliable platform that overcomes the limitations of traditional EVM rollups, which can hamper project development due to slow transaction speeds.

Key Features and Benefits of Nautilus Chain

The key features of Nautilus Chain include:

  • Modular Design: With its layers for consensus, computation, and storage, Nautilus Chain enhances scalability and customization, allowing for seamless ecosystem integration.
  • EVM Compatibility: Developers can easily deploy their projects on Nautilus Chain, thanks to its compatibility with the Ethereum network.
  • Privacy: Leveraging zkRollup technology, Nautilus Chain provides increased privacy for transactions.
  • Speed: As the fastest EVM chain, Nautilus Chain offers unparalleled transaction processing speed.
  • User-Friendly: The chain is lightweight and designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for developers and users.
  • Independence: Nautilus Chain supports cross-chain asset transmission, creating a seamless experience across blockchain networks.

The Technology Behind Nautilus Chain

At the technological heart of Nautilus Chain is its modular architecture, which combines the speed of networks like Solana with the decentralization and security of Ethereum. This unique design allows for parallel transaction processing, significantly increasing throughput, reducing latency, and ensuring faster finality. By building on Ethereum and leveraging technologies like zkRollup and Celestia, Nautilus Chain offers enhanced privacy and scalability.

The Modular Design of Nautilus Chain

Nautilus Chain’s modular architecture dissects the blockchain into distinct layers, each specializing in a separate function such as consensus, execution, and data availability. This separation allows for targeted optimization and innovation, akin to an assembly line in a factory, where each station is fine-tuned for a specific task.

Traditional blockchains, often referred to as monolithic, handle all operations on a single layer. This can lead to bottlenecks, as every process must wait its turn. Imagine a single-lane road where every type of vehicle must travel at the same speed. In contrast, Nautilus Chain’s modular approach is like a multi-lane highway, with each lane dedicated to a different type of traffic, allowing for a smoother and faster flow.

The modular design of Nautilus Chain significantly enhances transaction speed by enabling parallel processing. This means multiple transactions can be processed simultaneously, rather than one after the other, leading to higher throughput and lower latency.

In terms of security, modular blockchains can focus on fortifying each layer independently, which can lead to stronger defenses against attacks. Each module can be updated and maintained separately, allowing for quick responses to threats and vulnerabilities.

Decentralization is also impacted positively. By distributing functions across multiple layers, no single point of control or failure exists. This structure supports a more robust and resilient network, where power and responsibility are spread out.

Different layers of Nautilus Chain

Nautilus Chain’s innovative structure is composed of several distinct layers, each designed to optimize a specific aspect of blockchain functionality. Here’s an overview of the different layers that make up the Nautilus Chain:

Consensus Layer

The consensus layer is the foundation of Nautilus Chain’s security and decentralization. It’s responsible for validating transactions and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. By using advanced consensus mechanisms, this layer ensures that all network participants agree on the blockchain’s state.

Execution Layer

The smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) live in this layer. It’s the engine room of Nautilus Chain, processing transactions and executing complex operations. The execution layer is compatible with Ethereum’s EVM, which means it can run any dApp built for Ethereum with increased efficiency and lower costs.

Data Availability Layer

The data availability layer, powered by Celestia, is a key component that enhances the privacy and scalability of Nautilus Chain. It ensures that data is readily available for anyone who needs to access or validate it, without compromising security.

Settlement Layer

The settlement layer handles the finalization of transactions. It’s where the assets are transferred, and the outcomes of smart contracts are recorded. This layer is crucial for maintaining the trust and reliability of the blockchain.

Storage Layer

Nautilus Chain’s storage layer is designed for long-term data retention. It provides a secure and stable environment for storing vast amounts of blockchain-generated data, ensuring it remains accessible for future reference.

Ethereum, Move VM and Cosmos Integration

Nautilus Chain stands out for its ability to support multiple virtual machines (VMs), including Ethereum, Move VM, and Cosmos. This integration is made possible through Eclipse’s technology, allowing Nautilus Chain to provide a seamless experience for developers and users. By accommodating different VMs, Nautilus Chain ensures that a wide range of smart contracts and decentralized applications can be deployed on its network, catering to diverse needs and preferences.

Benefits of Cross-Chain Asset Transmission

Nautilus Chain handles cross-chain consensus through strategic partnerships and the integration of advanced protocols that facilitate seamless communication between different blockchain networks. One such collaboration is with Hyperlane, a cross-chain communication protocol. This integration allows Nautilus Chain to support secure and efficient cross-chain transactions, ensuring that assets and data can be reliably transmitted across various blockchain platforms.

The cross-chain consensus mechanism is crucial for maintaining the integrity and consistency of data across different blockchains. By leveraging these partnerships and technologies, Nautilus Chain ensures that transactions are validated and consistent, regardless of the originating chain. This approach not only enhances the interoperability of Nautilus Chain but also contributes to the broader goal of creating a connected and unified blockchain ecosystem.

The ability to support cross-chain asset transmission is a significant advantage of Nautilus Chain. It allows for the movement of various mainstream currencies across different blockchain networks, creating a seamless cross-chain experience. This interoperability is crucial for enhancing liquidity and accessibility across the digital asset landscape, as it enables users to interact with a broader range of assets and services without being confined to a single blockchain ecosystem.

Role of Meta Transactions in Reducing Costs

Meta transactions play a pivotal role in reducing costs on the Nautilus Chain. They allow transactions to be executed on behalf of users, with their consent, without the need for every user to hold native cryptocurrency for transaction fees. This approach not only simplifies the transaction process but also significantly lowers the costs associated with blockchain operations. Meta transactions are particularly beneficial for developers and users who seek to minimize expenses while maximizing the efficiency of their blockchain interactions.

The Nautilus Ecosystem

Source: Nautilus Chain website

The Nautilus ecosystem is a vibrant and dynamic network, composed of various components that work together to create a seamless blockchain experience. At its core, Nautilus Chain offers tools and services such as Naut DID, which provides a streaming payment blockchain solution. The ecosystem is powered by Eclipse’s technology, enabling support for Ethereum, Move VM, and Cosmos, and features meta transaction functions to reduce costs for developers and users.

Current Projects and dApps on Nautilus Chain

Nautilus Chain is rapidly becoming a hub for innovation, with several projects and decentralized applications (dApps) already in the pipeline. Many of Zebec Protocol’s partners have agreed to deploy dApps on Nautilus to assist with testing, and it’s expected that 20–30 partners will participate in this initiative. This collaborative effort will help refine Nautilus Chain’s capabilities and ensure a robust platform for future dApps. Currently projects like PoseiSwap, Coral Finance, DBOE exchange, Dripverse, Seer and Shield protocol are building on the Nautilus Chain.

Naut DID: A Secure and Streamlined Identity Solution

Naut DID, digital identity solution provided by Nautilus Chain, is designed to revolutionize the way we manage and verify our identities online. It stands for “Decentralized Identifier” and represents a new era of identity verification that is secure, verifiable, and fully under the user’s control.

How Naut DID Works

Naut DID leverages blockchain technology to create a decentralized identity system. Unlike traditional identity systems, which rely on central authorities, Naut DID allows individuals to own and control their personal data without intermediaries. Users can create and manage their digital identities, anchored on the Nautilus Chain, providing a tamper-proof and transparent record of their identity information.

The Benefits of Naut DID

The implementation of Naut DID offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Privacy: Users decide what information they share and with whom, ensuring their privacy is maintained.
  • Reduced Fraud: Blockchain’s immutable nature makes it nearly impossible to forge identities, significantly reducing the risk of identity theft.
  • User Empowerment: By giving users control over their digital identities, Naut DID empowers them to interact in the digital world with confidence and security.
  • Interoperability: Naut DID is designed to be compatible across various platforms and services, facilitating seamless online experiences.

With Naut DID, users can easily prove their identity for online services, participate in digital economies, and sign transactions and documents with legal validity.

Nautilus’ Main Tools

Proteus Faucet

The Proteus Faucet is a vital tool for developers and users on the Nautilus Chain. It provides testnet tokens, allowing individuals to experiment with transactions and smart contracts without risking real assets. The faucet is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that even those new to blockchain can easily navigate it. By simply entering their wallet address in the faucet link, users can receive testnet tokens and begin exploring the capabilities of the Nautilus Chain.

Proteus Explorer

The Proteus Explorer offers a window into the Nautilus Chain, allowing users to query addresses, blocks, and transactions. This powerful tool provides transparency and insight into the network’s activity, making it an indispensable resource for tracking asset movement and smart contract execution. With its intuitive interface, the Proteus Explorer is an essential component for monitoring the health and activity of the Nautilus ecosystem.

Official Bridge

Nautilus Chain’s Official Bridge is the cornerstone of its cross-chain functionality. It enables the seamless transfer of assets between Nautilus and other blockchain networks. This interoperability is crucial for users who operate across multiple platforms, as it allows for the fluid movement of value and information. The Official Bridge is a testament to Nautilus Chain’s commitment to creating a connected and accessible blockchain environment.

Nautilus Chain’s Unique Selling Points

The Fastest EVM Chain Available

Nautilus Chain is recognized as the fastest EVM Rollup chain, setting a new standard for speed in the blockchain world. It achieves this through its modular design, which allows for parallel transaction processing, significantly increasing throughput and reducing latency. This speed is not just theoretical; it’s a practical advantage that developers and users can experience firsthand, making Nautilus Chain a top choice for those seeking efficiency and performance.

Parallel Transaction Processing Capabilities

One of the standout features of Nautilus Chain is its ability to process transactions in parallel. Unlike traditional EVM chains that process transactions sequentially, Nautilus Chain’s parallel processing means that multiple transactions can be handled at the same time. This results in a dramatic increase in the number of transactions per second (TPS) that the chain can handle, ensuring that Nautilus Chain can accommodate the growing demands of the blockchain community.

Customizability for Developers

Nautilus Chain’s modular architecture not only enhances performance but also provides developers with the flexibility to customize the tech stack to suit their specific needs. This level of customizability is crucial for fostering innovation and allows developers to build dApps that are tailored to their project’s requirements. With Nautilus Chain, developers have the freedom to create without being constrained by the limitations of the underlying blockchain technology.

Getting Started with Nautilus Chain

To interact with the Nautilus Chain, you’ll first need to add the Triton Testnet to your MetaMask wallet. Here’s how:

  1. Open MetaMask and select the ‘Network’ dropdown menu.

  1. Click on ‘Custom RPC’ to add a new network.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • Network Name: Nautilus Triton Testnet

    • New RPC URL: [https://api.evm.zebec.eclipsenetwork.xyz/solana](https://api.evm.zebec.eclipsenetwork.xyz/solana)

    • Chain ID: 91002

    • Currency Symbol: tZBC

    • Block Explorer URL: [https://triton.nautscan.com/](https://triton.nautscan.com/)

Once you’ve entered these details, click ‘Save’, and the Triton Testnet will be added to your MetaMask wallet.

Receiving Nautilus Testnet Tokens

To receive Nautilus testnet tokens, you can use the Nautilus Chain faucet:

  1. Visit the Nautilus Chain faucet at [https://faucet.nautchain.xyz/](https://faucet.nautchain.xyz/`¹)

  2. Enter your Ethereum wallet address associated with the Triton Testnet.

  3. Click on ‘Send 1 tZBC’ to receive the testnet tokens in your wallet.

Source: Nautilus Chain website

These tokens will allow you to test transactions and smart contracts on the Nautilus Chain without using real assets.

Resources for Developers and Users

Nautilus Chain offers a wealth of resources for developers and users looking to explore its capabilities:


The Nautilus Chain represents a significant stride in blockchain innovation, with its potential rooted in its modular design and parallel processing capabilities. As the fastest EVM Rollup chain, it offers unparalleled transaction speeds, making it an attractive platform for developers and users seeking efficiency and scalability. By addressing the limitations of traditional blockchains, such as scalability and high fees, Nautilus Chain sets a new benchmark for what blockchain platforms can achieve. Its integration with technologies like zkRollup and Celestia, along with its modular architecture, ensures that Nautilus Chain will play a pivotal role in driving efficiency, scalability, and user-centric.

Author: Angelnath
Translator: Piper
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Piccolo、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.

What is Nautilus Chain: All you need to know about Nautilus Chain

AdvancedJun 11, 2024
Dive into the world of Nautilus Chain and discover how its Layer 3 technology is transforming blockchain efficiency and scalability for a seamless Web3 experience.
What is Nautilus Chain: All you need to know about Nautilus Chain

The Nautilus Chain is a modular blockchain that stands out for its speed and flexibility. By offering a fresh perspective on efficiency and scalability, Nautilus Chain is designed to meet the demands of the ever-evolving Web3 landscape.

Modular blockchains like Nautilus Chain are the vanguard of Web3 development. They address the inherent limitations of traditional monolithic architectures, such as scalability and adaptability challenges. By compartmentalizing various blockchain functions into distinct modules, these blockchains offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing developers to tailor solutions to specific needs without compromising on security or decentralization. This modularity is crucial for fostering innovation and accelerating the adoption of blockchain technology, propelling us toward the full realization of Web3.

What is Nautilus Chain?

Source: Nautilus Chain website

Nautilus Chain is the first production-ready Layer 3 (L3) chain, boasting the title of the fastest Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) Rollup chain. With its innovative approach, Nautilus Chain facilitates parallel transaction processing, enhancing security and privacy by leveraging Celestia’s data availability layer.

The vision of Nautilus Chain is to provide a scalable, fast, and reliable platform that overcomes the limitations of traditional EVM rollups, which can hamper project development due to slow transaction speeds.

Key Features and Benefits of Nautilus Chain

The key features of Nautilus Chain include:

  • Modular Design: With its layers for consensus, computation, and storage, Nautilus Chain enhances scalability and customization, allowing for seamless ecosystem integration.
  • EVM Compatibility: Developers can easily deploy their projects on Nautilus Chain, thanks to its compatibility with the Ethereum network.
  • Privacy: Leveraging zkRollup technology, Nautilus Chain provides increased privacy for transactions.
  • Speed: As the fastest EVM chain, Nautilus Chain offers unparalleled transaction processing speed.
  • User-Friendly: The chain is lightweight and designed to be user-friendly, making it accessible for developers and users.
  • Independence: Nautilus Chain supports cross-chain asset transmission, creating a seamless experience across blockchain networks.

The Technology Behind Nautilus Chain

At the technological heart of Nautilus Chain is its modular architecture, which combines the speed of networks like Solana with the decentralization and security of Ethereum. This unique design allows for parallel transaction processing, significantly increasing throughput, reducing latency, and ensuring faster finality. By building on Ethereum and leveraging technologies like zkRollup and Celestia, Nautilus Chain offers enhanced privacy and scalability.

The Modular Design of Nautilus Chain

Nautilus Chain’s modular architecture dissects the blockchain into distinct layers, each specializing in a separate function such as consensus, execution, and data availability. This separation allows for targeted optimization and innovation, akin to an assembly line in a factory, where each station is fine-tuned for a specific task.

Traditional blockchains, often referred to as monolithic, handle all operations on a single layer. This can lead to bottlenecks, as every process must wait its turn. Imagine a single-lane road where every type of vehicle must travel at the same speed. In contrast, Nautilus Chain’s modular approach is like a multi-lane highway, with each lane dedicated to a different type of traffic, allowing for a smoother and faster flow.

The modular design of Nautilus Chain significantly enhances transaction speed by enabling parallel processing. This means multiple transactions can be processed simultaneously, rather than one after the other, leading to higher throughput and lower latency.

In terms of security, modular blockchains can focus on fortifying each layer independently, which can lead to stronger defenses against attacks. Each module can be updated and maintained separately, allowing for quick responses to threats and vulnerabilities.

Decentralization is also impacted positively. By distributing functions across multiple layers, no single point of control or failure exists. This structure supports a more robust and resilient network, where power and responsibility are spread out.

Different layers of Nautilus Chain

Nautilus Chain’s innovative structure is composed of several distinct layers, each designed to optimize a specific aspect of blockchain functionality. Here’s an overview of the different layers that make up the Nautilus Chain:

Consensus Layer

The consensus layer is the foundation of Nautilus Chain’s security and decentralization. It’s responsible for validating transactions and maintaining the integrity of the blockchain. By using advanced consensus mechanisms, this layer ensures that all network participants agree on the blockchain’s state.

Execution Layer

The smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps) live in this layer. It’s the engine room of Nautilus Chain, processing transactions and executing complex operations. The execution layer is compatible with Ethereum’s EVM, which means it can run any dApp built for Ethereum with increased efficiency and lower costs.

Data Availability Layer

The data availability layer, powered by Celestia, is a key component that enhances the privacy and scalability of Nautilus Chain. It ensures that data is readily available for anyone who needs to access or validate it, without compromising security.

Settlement Layer

The settlement layer handles the finalization of transactions. It’s where the assets are transferred, and the outcomes of smart contracts are recorded. This layer is crucial for maintaining the trust and reliability of the blockchain.

Storage Layer

Nautilus Chain’s storage layer is designed for long-term data retention. It provides a secure and stable environment for storing vast amounts of blockchain-generated data, ensuring it remains accessible for future reference.

Ethereum, Move VM and Cosmos Integration

Nautilus Chain stands out for its ability to support multiple virtual machines (VMs), including Ethereum, Move VM, and Cosmos. This integration is made possible through Eclipse’s technology, allowing Nautilus Chain to provide a seamless experience for developers and users. By accommodating different VMs, Nautilus Chain ensures that a wide range of smart contracts and decentralized applications can be deployed on its network, catering to diverse needs and preferences.

Benefits of Cross-Chain Asset Transmission

Nautilus Chain handles cross-chain consensus through strategic partnerships and the integration of advanced protocols that facilitate seamless communication between different blockchain networks. One such collaboration is with Hyperlane, a cross-chain communication protocol. This integration allows Nautilus Chain to support secure and efficient cross-chain transactions, ensuring that assets and data can be reliably transmitted across various blockchain platforms.

The cross-chain consensus mechanism is crucial for maintaining the integrity and consistency of data across different blockchains. By leveraging these partnerships and technologies, Nautilus Chain ensures that transactions are validated and consistent, regardless of the originating chain. This approach not only enhances the interoperability of Nautilus Chain but also contributes to the broader goal of creating a connected and unified blockchain ecosystem.

The ability to support cross-chain asset transmission is a significant advantage of Nautilus Chain. It allows for the movement of various mainstream currencies across different blockchain networks, creating a seamless cross-chain experience. This interoperability is crucial for enhancing liquidity and accessibility across the digital asset landscape, as it enables users to interact with a broader range of assets and services without being confined to a single blockchain ecosystem.

Role of Meta Transactions in Reducing Costs

Meta transactions play a pivotal role in reducing costs on the Nautilus Chain. They allow transactions to be executed on behalf of users, with their consent, without the need for every user to hold native cryptocurrency for transaction fees. This approach not only simplifies the transaction process but also significantly lowers the costs associated with blockchain operations. Meta transactions are particularly beneficial for developers and users who seek to minimize expenses while maximizing the efficiency of their blockchain interactions.

The Nautilus Ecosystem

Source: Nautilus Chain website

The Nautilus ecosystem is a vibrant and dynamic network, composed of various components that work together to create a seamless blockchain experience. At its core, Nautilus Chain offers tools and services such as Naut DID, which provides a streaming payment blockchain solution. The ecosystem is powered by Eclipse’s technology, enabling support for Ethereum, Move VM, and Cosmos, and features meta transaction functions to reduce costs for developers and users.

Current Projects and dApps on Nautilus Chain

Nautilus Chain is rapidly becoming a hub for innovation, with several projects and decentralized applications (dApps) already in the pipeline. Many of Zebec Protocol’s partners have agreed to deploy dApps on Nautilus to assist with testing, and it’s expected that 20–30 partners will participate in this initiative. This collaborative effort will help refine Nautilus Chain’s capabilities and ensure a robust platform for future dApps. Currently projects like PoseiSwap, Coral Finance, DBOE exchange, Dripverse, Seer and Shield protocol are building on the Nautilus Chain.

Naut DID: A Secure and Streamlined Identity Solution

Naut DID, digital identity solution provided by Nautilus Chain, is designed to revolutionize the way we manage and verify our identities online. It stands for “Decentralized Identifier” and represents a new era of identity verification that is secure, verifiable, and fully under the user’s control.

How Naut DID Works

Naut DID leverages blockchain technology to create a decentralized identity system. Unlike traditional identity systems, which rely on central authorities, Naut DID allows individuals to own and control their personal data without intermediaries. Users can create and manage their digital identities, anchored on the Nautilus Chain, providing a tamper-proof and transparent record of their identity information.

The Benefits of Naut DID

The implementation of Naut DID offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Privacy: Users decide what information they share and with whom, ensuring their privacy is maintained.
  • Reduced Fraud: Blockchain’s immutable nature makes it nearly impossible to forge identities, significantly reducing the risk of identity theft.
  • User Empowerment: By giving users control over their digital identities, Naut DID empowers them to interact in the digital world with confidence and security.
  • Interoperability: Naut DID is designed to be compatible across various platforms and services, facilitating seamless online experiences.

With Naut DID, users can easily prove their identity for online services, participate in digital economies, and sign transactions and documents with legal validity.

Nautilus’ Main Tools

Proteus Faucet

The Proteus Faucet is a vital tool for developers and users on the Nautilus Chain. It provides testnet tokens, allowing individuals to experiment with transactions and smart contracts without risking real assets. The faucet is designed to be user-friendly, ensuring that even those new to blockchain can easily navigate it. By simply entering their wallet address in the faucet link, users can receive testnet tokens and begin exploring the capabilities of the Nautilus Chain.

Proteus Explorer

The Proteus Explorer offers a window into the Nautilus Chain, allowing users to query addresses, blocks, and transactions. This powerful tool provides transparency and insight into the network’s activity, making it an indispensable resource for tracking asset movement and smart contract execution. With its intuitive interface, the Proteus Explorer is an essential component for monitoring the health and activity of the Nautilus ecosystem.

Official Bridge

Nautilus Chain’s Official Bridge is the cornerstone of its cross-chain functionality. It enables the seamless transfer of assets between Nautilus and other blockchain networks. This interoperability is crucial for users who operate across multiple platforms, as it allows for the fluid movement of value and information. The Official Bridge is a testament to Nautilus Chain’s commitment to creating a connected and accessible blockchain environment.

Nautilus Chain’s Unique Selling Points

The Fastest EVM Chain Available

Nautilus Chain is recognized as the fastest EVM Rollup chain, setting a new standard for speed in the blockchain world. It achieves this through its modular design, which allows for parallel transaction processing, significantly increasing throughput and reducing latency. This speed is not just theoretical; it’s a practical advantage that developers and users can experience firsthand, making Nautilus Chain a top choice for those seeking efficiency and performance.

Parallel Transaction Processing Capabilities

One of the standout features of Nautilus Chain is its ability to process transactions in parallel. Unlike traditional EVM chains that process transactions sequentially, Nautilus Chain’s parallel processing means that multiple transactions can be handled at the same time. This results in a dramatic increase in the number of transactions per second (TPS) that the chain can handle, ensuring that Nautilus Chain can accommodate the growing demands of the blockchain community.

Customizability for Developers

Nautilus Chain’s modular architecture not only enhances performance but also provides developers with the flexibility to customize the tech stack to suit their specific needs. This level of customizability is crucial for fostering innovation and allows developers to build dApps that are tailored to their project’s requirements. With Nautilus Chain, developers have the freedom to create without being constrained by the limitations of the underlying blockchain technology.

Getting Started with Nautilus Chain

To interact with the Nautilus Chain, you’ll first need to add the Triton Testnet to your MetaMask wallet. Here’s how:

  1. Open MetaMask and select the ‘Network’ dropdown menu.

  1. Click on ‘Custom RPC’ to add a new network.

  2. Enter the following details:

    • Network Name: Nautilus Triton Testnet

    • New RPC URL: [https://api.evm.zebec.eclipsenetwork.xyz/solana](https://api.evm.zebec.eclipsenetwork.xyz/solana)

    • Chain ID: 91002

    • Currency Symbol: tZBC

    • Block Explorer URL: [https://triton.nautscan.com/](https://triton.nautscan.com/)

Once you’ve entered these details, click ‘Save’, and the Triton Testnet will be added to your MetaMask wallet.

Receiving Nautilus Testnet Tokens

To receive Nautilus testnet tokens, you can use the Nautilus Chain faucet:

  1. Visit the Nautilus Chain faucet at [https://faucet.nautchain.xyz/](https://faucet.nautchain.xyz/`¹)

  2. Enter your Ethereum wallet address associated with the Triton Testnet.

  3. Click on ‘Send 1 tZBC’ to receive the testnet tokens in your wallet.

Source: Nautilus Chain website

These tokens will allow you to test transactions and smart contracts on the Nautilus Chain without using real assets.

Resources for Developers and Users

Nautilus Chain offers a wealth of resources for developers and users looking to explore its capabilities:


The Nautilus Chain represents a significant stride in blockchain innovation, with its potential rooted in its modular design and parallel processing capabilities. As the fastest EVM Rollup chain, it offers unparalleled transaction speeds, making it an attractive platform for developers and users seeking efficiency and scalability. By addressing the limitations of traditional blockchains, such as scalability and high fees, Nautilus Chain sets a new benchmark for what blockchain platforms can achieve. Its integration with technologies like zkRollup and Celestia, along with its modular architecture, ensures that Nautilus Chain will play a pivotal role in driving efficiency, scalability, and user-centric.

Author: Angelnath
Translator: Piper
Reviewer(s): Matheus、Piccolo、Ashley
* The information is not intended to be and does not constitute financial advice or any other recommendation of any sort offered or endorsed by Gate.io.
* This article may not be reproduced, transmitted or copied without referencing Gate.io. Contravention is an infringement of Copyright Act and may be subject to legal action.
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